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For the love of Mike
Ormondroyd Started conversation Jan 30, 2005
Hi kim,
I took a look at your Personal Space before admitting you to P.U.D.D.I.N.G. (just to make sure you weren't a cheerfulist spy ) and I have to say how impressed I am. You seem to be a person with excellent tastes and attitudes - by which, of course, I mean that I agree with you a lot! I love the quotes you've chosen - I hadn't seen the Shaw and Wilde ones before. Anyone who likes Michael Moore and despises George W. Bush as much as you seem to do is more than fine by me. I'm a major MM fan, and I've written four Edited Guide entries about him to prove it, starting here: A1101420.
I have taken the liberty of adding you to my 'friends' list, and please feel free to drop round to my space for a cup of virtual fair trade or
any time you like.
For the love of Mike
kim deal Posted Jan 30, 2005
Well charmed, I'm sure.
I'm new to H2G2 so the space only got finished today - you're my first feedback other than a scout who gave me tips on ml.
I'm glad to be considered a friend - I will add you accordingly.
Please feel free to keep me posted with anything you think I'll be in to.
best regards
kim d
For the love of Mike
kim deal Posted Jan 30, 2005
sorry - I was a bit brief in my first answer as I was tired last night - I've been reading your pieces on M Moore and I'm very impressed. Might I suggest, if you're not already aware of him, that you investigate Greg Palast. His website is linked on my page - his book, 'the best democracy money can buy', is wonderful, albeit awful reading. There's the election theft, of course, which he was instrumental in bringing to the public attention. There's also some killer stuff about G8, the IMF, privatisation of utilities (and why its a bad plan), Enron, and on and on and on...
You'll find yourself - as I'll bet you did with Stupid White Men - feeling the urge to bother people with paragraphs because you'll feel so incredulous that these things could be happening. Not one for a weak political stomach but then if you had one of those, you wouldn't like Moore so much would you?
I've linked my pudding picture to the pudding page - thanks for the coding for the picture.
May I also comend you on having Becker in the list of grumps. I am a huge fan of Becker - well I would be wouldn't I, I'm a miserable sod - he's an icon for us. Unfortunately, because here in the uk, it only shows on paramount, almost nobody knows about it. It's a travasty! Still, it gives me something else to moan about eh?
best regards
kim d
For the love of Mike
Ormondroyd Posted Feb 2, 2005
I'm glad you liked my Mike Moore stuff, and thanks for the tip about Greg Palast. I've seen 'The Best Democracy Money Can Buy' in a lot of bookshops and somehow never got around to having a look through it. I'll try and remedy that soon. Have you read Naomi Klein's 'No Logo'? That's another really disturbing insight into the way the works these days.
Your P.U.D.D.I.N.G. badge looks very fine up there. I like your two new Personal Space sections too - a list of annoying people is right in the P.U.D.D.I.N.G. spirit! I'm half tempted to start my own lyrics section, but I've been a music fan for so long that I'd never stop adding to it. My favourite song title, and my favourite single, of last year was Johnny Boy's 'You Are The Generation That Bought More Shoes And You Get What You Deserve'.
For the love of Mike
kim deal Posted Feb 2, 2005
I don't know that track but I will try and download it tonight because that is the BEST song title I have heard in ages. My current faves are the yeah yeah yeahs - although half man half biccie have been getting a bit of a revieval on my playlists.
The lyrics bit was kept at eight entries because that's how many you get on desert island discs - it was painful to get it down to 8 and I keep umming and ahhing still.....
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For the love of Mike
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