This is the Message Centre for what you know as km

All the waiters in your Grand Cafe leave their tables when you blink

Post 1

Classic Krissy

Well well well well.

If you haven't just been racing around to everybody's page then I'll be a monkey's uncle and I am no relation to Stuffy.

Where are you NOW? Because I'm bored NOW! That is the question I have for you. smiley - smiley

All the waiters in your Grand Cafe leave their tables when you blink

Post 2

what you know as km

Eleven minus seven is... four.

Krissy, I was pacing around the chorus room waiting for the other group to finish rehearsing. I'm sorry.

Not as sorry as I was seven hours ago, but still rather remorseful. smiley - winkeye

All the waiters in your Grand Cafe leave their tables when you blink

Post 3

Classic Krissy

Well, as long as you know what you've done to me. smiley - winkeye

You know what I have never played? I have never played scrabble. It's a travesty. A complete and utter travesty and a situation that I am going to have to go enthusiastically about rectifying.

All the waiters in your Grand Cafe leave their tables when you blink

Post 4

what you know as km

*stares with very genuine and sincere shock, horror and bemusement*

(which is a very strange thing to do to a computer screen, so I think I shall stop now)

You HAVEN'T?!?

All the waiters in your Grand Cafe leave their tables when you blink

Post 5

Classic Krissy

I haven't.

Even the very thought of what I've missed out on all these years makes me weep.


All the waiters in your Grand Cafe leave their tables when you blink

Post 6

what you know as km

But.... how...?

All the waiters in your Grand Cafe leave their tables when you blink

Post 7

Classic Krissy

*gets hoity toity*

I put it down to bad parenting.

All the waiters in your Grand Cafe leave their tables when you blink

Post 8

what you know as km

*continues in her bafflation*

All the waiters in your Grand Cafe leave their tables when you blink

Post 9

Classic Krissy can...but maybe you could say something too. It's hard to respond well to your bafflement.

All the waiters in your Grand Cafe leave their tables when you blink

Post 10

what you know as km

*nods baffledly and tries to think of a thing to say*


I SOOOO see you.

All the waiters in your Grand Cafe leave their tables when you blink

Post 11

Classic Krissy

You so do do you? Then I'll just have to drop by! smiley - smiley

All the waiters in your Grand Cafe leave their tables when you blink

Post 12

what you know as km

You so do do you!

You so do do you...

Sorry, just enjoying the sentence.

You so do do you!!

All the waiters in your Grand Cafe leave their tables when you blink

Post 13

Classic Krissy

YOU SO DOODOO YOU!! ha ha...

I'm talking to you elswhere now....smiley - smiley

HAH! Betcha didn't think I knew!

All the waiters in your Grand Cafe leave their tables when you blink

Post 14

what you know as km

*looks* No you aren't. You're not even online. smiley - winkeye

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