This is the Message Centre for Hati
Howdy how Hati my angel!!!
fatmike Started conversation Sep 4, 2002
Loads of thanx for stopping by at my corner. Sorry I wasn´t home. (Would´ve cleaned up). Everything is a little messy still (these damn boxes everywhere) but I´m settling down and I like it very much so far !!
Actually I just started finding my way around h2g2 today as I spent some time to look around. Thanks for the links (some of the stuff is still new and thus helpful indeed).
Your own space looks good. There´s a certain feel of "living" to it. I mean, it´s like a house where someone is really living and spending some time in. Anyway, I´ll probably have lot´s of questions once all this sinks in. I posted my first replies to conversations today so I guess I´m officially in. I found a musicians guild and immediately signed in. (I play the drums). (could someone invent a drummer-smiley...?)
This is very much like going to a new school or job. You don´t know anyone and everybody else seem to know what´s going on, except you. HELP!!!!!
towels up. don´t panic (I guess)!!
Howdy how Hati my angel!!!
fatmike Posted Sep 4, 2002
Sorry I was caught with another converstion for a while. The guys out there are out to name Thursday Thing. Thought I oughta takepart.
I would love some ...
what have you been up to today?
I had my last day of freedom. Tomorrow it´s back to the university for me...
Lately I´ve had a problem to get my thoughts out the proper way. I read these conversations here and often feel like I could add something, but when I try to, it never comes out right... I´ve been thinking about writing an entry on that. What d´ya think?
Howdy how Hati my angel!!!
Hati Posted Sep 5, 2002
Here's your .
I was caught by some sleep meanwhile.
I have been spending my time mostly w*rking recently. Luckily enough it gives me a lot of spare time for hanging on h2g2.
As about writing an entry about getting your thoughts out in a proper way - that could be very handy. You are not the only one here who has this problem sometimes. You might want to start a conversation about it on the Ask h2g2... One usually gets a very good feedback from there.
Thingites - I am not one of them. I guess I am just too lazy for that.
Exept being Guardian Angel I also am a pirate (actually a gardener on a pirate ship ), Muse, Keeper, salonista (I am not sure about this anymore, I have been doing quite bad there
) and a proud owner of the summerhouse, where we live with Engländer
and where we have a lot of quests. If you want to take look at any of those places I am happy to give you the links. atm I am still too
for that.
He i Hati
fatmike Posted Sep 5, 2002
Wow, you wouldn´t believe how time .
I´m just dropping this short note to say you´re not forgotten...
It´s past midnight in here and I´m off to bed. Thanks for the tip on ask h2g2. I´ll do that soon, that is if I can find the courage...
How do these groups like pirates etc. work? How do you get to be a member and what´s it all about? Let us sit down with some one of these days and you can tell me all about it. OK?
My dear pillow, here I come !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
He i Hati
Hati Posted Sep 6, 2002
I was already wondering... You seem to post mostly on "american time".
These groups are quite different. Pirates are more like role playing. Keepers - well, this is more like a title. Muses have their community and some stuff going on there, musemother Dragonfly is very active lady. GAs are a bit more demanding, our aim is to help people and such. And of course there are lots of communities I've never heard about either.
Here's a morning for you.
I just woke up
fatmike Posted Sep 6, 2002
...walkes in, yawning widely, realizes Hati´s in the room and has made some fresh coffee, smiles and tries to correct his hair......
Thanks for the I´m posting from home and my days seem so busy, I´ve only got time to write later at night. How sick is that?!
Anyway, I you again for the info.
How do you get to be a member? Is it just something that happens after you´ve been hangin´around here long enough and everybody knows you?
We have the mother of all thunderstorms going on in here as we speak. I just heard a lightning hit a tree and the tree falling to the ground. Awesome! I love these things!!!!!!!
I just woke up
Hati Posted Sep 6, 2002
Oh! Then the storm could be here too. I have been waiting for rain for ages already. I mean, I don't mind nice and sunny weather both no rain at all is a bit too boring. In what area do you locate in Finland?
As about becoming a member usually one needs to apply usually. On the pirate ship even this is not needed, just create a cabin for yourself. Though come to think there are folks without any cabin there also. They seems to stay mostly in the bar.
Also you might want to spend holidays at Santra's Great h2g2 Outdoors Resort or at my and E's summerhouse. Just walk there and findyourself something to do or a place where somebody is having conversation.
Being online late - I do it myself quite often too. Then again, sometimes I think I am online about 18 hours per day. It's just sometimes I am too busy.
I just woke up
fatmike Posted Sep 6, 2002
I´m posting from Vantaa, very close to Helsinki-Vantaa airport which is the main airport in the capital area. How far apart are we?!
The rain is dying down now, but for a moment there it really RAINED. The ground is so dry, though, after all the driness lately, that it´ll take a coule of day of constant rain to get anything sucked in.
