My name is Keith Shelton. In May 1968 I experienced a ‘Road to Damascus’ Revelation of God. At the time I disbelieved in Jesus Christ and was His enemy for I served The Great White Brotherhood. The following ‘Phantoms of Reality’ is my Testimony about what I experienced, recorded as it happened. I testify so that others might realise that only by accepting Jesus Christ as our only Saviour can our eternal soul be saved from Hell. ‘Only Saviour’ means that Jesus was Almighty God incarnated upon earth. Thus all of new or old religions that deny this fact are not Christian and are not saved.

I have recently recorded on DVD - MY STORY or PHANTOMS OF REALITY which is a ’fireside chat’ in which I tell what actually happened when I became involved in an occult spiritual healing movement and how Jesus came to rescue me and I was born again.

I hope this DVD will be of help in explaining to others the dangers of leaving God and explains how the spirit forces influencing mankind operate.

If any Church, College,or Secular Discussion Group, would like a free copy of the DVD please email me at:

[email protected]




I have always wanted to know the truth about life. Even before starting school I wanted to know if God was real. Sometimes, seated on the doorstep of my parent's house in York I would stare up at the stars and wonder if they were all a part of some gigantic animal that was called God.

As a child I was taken to the morning and afternoon Methodist Sunday school and sometimes into the Church of England Parish Church services as well. However, I became aware on the Sundays when my Aunt or Maternal Grandmother visited that they and my Mother would disappear and upon their return would indulge in excited whispering which stopped each time I drew near.

This aroused my curiosity and eventually I discovered that they were attending the Spiritualist Church and receiving messages from dead relatives and friends. I was intrigued and wished to know if we survived death and if spirits existed. By 12 years of age I was practising automatic writing to contact spirits by holding a pen over a piece of paper with a blank mind. As the pen wrote, usually all over the place, all that resulted was Christian teachings. As I had been baptised into the Church of England, I now realise that as a child I was being protected. But then, I discarded these writings, as I wanted to contact spirits.

My maternal grandmother was a medium but had given it up after a seance when she fell into a trance from which she could not be revived and had been carried home to bed. When I was 19 years old, I persuaded her to show me the mechanical form of mediumship called table tilting. Two or more sit around a light table and lightly place their hands palm down upon it. The medium calls upon the spirits and after a while the table starts to vibrate and tilt. One end lifts off the floor and bangs down again without any apparent help from the sitters. In answer to questions, it tilts once for 'yes' and twice for 'no'. When spelling out a message the letter 'A' is one tilt, 'B' is two tilts, 'C' three tilts and so on through the alphabet.

I quickly found that I had the gift for this laborious means of communication and also for the planchette, which is a heart shaped piece of wood on rollers with a pencil, fastened through it. When placed over a piece of paper it and the fingers of the sitters are lightly placed upon it, it writes messages. Sometimes these are quite startling and lead one to suppose that it really is a dead relative or friend communicating. It was never possible to prove anything that was said so I stopped and tried to become a mind medium.

Mind spirit mediums have two main abilities Clairvoyance (which is mentally seeing spirits) and Clairaudience (mentally hearing spirits). Sometimes these two gifts are combined. A further category, which is very rare, is that of Transfiguration mediums, whereby the spirit controls the medium's body and can mould its shape into different spirits.

Those with these psychic gifts usually train their faculties in co-operation with others in Developing Circles. In these, sitters with varying degrees of psychic gifts sit in complete darkness often holding hands in a circle and the circle leader of the group calls upon the spirits to make themselves known. Members of the circle speak to the others giving messages from what they think is deceased relatives and friends. If someone goes into a trance to give a spirit message, this is looked upon with approval as a sign of that person's development as they are more in tune with the spirits and thus more likely to give good messages 'from the other side of life' as they describe it.

Spiritualists are trying to prove that there is life after death and look upon death as moving to an advanced form of life. This is why they think that the spirits have more knowledge than we do and therefore can give them advice on how to live better lives.

Many spirits warn of things going to happen and this form of fortune telling by spirit mediums was illegal until about 50 years ago. Spirit Churches have existed legally since at least the early part of this Century and often profess to be of 'Christian' denomination and my maternal grandmother had some, if not all, of her children baptised into the Spiritualist Church and my mother and her sisters used to attend the Lyceum which their Church Sunday School was called.

With this type of dual background I thought that the contacting of spirits was a worthy thing to do as comfort was brought to the bereaved relatives by proving that life continued after death.

When my employers started sending me all over the country on relief I attended many Spiritualist Churches to obtain spirit messages. After several house moves and many failures trying to join a Development Circle I was finally successful at the local Spiritualist Church.

The services on Sundays were light and airy and Jesus was spoken of and hymns were sung. But on the Monday nights in complete darkness, spirits were invoked.

After a month I left. I could not believe that the man and woman, smelling of drink, who ran the seances, could possibly be servants of God. The spooky, cold, clammy conditions in total darkness reinforced my view.


Although I had decided to give up Spiritualism, I kept meeting by chance, one of the sitters at the seances. He was a large, homely, florid faced man called Percy, who was always; smiling and who seemed to exude goodness. He always tried to persuade me to go to another meeting which he told me, 'had nothing to do with spirits.' It was on a 'much higher level' held in the light, and this group just helped humanity by healing spiritually.

I always refused, as I was not interested in healing. However, I did go with him to several other public meetings, where mediums gave demonstrations of their psychic powers to large audiences. Percy would take along the 'Births, Deaths and In Memorial Columns' cut out of the local papers and take a keen delight in pointing out to me, during the meeting, how what the medium was saying to the recipient, was taken from the columns. By doing so he was rebutting the powers of these mediums and encouraging me to think that he was an anti-spiritist.

My investigations into Spiritualism had led me to think that the phenomenon produced by mediums had alternative explanations to the ones they gave themselves. There was only one exception, when by myself, I had on two occasions, attended seances given by a Transfiguration Medium. These I found very impressive, as the second time, I was sitting just three or four feet away from him. He was dressed in black trousers and rolled neck jumper, with just a red light shining on him. When the lights were turned out, only the face and hands were seen which appeared to be suspended in mid air to those seated further back.

