Journal Entries

Infernal Advertising

smiley - bat
There's always been something about Marketing and Advertising which makes me a little suspicious, and I think I've worked out what it might be. It occurs to me that advertising shares a lot with the traditional role of demons in the Monotheist religions (Judaism, Christianity and Islam).

Consider; Adverts are designed to make you want things you didn't want before and robably don't need. Demonic temptation is supposodely based on being offered what you think you want or, better yet, what you don't really want.

Futhermore, adverts seem to be for products and services that, even if I suddenly find myself wanting them, I certainly don't need. Very infernal trick this; giving you what you think you want rather than what you actually need.

The result is the same in both cases; you find yourself desperately wanting the demonic gifts (read products.) They bring you little or nosatisfation when yo get them, so you find yourself watning more.

In the words of Bill Hicks, "You're Satan's Little Helpers and you have no rational explanation for what you do..."

By the way - all of the above is meant in fun as I drink my coffee before work. I don't believe in demons and my comparison is between the effect of advertising upon a certain type of person and the traditional idea of demons. (Wonder if that'll get me out of trouble?) smiley - smiley

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Latest reply: May 14, 2001

Infernal Advertising

smiley - bat
There's always been something about Marketing and Advertising which makes me a little suspicious, and I think I've worked out what it might be. It occurs to me that advertising shares a lot with the traditional role of demons in the Monotheist religions (Judaism, Christianity and Islam).

Consider; Adverts are designed to make you want things you didn't want before and robably don't need. Demonic temptation is supposodely based on being offered what you think you want or, better yet, what you don't really want.

Futhermore, adverts seem to be for products and services that, even if I suddenly find myself wanting them, I certainly don't need. Very infernal trick this; giving you what you think you want rather than what you actually need.

The result is the same in both cases; you find yourself desperately wanting the demonic gifts (read products.) They bring you little or nosatisfation when yo get them, so you find yourself watning more.

In the words of Bill Hicks, "You're Satan's Little Helpers and you have no rational explanation for what you do..."

By the way - all of the above is meant in fun as I drink my coffee before work. I don't believe in demons and my comparison is between the effect of advertising upon a certain type of person and the traditional idea of demons. (Wonder if that'll get me out of trouble?) smiley - smiley

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Latest reply: May 14, 2001

Infernal Advertising

smiley - bat
There's always been something about Marketing and Advertising which makes me a little suspicious, and I think I've worked out what it might be. It occurs to me that advertising shares a lot with the traditional role of demons in the Monotheist religions (Judaism, Christianity and Islam).

Consider; Adverts are designed to make you want things you didn't want before and robably don't need. Demonic temptation is supposodely based on being offered what you think you want or, better yet, what you don't really want.

Futhermore, adverts seem to be for products and services that, even if I suddenly find myself wanting them, I certainly don't need. Very infernal trick this; giving you what you think you want rather than what you actually need.

The result is the same in both cases; you find yourself desperately wanting the demonic gifts (read products.) They bring you little or nosatisfation when yo get them, so you find yourself watning more.

In the words of Bill Hicks, "You're Satan's Little Helpers and you have no rational explanation for what you do..."

By the way - all of the above is meant in fun as I drink my coffee before work. I don't believe in demons and my comparison is between the effect of advertising upon a certain type of person and the traditional idea of demons. (Wonder if that'll get me out of trouble?) smiley - smiley

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Latest reply: May 14, 2001

Infernal Advertising

smiley - bat
There's always been something about Marketing and Advertising which makes me a little suspicious, and I think I've worked out what it might be. It occurs to me that advertising shares a lot with the traditional role of demons in the Monotheist religions (Judaism, Christianity and Islam).

Consider; Adverts are designed to make you want things you didn't want before and robably don't need. Demonic temptation is supposodely based on being offered what you think you want or, better yet, what you don't really want.

Futhermore, adverts seem to be for products and services that, even if I suddenly find myself wanting them, I certainly don't need. Very infernal trick this; giving you what you think you want rather than what you actually need.

The result is the same in both cases; you find yourself desperately wanting the demonic gifts (read products.) They bring you little or nosatisfation when yo get them, so you find yourself watning more.

In the words of Bill Hicks, "You're Satan's Little Helpers and you have no rational explanation for what you do..."

By the way - all of the above is meant in fun as I drink my coffee before work. I don't believe in demons and my comparison is between the effect of advertising upon a certain type of person and the traditional idea of demons. (Wonder if that'll get me out of trouble?) smiley - smiley

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Latest reply: May 14, 2001

Infernal Advertising

There's always been something about Marketing and Advertising which makes me a little suspicious, and I think I've worked out what it might be. It occurs to me that advertising shares a lot with the traditional role of demons in the Monotheist religions (Judaism, Christianity and Islam).

Consider; Adverts are designed to make you want things you didn't want before and robably don't need. Demonic temptation is supposodely based on being offered what you think you want or, better yet, what you don't really want.

Futhermore, adverts seem to be for products and services that, even if I suddenly find myself wanting them, I certainly don't need. Very infernal trick this; giving you what you think you want rather than what you actually need.

The result is the same in both cases; you find yourself desperately wanting the demonic gifts (read products.) They bring you little or nosatisfation when yo get them, so you find yourself watning more.

In the words of Bill Hicks, "You're Satan's Little Helpers and you have no rational explanation for what you do..."
smiley - bat
By the way - all of the above is meant in fun as I drink my coffee before work. I don't believe in demons and my comparison is between the effect of advertising upon a certain type of person and the traditional idea of demons. (Wonder if that'll get me out of trouble?) smiley - smiley

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Latest reply: May 14, 2001

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