I started life some 20 years ago, and through a few ups and downs, (although I have been lucky with few downs), and fairly unlucky with few ups. Have had many jobs, most of which I was unable to hold down for more than a few months: my current record before this job being 6 lunar cycles. Most hovered around the week -> 2 month mark, which became a great source of amusement to my friends who all seemed to be getting on with their lives, being able to stick at jobs they didn't like. Another of my recently developed skills is moving house; I went through a period of moving, aproximately, 6 times in 1 year, three of those times in four months. The main thrust behind this was moving jobs, but also I had this crazy idea in the back of my mind that it would be good training for when I decide to move abroad and get a job there. I have now settled down a bit, but still plan to move soon - looking at buying my first house where the accumulation of junk, another necessary skill in the 21st century, can really begin in earnest. Until I move. I am looking to gain experience in throwing things away, so to anyone who is either good at that, or wishes to burgle my house, then please get in touch.


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Fat Freddie

Researcher U127609


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