First the Chinese Guide would 'come through'. He took over the medium's body. First the face would start to lengthen; the hair receded, darkened, and was pulled tightly back into a pigtail. The eyes would slant and a long drooping moustache would grow as the Guide entered the medium. Then the eyes would open and the Guide would introduce a dead relative for the person in a particular seat. The Chinese face would dissolve and the new spirit's face would slowly materialise in its place and proceed to identify itself and give a message. This caused great excitement in its earthly relative.

After each spirit had given the message, it went and was replaced by the Guide who introduced a new spirit. The medium's face changed from old and young men and women, into newborn babies who had died at birth, and children of all ages.

The first time I saw this I was intrigued as to how it was done. The second time, I was so close I could see that the front of the medium's face misted over and slowly dissolved. Into the mist a new face started to appear. It would grow a beard, change shape, and go from young to old. Then the whole process was repeated as one spirit left and another took over. It was as if the front of the physical face was disengaged from the head and dematerialised into a mist. This was then used to mould all of the spirit faces, into all of the different shapes and sizes. I did not think then that there was any trickery involved and subsequent events were to show that it was unlikely, for, some 3 years later, the person that I was speaking to, was transfigured in bright artificial light and no one else was present.

Percy whom I still met occasionally admitted that he was still going to the Spiritualist Church Developing Circle, as well as his 'other Healing meeting' and it was to him that I turned when my father was dying and who in his whole life, would never have anything to do with spiritualism, or, anything of a psychic nature. In spite of what I knew about him, I believed Percy when he affirmed that the Healers were not Spiritualists. He said, 'We are way above that kind of thing. We just use God's Healing Power to help humanity.' So, accepting his assurances, I sought his help for my father.

In the early 1960's lung removal for cancer was still in its infancy. My fathers had been removed to try and save his life. The surgeon shook his head as we looked at him propped up in bed. His life was ebbing away and for the first time I realised the frailty of life. Could anything at all be done I wondered? Medical science had done its best to no avail, perhaps Percy could help. On impulse I turned towards his house.
Inviting me into his lounge, and after explaining my reasons for calling on him, he said, ‘I can help your father by absent healing, but first, I will clear your aura of the distress that I can see.’ Seating me on a stool the centre of his small, but comfortable room he stood behind me. ‘I am just going to comb your aura, I shall not touch you' he said. The moment I sensed his hands over my head I felt the most enormous heat pouring down from his hands into the top of my head and down through my whole body. In my minds eye I could see my father propped up in his hospital bed surrounded by tubes and cables and I knew that I was being used as a transmitter to send the healing power to him.

It was as if I had entered into a different state of existence as everything was very peaceful and bright and it wasn't until I heard Percy speaking to me that I realised that I could not move and for the first time in my life, I was entranced by the power. I had not been touched and no words had been spoken but this strange power was hypnotic in its influence. After about 10 minutes, the power relaxed and I was able to speak and give my thanks for the help.

When your father comes home bring him for healing to the Lodge." said Percy, "It will help to keep him well." On arriving home I phoned the hospital and was told that my father had some colour in his cheeks and perhaps there was a change for the better.

'Thank you, God,' I thought, not realising that I had been brought under the influence of the very powerful band of spirits known as The Great White Brotherhood.

A few nights later when my father was able to speak, he told how a very strange thing had happened to him after I had left the first night. He had found himself in a River of Golden Light struggling against the powerful flow, trying to reach a Golden Bridge that crossed the river. He knew that if only he could pass beneath it, he would be dead and his pain and suffering would cease!

Suddenly, the current increased drawing him back from the bridge. He struggled, but the power was too great and gradually carried him back until the bridge receded in the distance. For the first time in three days he fell asleep and started to recover from the operation. 'This all happened as the night nurses came on duty,' he murmured, drifting back to sleep. Leaving the ward I asked the sister what time the night shift started. "At nine o clock." she replied. On the night I had sat on Percy's stool to receive the healing rays I glanced at my watch, which read 9 p.m. My father had had his near death experience at the precise moment that the healing rays were passing through me to him. 'A miracle,' I thought. Then, three months later cancers were growing in his remaining lung and the hospital could do nothing more. After I had told him how I had obtained healing for him after the operation and how it fitted in with his own experience he agreed to seek healing from Percy's group.

The local Lodge comprised just two rooms, one a sanctuary where the 'service' and healing took place. The other one was a lounge, where members gathered beforehand and afterwards had a cup of tea whilst they discussed their experiences.

Leaflets explained that they were a Christian Charity whose work involved the healing of mankind by spiritual means. It was stressed that this was a very, very, special kind of work for which very few were suited, but members of the public were welcome as they dispensed their healing gifts quite freely and without charge.

There was no collection organised after the service, which was a meditation. The Leader, (now called a 'Minister'), stood behind a Lectern with an Altar Table on his left. There was no singing or Bible readings only meditations based on teachings from 'The World of Light'. The Lodge Spiritual Inspirer had dictated these to the Founder of the movement. Later we learned that the 'Spiritual Inspirer' was a 'Red Indian famous for his wisdom and gentleness!' He had, we were informed, been incarnated upon earth many times in his loving quest to help humanity.

Surely, I thought, this is spiritualism after all, in spite of what Percy had said? However, the calm and peace, the healing lovingly given, together with my desire for my father to recover, calmed my fears and made me forget that my primary purpose for being there was to find out if God was real or imaginary.
After the meditations, those requiring healing were placed in the centre of a circle and treated individually by the healers. First the aura was combed without physically touching the patient. Then, usually without touching, the Healing Ray was poured down through the centre of the head and sometimes through the chakras. We were told that these are the 'windows of the soul at various points on the head and spine.'
The aura is thought to be an extension of the soul that protrudes beyond the physical body. Thus spiritual healers are seeking direct access to the patient's immortal soul with a view to influencing it permanently - for eternity. I knew that they had a power ray as I could feel it, but was it of God? It certainly seemed to be, within the quiet peace of the sanctuary.

The kindliness and concern of the Healers was there for all to see. Yet, Jesus was never mentioned, except as a passing reference that he was 'one of us'.

