This is the Message Centre for what you know as km

It's official!

Post 21

Classic Krissy


*whoops it up and lights up the night*

It's official!

Post 22


*shrugs blithely, then toasts marshmallows*

It's official!

Post 23

Cheezdanish, Slacker Princess

Mmmm, toasty...

It's official!

Post 24

Classic Krissy

*tries to make s'mores and melts the chocolate*

Awwwwww...smiley - sadface

It's official!

Post 25


Mmmmmm. Hot chocolate.

~I believe in miracles
~Where ya from? You sexy thang
~(you sexy thang you)

It's official!

Post 26

Classic Krissy

*shakes her burnin' bootay all OVER the floor*

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