This is the Message Centre for Uncle Heavy [sic]
Afgncaap5 wants *YOU* to save the Galaxy!
Afgncaap5 Started conversation Mar 29, 2001
Uncle Heavy, we have a situation. Minos Krylma has set up a device capable of blowing up the Galaxy. Go to for more details. Although, someone did tell me that the URL didn't work for them, and others say it does. If it doesn't work for you, the secret meeting's on my page. BTW, I just thought that I'd take the opportunity to tell you that I *do* come to your page once in a while, and have been depressed about the absence of a life. Believe me, a real life is not as much fun as it's cracked up to be. Worthwhile, yes, but can it really compare to sitting around a computer screen all day?;-)
Afgncaap5 wants *YOU* to save the Galaxy!
Uncle Heavy [sic] Posted Mar 31, 2001
somebody cares!
I'll be over presently
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Afgncaap5 wants *YOU* to save the Galaxy!
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