My mind was still questioning what I was told, but once again my father had been healed. The Hospital Doctors were amazed at the way his cancers were shrinking and this second 'miracle' persuaded me to continue with them. The Lodges have within them a power that can be felt, but not by everyone. I persuaded my wife to visit them with me but she was completely unaffected and did not think that they were Christian, as publicly they purported to be.

Only when one is completely under the power of their mind control, achieved by meditations with the Enlightened Ones in the Beyond, is one told quite plainly that within the Lodge, there is only One Teacher - the Leader of the Spirit Band. The Founder’s spirit guide is the earthly Messenger of the Brotherhood and 'If one cannot accept this, it would be better to seek guidance elsewhere.' This is said very gently with kindly understanding to seekers after Truth. Some leave, but most are by that stage too confused to back away, as the spiritual discipline imposed, leads one to imagine that one is serving God.

The use of imagination is encouraged as a means of communicating with what they call their Evolved Spirits and it is easy so see how impressionable souls can be led into living in a permanent dream world where they lose touch with reality. So how did this Lodge come into existence?


The Founder, had been a nationally known Spiritualist Medium who visited various Churches and Halls giving demonstrations of the powers. One day in the early 1930's she was surprised to receive a visit from a Frenchman who told her that he had been advised to contact her by a group of evolved Spirits known as The Great White Brotherhood. He was the Leader of this Polaire Brotherhood in Paris.

She had never heard of this Brotherhood and was amazed when the Frenchman explained that there was to be another world war and his Parisian Group would be destroyed. He continued to explain that the 'Wise Ones' in the beyond controlled the affairs of mankind by acting as a kind of Spiritual Buffer holding apart the forces of good and evil so that peace could prevail until God returned to the world. To enable this supremely important work to be done, great secrecy had to be imposed upon the earthly disciples.
Perhaps if she had remembered that we live in Satan's Kingdom, not God's, she might have realised that only Satan could have a vested interest in stopping the forces of good overcoming the forces of evil. Whether she did or not, she fell for the philosophical idea, particularly when she was told that because of her psychic gifts, the Spirit Brotherhood had chosen her to become the new leader of the Brotherhood when the French Group was destroyed.

After much soul searching she went to Paris for initiation into The Polaire Brotherhood in Paris. Her spirit guide then revealed that he too was a White Brother who had guided and guarded her from childhood in order that she might fulfil her destiny as she had lived many times upon earth. Sometime later she received a photograph of two statues in the Egyptian pyramids which seemed to confirm the information she had been given about her past incarnations. They bore a remarkable resemblance to herself and her husband.
We were told that the Parisian Group had come into being, because one of their members, when a young man, was camping in the mountains when he met a very old hermit whom he befriended. The hermit told of Wise Ones in the beyond who controlled the destiny of mankind. On the day they said goodbye he handed over a small package and advised the young man to protect it very carefully until, at some point in the future, danger threatened. Immediate help would be available if the instructions that the package contained were obeyed.

The young man put the package away. Some years later, we were told, he opened the package when in great danger, and found that the instructions required him to meditate and to ask questions by means of a complicated numerical system. The answers came back in thought which were in code, but, the cipher was also in the package and the answers were given that solved his problems. With a friend he started to communicate regularly and so began the resurrection upon earth of the Movement, which they claim has previously been known as Cathars, Gnostics, Albigenses, Essenes (of Dead Sea scroll fame), Knights Templar etc. They claim as incarnated Brothers those who have always been men of great capacity such as, Jesus, St. John, Shakespeare, Francis Bacon, Arthur Conan Doyle etc.

My natural inquisitiveness led me to want to know more about this spirit band of the Ancient Ones. They were obviously quite unlike the dead spirits that mediums spoke to. They had intelligence, knowledge and spiritual power, and it seemed they were rapidly acquiring material power as well. 'Power Rays'? This was the disturbing question. They say rays are necessary to fight the power of evil and this was why the work was so important. Their secrecy meant that the devil had to find them first! The more involved one became in the work, the greater danger one became to the dark ones. Thus, protection was drawn around each member and patient after every contact with the Wise Ones in the beyond. They achieved this by visually drawing the psychic power from beneath the feet, up and around either side of their own and their patients body and directing it down into the top of the head, straight down through the body back into the ground.

Thus what they say is protection, in effect, seals the soul to the earth for Satan. This contact with the 'Wise Ones' is also effected by each Brother every three hours, day and night, whenever possible. This accounts for the complete control that the spirits exercised.

The public healing meeting was on Thursday nights. Soon I realised; there was another meeting on a Monday night. This was the secret Brotherhood, composed of Inner and Outer Brothers. I visited the London Lodge and also their Headquarters Lodge and was impressed again with the peace and serenity. All of the members seemed to be ex Christians like myself, who, disgusted with Vicars and Bishops who obviously did not believe what they were teaching, had set out to find The Truth outside of the Christian Church.

Although there had been my family connection and my personal interest in spiritualism, I had been baptised into the Church of England. As a child, I regularly attended, and was married in the Church. My wife and I brought our children up as Christians and kept them well away from spiritualism.

I am now profoundly grateful to my parents for this Christian background. It was subsequently to give me protection from what I eventually discovered were the deceiving spirits of The Great White Brotherhood, or at least the means to contact God for help in my hour of need such as when the Leader was transfigured by her Guide in his true colours. (Described later in 'A meeting with the Devil')

Always when I had tried mediumship, the messages I received were of two kinds. One purported to be from departed relatives. The other was about God and Truth. Neither could be proved, so, I gave up both and could not believe that Jesus was God's Son. I had then set out on a spiritual journey to find The Truth and found the Healing Lodge that I now attended.

Although I entered trance like states to receive Brotherhood messages, I was always conscious of what I was doing and never surrendered complete control of myself. Constantly, I questioned what I was told and yet, I could not give it up as I told myself, I must continue to find out the truth about the Brotherhood.


When I was asked if I would like to join The Great White Brotherhood as an Outer Brother, I fell to the temptation because, of their apparently miraculous healing power and I wanted to find out the truth about this movement.

After initiation I received a tiny silver six-pointed star and chain. It had been for some time on the headquarters Altar, absorbing its power. I was told to place it around my neck and never take it off again, because, as a Brother I had to be protected from adverse spiritual power.

