This is the Message Centre for Emily...overly fond of the ellipsis...and top ten lists...submit yours @ A87824361...

Does Bra Size Really matter?

Post 21

Emily...overly fond of the ellipsis...and top ten lists...submit yours @ A87824361...

Silicone breast enhancements are never going to be on my to do list, the idea of something foreign like that is just freaky. I'm fairly average sized anyway so it's not something I think I need...and it's nothing a push up bra can't do anywaysmiley - winkeye

Does Bra Size Really matter?

Post 22

tacsatduck- beware the <sheep> lie

hmmm reminds me of the old wonder bra joke

Do you know why they call it a wonder bra?

because when they take it off you wonder where the brests went smiley - winkeye

smiley - chick
(smiley - cuddlesmiley - bunny)

Does Bra Size Really matter?

Post 23


smiley - cool
i haven't heard that one for a while but it's still very funny

the owl smiley - bat

Does Bra Size Really matter?

Post 24

Emily...overly fond of the ellipsis...and top ten lists...submit yours @ A87824361...

Push up bra's are brilliant!

well mine is anywaysmiley - winkeye

And they don't tend to make them look bigger now, just show then to their full potentialsmiley - winkeye

Does Bra Size Really matter?

Post 25


some of them look ok others make women look tarty by pushing them up too far !!!!!!!!

the owl smiley - bat

Does Bra Size Really matter?

Post 26

Emily...overly fond of the ellipsis...and top ten lists...submit yours @ A87824361...

*looks down top to check*

Does Bra Size Really matter?

Post 27


ohhhhhhhh cheeky smiley - blush

the owl smiley - bat

Does Bra Size Really matter?

Post 28

Emily...overly fond of the ellipsis...and top ten lists...submit yours @ A87824361...

smiley - biggrin

Does Bra Size Really matter?

Post 29

Emily...overly fond of the ellipsis...and top ten lists...submit yours @ A87824361...

I'm not ashamedsmiley - winkeye

It was the first I grabbed this morning of the radiator smiley - laugh

Does Bra Size Really matter?

Post 30


lucky for u there was a bra on it hahahah

only joking

the owl smiley - bat

Does Bra Size Really matter?

Post 31

Emily...overly fond of the ellipsis...and top ten lists...submit yours @ A87824361...

Nah in that event I'd have made a B-line for my chest of draws and actually spent time looking for onesmiley - winkeye

Does Bra Size Really matter?

Post 32


oh tahts allright then smiley - laugh

the owl smiley - bat

Does Bra Size Really matter?

Post 33

Just Another Number

I tried my best to raise the standard of this conversation with my comment about being attracted to a nice smile first, alas to no avail!

Well, if you can't beat 'em, join 'em...

B**bs are great!

smiley - devil

Does Bra Size Really matter?

Post 34

Emily...overly fond of the ellipsis...and top ten lists...submit yours @ A87824361...

Wayhey!smiley - biggrin

Does Bra Size Really matter?

Post 35


i'll have to agree with u on that one wahey

the owlsmiley - bat

Does Bra Size Really matter?

Post 36

Emily...overly fond of the ellipsis...and top ten lists...submit yours @ A87824361...

*giggle* smiley - blush

Does Bra Size Really matter?

Post 37


has something tickled your fancysmiley - tickle

the owl smiley - bat

Does Bra Size Really matter?

Post 38

Emily...overly fond of the ellipsis...and top ten lists...submit yours @ A87824361...


well the fact that I'm having a conversation about breasts and bras with a bunch of guys smiley - laugh

not that I'm not having funsmiley - winkeye

Does Bra Size Really matter?

Post 39

Just Another Number

smiley - yikes

Oh, my God!

You're a girl?!!!

Does Bra Size Really matter?

Post 40

Emily...overly fond of the ellipsis...and top ten lists...submit yours @ A87824361...

*checks down t-shirt again*

I think sosmiley - winkeye

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