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So, how did the sleep thing go?

Post 1

Classic Krissy

Did you get some of it?

And why can't I make Bundle work? When I click on Spanky and I click the top button for Windows Downloads, it just opens a new Zoom page and kicks me back to the front page? Am I missing something?

So, how did the sleep thing go?

Post 2


It does that to me too, you can right click on the button and get the properties for it, then copy and paste that URL into the browser window, but I don't think that's quite what Kristina intended smiley - winkeye

So, how did the sleep thing go?

Post 3

what you know as km

Sucks. That's the fun thing about Fusion... it will design fantastic-looking sites with minimal work on my part, but first it seems to figure out what version browser I'm using so that it can make it work for that... and ONLY that... so it can be sure that it won't work really, but I can't find that out till someone tells me. Very sinister program.

A more sophisticated web-person will of course try his pages in every browser available to him, but that, you see, is work.

'S why I put up that page that gives you an option between the cute little TV interface and the boring old green-eye one. So if the cute one fails to function, anyone can at least go back to the one that actually works. smiley - winkeye

This is not the most professional way of troubleshooting a problem. It's just the laziest.

So, how did the sleep thing go?

Post 4


There's an option to do that? I've never noticed that one... *goes off to look*

So, how did the sleep thing go?

Post 5

what you know as km

Should be the first page you hit at [Broken link removed by Moderator]

So, how did the sleep thing go?

Post 6


Ahh I hadn't looked at it recently enough smiley - winkeye

So, how did the sleep thing go?

Post 7

Classic Krissy

Ah HAH! Well, smiley - smiley As long as I can look at 'em then life is great. smiley - smiley

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