By now I was a tough, sceptical, business manager, but I often found that I was enveloped in a ball of white light as I walked along busy streets. It was just like being carried along inside a protective cocoon. Then came the mediumship that earlier in my life I had sought!

My wife used to take our children to Sunday school whilst I tidied up the house and got the dinner ready for their return. One Sunday I was vacuuming the lounge when I heard a voice telling a children's fairy story. Thinking that it was on the radio I turned off the vacuum, but the radio too, was switched off!!
The following week, the same thing happened again. This time I concentrated and found that the voice was speaking into my left ear. At the same time every Sunday morning, I heard the voice. I first began to sit down and listen and then afterwards I wrote down the words. Soon, as I thought that I was losing some of the beauty of the words, I bought a portable tape recorder to record them as I heard them.

This was to be the start of a trance mediumship that would culminate in my fleeing to Northern Ireland where I experienced a Revelation of God that made me tear up the stories, and subsequent inspirational messages from the Great White Brotherhood, and throw them into the sea along with the silver stars and other paraphernalia of the Lodge.

I had set out to find God and had been diverted by spiritual healing. This led, through my inherited psychic power, into the power chains of the Solar and Star Brethren who are the universal spiritual extension of the Satanic Source of Darkness.

At the time, I was an innocent abroad, attracted by spiritual bright lights and beauty and peace. Like all other basically good souls I would run a mile, rather than link up with obvious evil. I had to be deceived into thinking that peaceful environments, beautiful words, healing power to help the sick and the dying, were all synonymous with God our Father in Heaven.

All of the other members of the Lodge, that I knew locally, had left the Christian Church. They had set out on the journey to find God and had been seduced by the thoughts gently instilled into them, such as, 'You must have been led.' or, 'None come to us unless they have wonderful work to perform to help mankind out of its difficulties'.

Soon the messages that I was receiving had changed from children's stories, into messages from The Great White Brotherhood, concerning their idea of the 2nd coming of Christ. These were in accord with the Lodge teachings. However around the same time I also started receiving other teachings which were not White Brotherhood in content and which had me puzzled. Instead of handing these over to the local Leader, I kept them strictly to myself. Not realising that God & Satan were fighting for my soul, this was the start of my being: -

Crucified on the Cross of Light and Darkness and Truth,
Light and darkness were crossed,
Truth cut me down before I was lost.

At Brotherhood meetings, I wore a monk's robe and cowl made of blue cloth. These robes were made by a Brother and were never allowed outside the Lodge.

The Inner Brothers entered the Sanctuary first to build up the power by secret ritual and incense. Only when the conditions were right, would the Outer Brothers be admitted. As probationers, the Outer Brothers could not be allowed to influence the spiritual conditions, that had to be created, in order to link up with the Solar and Universal Brethren.

All printed teachings sent direct to Brothers from Headquarters were marked 'Strictly Confidential not be disclosed to any other person.' As Secrecy was an essential requirement, I was sometimes surprised after Brotherhood meditations, to find that one of the teachings I had spiritually received, and handed in, had been used. It was impossible to distinguish between what I had received direct and The Founder's inspiration!! This was indeed progress. (Or so I thought.)

I was now to gain confidence in the movement by experiencing the power of this spirit Brotherhood to repel their totally black evil brethren! Surely, they must be of God if they can control evil spirits?


In the 1960's when I was in the Great White Brotherhood, Masonic friends would talk to me as if I was one of them. On two occasions when they were to take Initiation Degrees, knowing nothing about their movement, I consulted my spirit inspirer and wrote their speeches for them. Their Masonic Brethren on both occasions, expressed surprise that, 'One so young (their initiate) could have such a deep understanding.’ and received them with acclaim! Because of this I believe that the Masonic philosophy and Great White Brotherhood are the same.

Norman, one of these Masonic friends, was an insurance inspector in Reading. He often made business calls at night and sometimes I would accompany him. On the night in question, we were in my car.
As I drove along, he told how late the previous night, he and a female friend had been parked outside a house where a particularly gruesome murder had recently been committed.

They suddenly became aware of an old woman leaning over the gate of this empty house that had been sealed by the police. She was peering into the car's windows. Her expression was one of malevolent hatred and immediately my friend's companion began screaming that it was a banshee and they must get away. Norman started the car and drove away. The old woman turned to watch them, stretching towards them as she did so.

His hair stood on end and a terrible feeling of doom came over him. This passed after a while. However, later that night as he was preparing for bed and had forgotten all about the incident, he suddenly felt a prickly feeling on his neck. As if some ghastly ice cold, slimy hands, were trying to strangle him.
He rushed into the bathroom to douche himself with water and, for the first time since he was a child, called out to God.

Eventually the feeling left him but it had been a very strange experience for him. He had no interest in spirits, for he did not believe in them, the devil, or God.

As he spoke, we both became aware of a presence within the car. I could distinguish between us, what appeared to be a dark gaseous cloud. It was rapidly growing tentacles and physically we could both feel pressure on our bodies. My friend started yelling that we had to get away from it.

By now the car was careering all over the road as I battled to keep control. I dare not stop and we were fortunate indeed that there was no other traffic on the lonely country road we were travelling. The evil phantom octopus was literally trying to throw us both out of either side of the car. It was a demonstration of the materialisation of evil, because, it had become a physical presence, buffeting us about, trying to strangle and eject us.

Not then believing in God and having absolute faith in my Spirit Brotherhood, I desperately called upon them for help. Soon I was slightly reassured to sense their presence. As I could now see ahead the lights of the new town of Bracknell I told my friend to hang on, as we should soon be safe.

He was gurgling as he tried to fight off the strangling spirit tentacles that he could feel squeezing his body as they tried to eject him from the car.

As I pulled up under the first bright lights in the town centre, before the car stopped, he leapt out and ran off up the street. I could now concentrate. I invoked The Great White Brotherhood and quite a spiritual battle was fought, before the evil one was dispatched, peace returned, and the conditions within the car were cleared.

