This is the Message Centre for what you know as km

It's official!

Post 1


bubsduck is lurking in your space

It's official!

Post 2

what you know as km

Kristina: Someone left me a message.
Kristina's roommate: Awww.
Kristina: It's bubster! He's lurking in my space!
Kristina's roommate: ...

But you know what? I LOVE it when bubster lurks in my space.

And you know what else?

The concept of 'bubster lurking in my space' is getting to sound more and more suggestive each time I say it.

It's official!

Post 3


*continues to lurk, happily, and without a hint of lasciviousness*

*lurk lurk lurk*

It's official!

Post 4

what you know as km



It's official!

Post 5


*smiles a broad bubster smile and hums*

How goes it, young Skywalker?

It's official!

Post 6


*walks in see's what's going on* Oi bubster you flirting with my girl... No no still can't do it, not when it's bubster *hugs KM* smiley - smiley

It's official!

Post 7


Look! Ant's jealous!!

*flirts with Ant too*

It's official!

Post 8


way hey!!! smiley - smiley

It's official!

Post 9



It's official!

Post 10

what you know as km


Nope... no, still can't do it, not with a straight face. Oi! Oi!

Vey! Ismeir!



It's official!

Post 11


Basically, I can't do ANYthing with a straight face... *sigh* *oh, and giggle*

It's official!

Post 12

Classic Krissy

*lurks in as well*

*decides to let people know*

Oi! I'm lurkin'.

It's official!

Post 13


nothin' like a good direct lurk, I always say

It's official!

Post 14

Classic Krissy

Here's a question.

Does it count as lurking if you tell people? Or am I just here now?

It's official!

Post 15


Well you can probably lurk right up until the moment you tell them smiley - winkeye

It's official!

Post 16

Classic Krissy

Okay. I do feel better knowing that I got maximum lurkage.

It's official!

Post 17


Plus if they're suddenly distracted, or if they turn around for a second or... or, like, blink, then you're in instant mini-lurk mode.

I get most of my lurking done when people forget I'm there. Happens all the time. *lurk*

It's official!

Post 18

Cheezdanish, Slacker Princess

See, now that's lurking. If Springsteen had done a cover of "Born to Lurk," he'd be on the album cover. smiley - winkeye

It's official!

Post 19

Classic Krissy

Speaking of...

I have a freight train running through the middle of my head.

I just thought you should know.


It's official!

Post 20


*serves up fire-retarding ice-cream*
*volleys it*
*dances in the dark*

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