Journal Entries

London & Middlesex Rifle Association Match

What can I say? We won. That was my first match in the first Eight, and I thought I did pretty badly: 31 at 200m, 25 smiley - yikes at 300m... oh well, we've got another match next week.

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Latest reply: May 6, 2002

Gliding & Shooting

Over Easter - yes, I know that was a while ago - I went on a Air Cadet Gliding Scholarship course at Upavon (on Salisbury Plain).

The accomodation was awful - it was a portacabin - and the food was nearly as bad - all greasy - but the flying was great fun, on the days when the weather wasn't too awful.

So, I'm now able to fly a Viking glider. I can launch, handle a launch failure, fly a circuit, and land properly. Shame I didn't manage to go solo, really. smiley - sadface

Anyway, I've been awarded my Blue Wings.

The shooting seasons started, and our first competition is tomorrow. I didn't manage to make the First Eight this time, but next time... you never know. smiley - biggrin

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Latest reply: Apr 26, 2002

Mock results... and coursework...

So, my mock results are back, and they're not as good as I hoped:

Physics A* smiley - smiley
Chemistry A* smiley - biggrin
History A* smiley - ok
Latin A* smiley - magic
German A
Music A
English Lit. A
English Lang. B smiley - sadface

Anyway, now I'm frantically trying to finish my music coursework... and it's a pain, but not as bad as the English. I mean, who cares about the clergy in the General Prologue to the Canterbury Tales?

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Latest reply: Mar 5, 2002

Mock results... and coursework...

So, my mock results are back, and they're not as good as I hoped:

Physics A* smiley - smiley
Chemistry A* smiley - biggrin
History A* smiley - ok
Latin A*
German A
Music A
English Lit. A
English Lang. B smiley - sadface

Anyway, now I'm frantically trying to finish my music coursework... and it's a pain, but not as bad as the English. I mean, who cares about the clergy in the General Prologue to the Canterbury Tales?

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Latest reply: Mar 5, 2002

Ah yes, study leave...

Although the exams are inconvenient, they're worth it for the study leave... smiley - biggrin

It means I have enough time to check h2g2 at least five times a day, and finally actually take part in conversations and things... it's much better. smiley - smiley

Latin Language was /easy/... smiley - smiley

...but I have 4 (four, vier, quatre, &c) exams tomorrow and that's NOT going to be fun... smiley - sadface

Oh dear, I'm getting depressed again. Better browse h2g2 some more. smiley - ok

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Latest reply: Feb 7, 2002

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Peter aka Krans

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