I actually just visited your summerhouse. Quite a place you´ve put up together. Congrats!!
My latest project here is to try and learn some guideml. I thought I´d change my personal space into guideml as soon as I learn how. Any advise there`I read through the clinic and it seemed somewhat helpful. I really have to do it myself to see....
I just woke up
Hati Posted Sep 6, 2002
Couple hundreds kilometers then.
BTW the nordic reasearchers meet-up will be organized (again). Looks like it's going to take place in Stockholm, in April. Or have I mentioned it already?
Summerhouse - why not post there something? Go to the kitchen and find something to eat or sit on the veranda - sooner or later somebody will be around.
I learned GuideML mostly by testing the pages. Do you know how to test U-pages?
I just woke up
fatmike Posted Sep 6, 2002
yep... I know to test u pages. What I don´t know, though, is why all my nice smileys disappear when I change into guideml. HEEEEEELP!!
Are you too from this wonderful country or what´s going on ??
I promise the first thing I´ll do when I get my pages to work is to visit your cabin. How´s that?!
Can I also edit other parts of my page than just the introduction? I noticed you had quite a lot of stuff in your page. For example can I change the order of the boxes (ie my conversations, my messages etc.) I would like to get the introduction part in the beginning of the page.
I just woke up
Hati Posted Sep 6, 2002
Oh! I am in Estonia.
I thought I said it already somewhere. Erm, I guess it was because I saw in the weather conversation on Ask h2g2.
In GuideML smilies must be written like <SMILEY TYPE="love"/> for .
As about U-page - mine is quite empty compared to what I used to have there. You can't change the whole layout of the page. It seems that you use alabaster, if you prefer to have introduction on top then I suggest to switch on classic goo. It looks better anyway.
the sun comes out
fatmike Posted Sep 6, 2002
And so the sun comes out.....
I´m out of this dark hole of not knowing how the smileys work in guideml.
You may well have said you´re from Estonia, it´s not totally unheard of for me to miss something other people have said.
Anyway. I´m trying to work on my page for a while and try to make it look right. How do I get the text in bold, by the way?
sun ystava, mike
the sun comes out
Hati Posted Sep 6, 2002
I usually don't remember what *I* have said.
Bold text should be placed between and
The same with Italic and
Here's how you can use testing - I use both bold and italic on my page, testing the page shows how they appear in GuideML.
fatmike Posted Sep 6, 2002
there are still a few features I have to work on (actually quite a few) but in general I think I got the idea. THANK YUUUU!!!
I think I´ll try the world outside for a while. visit my page if you have the time. I´ll get back to you later.
I have a gig tonight so I have to start checking my drumset to make sure everything´s OK.
Hati Posted Sep 6, 2002
Your page is great! Makes me feel quilty about mine - I have been thinking about updating it. I need to add some dropdown lists there but first of all I should copy the code from somewhere.
It rained here! Honest! Almost for 3 minutes, but it really looked quite like a rain, even the streets were almost wet.
I don't think I like draught.
teach me oh master
fatmike Posted Sep 6, 2002
Show me how to make links... I read the clinic´s guide, but couldn´t make it work. I´d maybe want to link some entries etc.
What are the dropdownlists? How do they work..?
I´m bored!
I went out but didn´t stay long. The problem with having a day off is that everybody else is not having one and you end up being alone.
I had a strange encounter with someone earlier. Blamed me for being serious. (Can you believe that?)
I guess she got me wrong.
teach me oh master
Hati Posted Sep 6, 2002
Now it's raining cats and dogs...
Links - The Summerhouse of Hati and Engländer
That is how a link to our summerhouse should look like. A797420 is the page and the text there will be seen on the webpage you are creating.
Dropdowns - well, see a sample on E's page U168814 (as I don't have any atm). "Blockheads on their way..."
And the test-page to E's U-page is
Serious people don't stay here on h2g2 , we are all
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Howdy how Hati my angel!!!
- 1: fatmike (Sep 4, 2002)
- 2: Hati (Sep 4, 2002)
- 3: fatmike (Sep 4, 2002)
- 4: Hati (Sep 5, 2002)
- 5: fatmike (Sep 5, 2002)
- 6: Hati (Sep 6, 2002)
- 7: fatmike (Sep 6, 2002)
- 8: Hati (Sep 6, 2002)
- 9: fatmike (Sep 6, 2002)
- 10: Hati (Sep 6, 2002)
- 11: fatmike (Sep 6, 2002)
- 12: Hati (Sep 6, 2002)
- 13: fatmike (Sep 6, 2002)
- 14: Hati (Sep 6, 2002)
- 15: fatmike (Sep 6, 2002)
- 16: Hati (Sep 6, 2002)
- 17: fatmike (Sep 6, 2002)
- 18: Hati (Sep 6, 2002)
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