...and all that could have been.


Well hello there, young . Bienvenue!

My name is not Cat, but it's close enough.

As a student of Law you will understand that I have zero common sense and the IQ of a donkey, but am good at writing long, rambling essays about mostly insignificant things. Some people were blessed with the ability to play beautiful music, run big businesses, fight crime or change world politics. I was blessed with the ability to criticise these people.

I live in a miniature flat in Glasgow with two other people, as well as a temporary squatter called Mouse and a real mouse called Spidermouse, though we haven't actually seen him in a while. In my spare time I answer the phone for people who want to buy educational childrens' toys, play with said toys, bounce about to music of varying degrees of rubbish and make fun of my boyfriend.

If I were a country, I would be Switzerland. I am also TOTALLY normal.


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