My panic stricken friend was about a hundred yards away in front of the brightest lit shop window. It took all of my persuasive powers to make him return to the car. Once he had calmed down, we sat for a while until we were certain that the evil one had left and then returned home by the brightly lit main road. All thoughts of our social night out had evaporated, along with the phantom demon.

This experience shows how contact with evil, in this case the murder house, led to evil spirits attaching themselves, first to my friend and then to me.

This is why daily prayer to God, asking for His protection is essential. If this is not done, we become prey to evil forces that are external to ourselves. When the conditions are right, evil can manifest itself into our world and cause not just mental trouble, but physical catastrophes as well.

At the time I called upon my Occult Brotherhood to repel it. This shows their capacity to master out-of-control-evil, when it suits their purpose. At the time, I was valuable to them as one of their earthly Brethren, as was my friend, with his Masonic membership.

However by calling upon the Brotherhood instead of God, and being impressed with their power, I further subjugated my soul to them.
Everyone seems to experience God in a different way. Some know The Lord Jesus from childhood and quietly accept Him. Others find He comes to them in Church or when reading The Bible. In retrospect, I think that my own Revelation was so intense because I was caught up in what I now know to be an Occult Group and a more powerful demonstration of the Love of God was required to overcome it.

It started one Sunday morning in October 1966 when I visited my friend Percy, the Healing Brother, and commenced its final stage at Whitsuntide 1968 when God and Satan fought for my soul.

Walking down Percy's path I was astonished to see his house surrounded by Angels dressed in white robes. Facing outwards as if protecting the building, they held lances upright in front of themselves like soldiers on guard duty they stared straight ahead with stern expressions. Rushing between them into Percy's house, I excitedly asked him what they were doing there. He could not see them and thought they must be there for our protection.

We started the meditation and my soul rose into the spirit realms. I found myself seated with a group of brothers being taught by one who they say, is St. John, their Teacher of the New Age. They believe that Jesus and His brother John, St. John of the Gospels, came to earth 2000 years ago to perform a joint mission. They teach that they were twins and whilst Jesus came with love, this time John is to come with power to cleanse the world.

I was paying close attention to his words when suddenly I found my soul rising out of the group. Up and up through the clouds until I was in a new realm where I was amazed to find myself in front of Jesus.
He was much larger than I and appeared to be behind an Altar Table so that I could not see his lower body. No words were spoken, but He smiled and held towards me a Chalice, in an invitation to drink.

My mind was reeling. I did not believe that Jesus was Divine. Yet, I sensed that this vision was, and therefore, completely outside my experience.

He appeared in features to be very similar to John, the Brotherhood's, Teacher of the New Age below. However, this was different. Here was Warmth and Truth and Beauty. This felt like Heaven and so different to the scene I had been in below. It was as if the 'Twin' down below lacked life, and was just an image, but this was Reality itself.

I hesitated, but could not bring myself to accept such a commitment, that drinking from the Chalice would entail. I knew that I would have to give up all that I then held dear. I shook my head.

Immediately I fell down into the realm below rejoining those listening to John. The fall was so violent that it appeared to shake every bone in my body. Remember that I was seeing John in a vision and the sight of The Lord Jesus was a vision within a vision.

A short while later, the same thing happened again. Once more I rose again and appeared before The Lord Jesus. Again He offered The Chalice. Once more I refused and fell back into the Brotherhood group below with another bone shaking bump. As I did so, a voice said 'Do not refuse the Cup of Life a third time.'
Now, I cannot understand how I could have been so stupid and arrogant in refusing The Lord. The web of chains that is woven around souls by this Brotherhood is very strong. The enslaved soul is rewarded by satisfaction of personal desires. Too late, it discovers it is actually being consumed and is lost forever.
When I awoke from the trance, the Healer was looking at me with expectation. 'You have been very far away,' he said, 'what happened?' However, I was in a state of shock, so I made my excuses and left without telling him anything at all.

This experience of seeing Jesus shook me to the core. I was physically ill and off work for two weeks. I could not tell anyone, not even my wife, what I had experienced and kept it all to myself. At the time I thought that the Angels must have been protecting The Lord Jesus. Time dimmed the memory. I kept on with my work for the Brotherhood and another year was to elapse before, in desperation, I cried out to God (in whom once more I did not then believe) to save me. My personal and spiritual lives were intermingled with conflicting desires and inspirations.
The information that I was receiving by my direct link to the Spirit Brotherhood concentrated more and more on the Teacher of the New Age and the preparations to be made. Soon, in spite of the fact that everyone expected new knowledge to be made available only through the Founder, it began to be wondered within the Lodge, if John the Teacher of the New Age would speak through me. This led to me being invited to become an Inner Brother. The dual inspiration that I was receiving was unknown to my fellow Brethren.

However, by now the second source of inspiration about God, was becoming more insistent making me very confused about it all? On the one hand I was receiving strict White Brotherhood material. The other spoke of the Christian Church and how it should react to the New Age.

Here I should explain that the 'Christ' spoken of within the Lodge is not Jesus Christ the Son of God, but 'The Christos' - The Sun God, or Cosmic Christ. They also teach that St John of The Bible is and was the twin of Jesus, that he lived for hundreds of years before ascending into Heaven like Jesus and that both were members of the Great White Brotherhood.

God is never spoken of as God The Father but is described as The Great White Light, or worshipped through nature as Mother Earth, or as The Father/Mother/God, or Father/Mother/Son/God, or Great Architect of the Universe.

They claim that the Masonic movement originally had their spiritual power, but lost it through materialism and drink and meat feasting. Many Brothers 'graduate' from the Masonic movement. As I describe earlier in this work I proved that the philosophy is similar when I wrote initiation speeches for Masons.
The Great White Brotherhood are vegetarians, and encourage others to become so. Without meat, the body becomes heightened in consciousness and their rays of influence can more easily be inserted into souls, to bring them under closer control.

On the day before I was due to go to the Headquarters for initiation as an Inner Brother, the local leader told me that the Spirit Brotherhood had decided not to initiate me, but I would be honoured with a private personal investigative meeting with the Founder on the week's retreat.

