This is the Message Centre for what you know as km

What's this about sunglasses?

Post 1


You didn't take his cool orange ones, did you? 'Cause those are Ant's special rock star glasses and they make you feel like you should be asking for his autograph when he puts 'em on.

What's this about sunglasses?

Post 2

Classic Krissy

But the coolest thing about a rock star is being a rock star's girlfriend and having the god-blessed right to yoink his glasses. I bet now KM looks famous and starry.

What's this about sunglasses?

Post 3


She'd need ones with rhinestones, though, to look like the rock star's proper girlfriend. smiley - smiley

What's this about sunglasses?

Post 4

Classic Krissy

Well, no, not if she also has his jacket or his jumper. Then she just looks like the laid back girl that snaggs his stuff when she feels like it and he can't do anything about it. Rhinestones are for dressin' up, clothing theft is for hangin' out. *looks at all the Andy stuff already in her closet*


What's this about sunglasses?

Post 5

what you know as km

*quickly puts sunglasses on*

Yeah, 's the ones. It's not the first time he's forgotten them. He's going to miss them this week... and also his White Album CD. He forgot that too. It's on my desk with his sunglasses. Er, without his sunglasses, as they are presently on me.

*takes off sunglasses because they aren't really the thing for typing in and they look better on Ant anyway*

Maybe I should start ransoming his stuff. smiley - winkeye

Or auctioning... hmmmm...

Nah. *keeps it*

What's this about sunglasses?

Post 6


Did anyone get a picture of him wearing them? He is SO rock star in 'em. smiley - smiley

What's this about sunglasses?

Post 7


Not as I recal smiley - bigeyes

What's this about sunglasses?

Post 8


Bummer. KM, your duty is clear. smiley - winkeye

What's this about sunglasses?

Post 9

what you know as km

Aye aye!

What's this about sunglasses?

Post 10


*feels secure that KM will carry out her charged duty*

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