This is the Message Centre for Darth Noire

Who do you support?

Post 1

The Masque of the Red..., Emperor of Planet X

Darth Noire, I have a question for you. Do you already support a candidate in the virtual president's race? Or are you undecided? The reason I ask is that I've managed to get into the race *after* the deadline, as an official candidate for Dictator. If you aren't already on someone else's campaign staff, I'd sure love to have you on mine. If you want details, you can always go to my campaign HQ at

You're the first person I've contacted personally about this (my running mate actually came to me). So don't think I'm spamming you or anything. I can assure you that this message is as personal as I'm capable of getting.


Who do you support?

Post 2

Darth Noire

No, I'm not supporting anyone. Yet... Personally, I've found this whole presidential race somewhat ridiculous with all those candidates and their desperate attempts to draw attention. Not meaning to say that's what you do - first I was surprised to see you entering the race but now I see you've planned it well. Among all those others you're by far the best choice for president - or dictator, should I say. Anyway, I still had planned to stay neutral in the elections, partly because I found that title "dictator" a bit disturbing - I don't want anyone bossing me around even if it's you. But, since you've personally come to ask me to join your campaign staff... I don't think I could refuse. So what's the plan?

The plan...

Post 3

The Masque of the Red..., Emperor of Planet X

My running mate and I are plotting in this forum . We are understaffed, as our campaign started late. Dreadfully understaffed. I scored a small victory in getting Menza, the proprietor of the Forum & Firkin, to allow us to set up a campaign Wine Giveaway thread on the F&F page. We can't advertise it in other F&F threads, because he doesn't want to be unfair to other candidates, but I've just put the ad up on my campaign HQ. The thread is at So far, the staff being just Red Fish and myself, our campaign efforts have been minimal, but the election popularity poll shows us at #5 out of 12 candidates. Only two of those votes are mine, and only one is Red Fish. So we're not doing to badly for a late entry. We'll have to try harder if we are to achieve victory, however. I'll see you in the War Room.

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