The Headquarters is a country estate in southern England. The large main house was, when I was there in 1967, used as a Lodge. Members of the Founding Family had built bungalows in the grounds. Very tight control was exercised and complete devotion to the cause was expected from the Founder, her family, those whom they married, subsequent descendants, and also from the recruited Brothers. No one is allowed to seriously question or criticise the Leader, as the source of everything taught must be accepted as coming from:-
'Beings who are much more evolved than we are. This very important work for our benefit by those who have devoted themselves to our care with such love and compassion must be accepted without question because they know more that we do. Being higher up than we, they see more than we do and are thus better able to advise us.'

Bearing all of this in mind no one must upset the earthly Leader and family who have sacrificed themselves to the cause, nothing must be done to disturb the calm pool of peace within which the Leader works. The Lodge Charitable Trust Deed makes all of this perfectly clear. This effectively stifles any discussion or criticisms and consolidates the control exercised over the Brothers.

Both Inner and Outer Brothers link with The Great White Brotherhood every three hours at 3, 6, 9, & 12, day and night whenever possible. Their main meetings are at 7 p.m. on Mondays when the Brotherhood meets world wide to create their spirit power.

This is then sent forth, with the help of the spirit Solar and Universal Star Brotherhood, to influence world politicians, business moguls, Church Leaders and others in control of humans, in order to bring these earthly leaders of mankind under the mind control of the Spiritual Brotherhood.

We all thought, that this was God's Power of Love (The Lodge teaches that it works upon the Love Ray) being used in a positive sense. We were ignoring the fact that unfortunately; power corrupts, or is in itself corrupt.

Christmas is celebrated, but Brothers and members are encouraged to link with the Founding Family at their Headquarters, rather than communing with God and the birth of His only Son, Jesus. This ensures that souls are kept enslaved in the chains of the Solar Brethren.
On the first night of the week's retreat at the English headquarters of The Great White Brotherhood for an Initiation Ceremony and my personal interview with the Founder, I was awakened by a hand shaking my shoulder. Opening my eyes I saw a monk in a brown habit. He smiled and said, 'Welcome Brother, you are well known to us and you have travelled far to reach us. The purpose of your incarnation will shortly be revealed to you. You have an important mission to fulfil with our help.' He went on to recall my past lives and then faded. It was only then I realised that he was a spirit. I did not feel frightened, rather overawed that I should be a chosen one and after thinking about him for some time I fell asleep.

The next morning, I was in a group of those on retreat who had gone into the gardens to look at the site of a new white temple that they hoped to build in order to better focus the power rays. The main garden had a hedge around the boundary on three sides. Behind this was a footpath. Adjacent to the longest path was a field that was to be the site of the new temple. We were all standing on a grassy bank beyond the path, looking across the field, visualising the temple to be.

Suddenly, I heard the faint sound of monks chanting. Turning my head, I saw a double line of head bowed, brown cowl’d monks just rounding the bend in the path walking towards us. I was astonished because the Brotherhood's robes were blue and wondered who they were and what they were doing there.

The chanting grew louder as they approached There were probably about thirty of them. I was just beginning to wonder why my companions were ignoring them, when, as they were passing us, the man standing next to me facing the field, suddenly took a step backwards. He would have stumbled down into the monks if I had not grabbed hold of him and said, 'Be careful of the monks.' He and all of the others then turned and looked at me as if I was crazy. Only then did I realise that no one else could see, or hear them!
This caused me to become momentarily confused. I mumbled that my companion had nearly fallen into the column of monks. I pointed to where they were now disappearing round the far bend as the singing slowly died away. I was most surprised that the monks were spirits. They seemed to be normal flesh and bones and as real as my companions.

They were seen with my physical eyes, as distinct from being the mental images associated with clairvoyance. I felt hurt by the group’s sceptical looks as they edged away. I had to return to the Lodge by myself.

The female Founder, a well-spoken elderly lady, took our first lesson of the Retreat. As we settled down she asked, 'Has anyone seen our monks?' She explained that the Lodge was on the site of a very ancient monastery. The path around the garden was called 'Monks Way' or 'Monks Path' and that sometimes members of the family saw the monks walking the path! I explained what I had seen. After she had questioned me about their appearance, she said that I was very blessed to have seen them chanting in prayer. With this reassurance from the respected Leader, the other Brothers on the week's retreat then treated me as normal, and not to be shied away from.
Outer Brothers had a simple local ceremony and I only observed the one Inner Brotherhood initiation. This was on the Monday night of my week's retreat at the Lodge Headquarters. My private meeting with the Founder was two nights later.

The full Inner Brotherhood, of (I think) 66 members, dressed in their blue cloaks and hoods was seated in a circle in the Chapel. Numerology is important to The Brotherhood and all occultists. The ritual to link with 'The Solar and Star Brethren' had been performed beforehand by the now seated Brothers. Alternately male/female they held hands; each Brother's right hand was over the adjacent Brother's left hand to complete the Spirit Circle of Power.

The two initiates were admitted, along with myself and the other visiting Brothers on the week's retreat. The man and woman being initiated into the Inner Brotherhood were led into the centre of the circle. I along with the other visitors was each seated next to a 'Family' member. All joining hands then again completed the circle.

The Founder's spirit guide spoke through her, words of power. Incense was in the air. Seen clairvoyantly, above the initiate's heads, a faint, slowly revolving, six-pointed star of silver was soon transformed into a glowing golden light. Gradually, its speed increasing, the circulating light took on the intermingled colours of a rainbow as it spread outwards, enfolding first, the two initiates, and then the whole circle of Brothers. Soon the revolving light encompassed the whole room.

Intense spiritual power was felt as the 'Spirit Guide' announced that 'The power is now engulfing the whole village, the county, country and now the whole world'. World Leaders were named to receive this powerful influence. By then my senses were deadened by the power and the next I remember is the room becoming normal again, the two figures in the centre kneeling and apparently entranced. When they had recovered, the visiting Brothers were asked to leave the circle and the Chapel whilst further ritual was undertaken.


I cannot describe the terror I was experiencing as some unknown paralysing force held me in the chair whilst the horrific spirit creature in front of me was slowly stretching its neck towards me. In a state of immense shock my mind tried to accept that this phantom or demon or whatever it was, was real. Surely this was the stuff of myth not reality! How could the peaceful serene conditions of moments before be transformed like this, in this day and age? Help! It was getting close! My body couldn't move, but my mind could and in a flash my soul-thought cried out to God to save me.

