Journal Entries

International situation

OK - so the stock market appears to be in recession, as should have been obvious within minutes of the towers collapsing...

The USA has been typically bullish and has commited itself to a war against people who it it almost impossible to have a war with...

And they're threatening military action on Afghanistan, a country which already has enough problems...

Let's just hope the "world policeman" is sure of what it's doing.

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Latest reply: Sep 21, 2001

School and the USA

Ok, so I got A*s in the two GCSEs... but I've got so much work to do at the moment that I'm going to give up AS French (even though I've only done two weeks of it).

The international political situation is terrifying. On one hand we have NATO (well, maybe not quite yet, but the USA and UK at least)declaring war on an enemy they can't find, on the other we have the American stock market (apparently) going into recession, and pretty much the whole world going into paranoia-level security. Not a pleasant thought.

And ok, maybe a lot of the evidence seems to point to Bin Ladin, and even though it's by no means proven beyond reasonable doubt, there is already huge pressure on the USA government to "eliminate" him.

I hope that if the US are forced to "hit" anyone, they hit the right people, and that there is no "collateral damage". How I hate that term.

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Latest reply: Sep 17, 2001

h2g2... and things...

Well... h2g2s been sold to the BBC... and as a form of protest to the moderation I have resigned from the Scouts and the ACEs.

Strange that two articles of mine that have been sitting in peer review for ages got picked this week... obviously they're getting desperate...

GCSEs are going good. I got an A in my French mock and an A* in my Maths smiley - biggrin

And so is the website (Game Mapping UK). Having learnt PHP & SQL, I'm designing a database-driven system... it's nice. smiley - smiley

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Latest reply: Apr 4, 2001

A very busy time...

I've been rather busy recently...

- I've updated my website... it's going to be moved to
- I've taken over the h2g2 Realisation Project

and I've got loads of coursework besides... ah well, stuff happens...

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Latest reply: Dec 7, 2000

New Laptop!

I'm getting a new laptop this week! Whee!

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Latest reply: Nov 6, 2000

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Peter aka Krans

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