God! Which God? I didn't care. I just wanted to escape from this phantom spirit that had transfigured and was projecting forth from the woman seated opposite me. It was obviously evil. Its glowing eyes were boring into my soul; into my immortal soul to destroy it and force me forever into Satan's service.
'Please God!' My soul silently yelled to the God I didn't believe in. 'Hurry before it’s too late.'

Suddenly I sensed what could have been a sword swish very close to me and although I could see nothing I (or my soul) swayed as I was buffeted by a battle raging in the invisible world that surrounds us.

Was the creature now stationary? I was not sure. It was as if I was tied to the chair and could not escape my fate. Slowly my panic subsided and I was back in control of my mind, although not my limbs. I was still too frightened to try and move but I was aware once more of the brightly-lit room with its cottage style flowery curtains and chair covers.

Seated opposite me was the Leader of the Spiritual Healing Lodge of The Great White Brotherhood. I was an Outer Brother and had been called for a personal interview by her in her private sitting room at the Headquarters in Hampshire.

Seated on a couch, the Founder had smiled at me in her kindly way as I had entered the room. After asking me how I was enjoying the week's retreat, she had asked me to sit opposite her on a higher wooden chair. The same chair now held me in a grip of doom.

She had said that she had been amazed at the spirit messages and trance tapes I had handed to her when I arrived. She told me that they were, 'Precisely the same as the ones I am currently dictating for publication after I have departed to the Higher Realms.'

By now I was becoming concerned at the build up of spirit power I could sense in the brightly-lit room. The curtains like all of the windows of the Lodges were kept tightly closed in order to keep out the light, which dispersed their power rays.

"Whom do you think your inspirer is, Keith?" She asked.
After some thought I replied, "I think my inspirer may be Divine."
"Why do you think that?"
"Because some of the messages are for the Christian Church."
At this her face flushed with anger. "You must not interfere with the Churches. They will use their power and destroy us!" She cried.

This came as a complete surprise to me as I didn't think that the Christian Churches had any power and I silently congratulated myself on never handing over these particular messages which my instinct had told me to keep strictly to myself. I had no idea then, or perhaps refused to accept that God and Satan were fighting for my immortal soul.

By now the power in the room was overwhelming and I was struggling to keep control of myself as I was determined not to succumb to its hypnotic peace that stills the mind and makes one surrender.

Suddenly the spirit creature transfigured her. Her body was still relaxed on the couch, but her head and shoulders had disappeared within a mist of grey light. Projecting from this was a thick neck of grey light which I judged to be about three feet long at the end of which was an enormous humanised head of the same grey substance. Is it a spirit serpent I wondered? It was definitely a semi-physical manifestation because I could not see through it and in any event the rays shining from its penetrating eyes were boring into me and scaring me to death.

Trying to keep my wits about me, I forced myself into a calmer frame of mind in order to look carefully at it. I realised that this apparition was her spirit guide, not in his usual guise of a wise old Red Indian spirit. The founder was not, so far as I know, a transfiguration medium. When her spirit guide was in control she adopted the posture of an Indian Chief and spoke in deep manly tones, but did not reveal the spirit itself, in public.

A spirit painting by a psychic artist claimed to show the guide as he had been upon earth. Now I realised that stripped of its colour and feather head-dress the face in the painting was the one I was recoiling from. 'My God,' I thought 'they (The Great White Brotherhood) are not good, they are evil'.

Suddenly, the spirit creature restarted its onward motion towards my face and once more I cried out to God. 'Please save me.'

This time I thought I sensed a protective cloak being placed around my shoulders and had an impression of Angels rushing around driving the evil spirits and demons away. Quite a battle it must have been before the conditions calmed and I was very relieved to see that very slowly the apparition was withdrawing back into her body.

As its head drew close to hers, it dissolved into a grey mist and in time her own features started to appear.
By now I was very conscious that I was in great danger and that I had been deceived by these kindly healing folk. It wasn't the physical danger I feared it was the sudden knowledge that my immortal soul was real and that both God and evil are external to us and likewise very real.

Realising that I must not let it be known that I was aware of what I had experienced, as she seemed to be normal although still entranced, I closed my eyes and observed her from under my eyelids until she was her usual self. Then I slowly pretended to emerge from a trance myself. She obviously (so far as I could tell) had no memory of what had happened, or at least that I knew. Flashing her smile at me she said that I might be under the inspiration of another section of The Great White Brotherhood and we should just have to wait and see what happened.

Thanking her for the interview I left the room and rejoined my fellow Brothers who were leaving the chapel where they had been creating the spirit power for what (at the time I had not realised) was to be my initiation ceremony into the Devil's clutches.

Back in my room I reflected upon what had happened, Her private sitting room was brightly lit and feminine in decoration and furnishings. There had been none of the ritual of a seance. Very, very few, I felt sure had ever had such an experience and survived to tell the tale.

I knew I had to escape and yet my fear would not let me reveal what I had seen. I dare not leave the retreat, as explanations would be demanded. I survived the week by being ultra cautious in what I said and wrote and behaved as if nothing untoward had happened. On my departure I thanked God and breathed a sigh of relief.

One thing was certain; I had to escape from the clutches of the Brotherhood. My employers maybe (I now wonder) with God’s prompting, offered me a transfer to Belfast.

Could I uproot my family from our comfortable life in the Thames Valley that included a wet boathouse complete with a cruiser? This was a major decision, but I knew that, in spite of what had happened, I would have difficulty in withdrawing from their influence unless I put distance between us. Fortunately we left and none of my family has ever regretted the move. First however, I had to undergo the trauma of the spirits going with me


In desperation I called upon God once more to save me from this Spirit Brotherhood and thank goodness, He heard my cry for help. But the Brotherhood immediately confused matters by intervening with a series of false visions that were intended to convince me that reincarnation is a fact, their teachings are the Truth, and I was one of their chosen ones.
Soon the visions took their toll. My physical and spiritual life was so interwoven that they were indistinguishable. I wanted to end it all, maybe even life itself. The cunning manipulation of Christian teachings and White Brotherhood philosophy confused me. On the one hand I had escaped from the Lodge, yet my inspirers were still confirming its teachings.
It was only years later that I came to appreciate the significance of Whitsuntide in the Christian Calendar, which was when the Holy Spirit descended upon Jesus’ Disciples. We were now approaching the Friday of Whitsuntide when although I did not realise it at the time all was to be made plain to me. But, many years have elapsed before I have understood the Revelation completely.

I was being crucified, for I was experiencing a Revelation of St. John the Beloved of Jesus as the Teacher of the New Age. At the same time, I was unable to fully accept the truth of what was being revealed to me. Finally my despairing soul cried out again to God, to save me once more and He did.

In vision, I found myself running down a road to the distant figure of the White Brotherhood's teacher John who was waiting for me. But my speed increased. I burst through the wraith that was John. There was The Lord Jesus with welcoming arms and I flew to Him. The vision faded. I was back in my lounge at home and a voice said 'If you would come to Me this day, forever to tread My Way, give your all and then, you shall know Life again.'

Half demented and only too pleased to be rid of the spirits and life style I agreed and gave myself to Him.
But Jesus said, 'All I said and all I meant, won't you even now repent?'
'Oh God,' I cried 'Please be kind. Leave this last little bit of my mind.'
'If you to Me would soar, prostrate yourself upon the floor. Keep nothing back, for if you do you lack, what you need, to feed. Do not plead, just heed.'

Even then I battled against God's Command as I realised that He demands all, if we to Him do call. I sighed. 'Oh God I must have lied. I see that if we are to come to You, and never again life rue, we must be true. Not just to You, but to us and let die, all that is impure before your Eye.'

I surrendered my soul to Jesus as I sensed that this third chance was my last one. I accepted and drank from the Chalice that Jesus offered. So, I gave my all. Down came a wall, which divided me from my past. Now came peace at last. Immediately I died (spiritually) and lay in the tomb. It seemed to be The Creators Womb. It pulsated with Life and Love; I seemed to know Him above. Then I slept on that Whitsuntide Friday, that had proved to be, Easter Friday for me, when I followed The Lord through The Cross, as all must do, to see and be, as He. I slept throughout the night until the dawn. Was this to be resurrection morn?
'No' I was told 'Today is Judgement Day. You shall see, how God treats those who know not He.'

Instantly, I found myself suspended in space. I felt that I was standing upon a small star and was conscious of a figure that I could not see; yet I knew it was an Angel by my side. In the far distance was a Light and as we focused on it, I could see that it illuminated an Altar. Behind it was a figure that I could see and yet not see. More like an impression, rather than a solid figure.
He was a very ancient man with a long beard. In His Hand He held a Crook. Before Him, facing The Altar, were a large number of souls, men, women and children. All of them were naked. Many had terrible wounds across their backs and shoulders.

I was drawn closer and my gaze was directed to a soul on the left of the group. He had a deep cleft across his back and I knew that this was I.

The Angel said, 'Always on the left you trod, as you did search wearily for God. Sin accumulates upon your back until it is sore, and weighs more and more. It bends you down, and directs your sight to the ground. Harder and harder it becomes, as your soul numbs, to raise your sight to God. But Jesus took the weight away, when yesterday; you gave your soul to Him to stay. Know the cleft doth reveal, how much from God you did steal. God judges all men, and then, some shall know Life again.'

I was drawn back away from the group. The figure, which I thought was God, stretched out with the Crook touching the top of the head of a soul, here and there.

Suddenly, a searing Light came down from above. Everyone disappeared inside this Light, which made me close my eyes tightly, to avoid being blinded. After a long long time I felt the Light subside. I dare not open my eyes. I feared the Judgement.

'Open your eyes and see the result of Judgement Day,' said the Angel beside me.

I refused, but He prised them open so that I could see, that where previously there had been a throng, just five or six souls now stood, the rest had disappeared. Again my gaze was drawn to the one on the left. There was no wound where the burden of sin had been torn away. The back and shoulders were now perfectly smooth, healed by God. A soul had been shrieved.

The Angel said, 'God has granted Life to you this day, go to Him and pray, never ever swerve away. If you do, you will rue. Blessed are those whose sin is taken away. And confirmed by God upon Judgement Day.' Immediately I was back in the tomb, where I reflected on my experience.

I realised that I had had a Revelation of God that was similar to those experienced by the prophets of old. What I wondered did God expect of me now?
Should I join a Church and pray? Or would a monastery be the way? Perhaps I should a cave find? There to commune with Divine Mind?
Only one thing was clear to me, life could never be the same again. I stayed in the tomb during the Saturday night and towards dawn I was aware of four Angels, who came to dress, bathe and refresh me. They lifted me up to pray to God. He had saved my soul to serve in Truth, and to always be aloof, from that which had brought me to the point where I was almost lost forever.

On the Sunday morning the tomb was opened. A great Light poured in as Angel voices praised their King. Warmth and Love surrounded me. I was led into new life. Born again whilst still in the body to be a servant of God. I breathed in the fresh air knowing that I was blessed to be restarting my life on that day.

But first I had to be re-taught about God and how I had been deceived. The vision continued as I found myself in a classroom with other souls. In walked a teacher holding the scales of justice in his hands. He proceeded to teach how the spirit Great White Brotherhood came into being and how they cloak themselves with Light stolen from humans and God. Thus do the Angels of the night; appear as Angels of the Light.
They deceive souls into believing that: they come from God, and if you nod, they smile and say, 'Come you go our way, do not delay, much work is there to do, so now you, who here were led, to be bled, and receive secrets untold, step here inside this fold.'

And so the visions and teachings continued. They ended with a huge Angel whom I thought was the Archangel Michael taking me by the hand as if I were a child, "See the task that God does ask," he said, as we together trod a road, I with a lighter step, now that I was relieved of the burden of sin I'd carried, before I knew God's Law.

Along the road, on either side, there were several Churches. As we came to each one I thought, 'This must be where I am to serve.' But no, he carried on by, until the next one made me think, 'It must be here where I shall serve, no more to swerve.' Each one was passed, until the road became a desert track and then a stony path that finally petered out in a desert land. In the desert's centre the Angel stopped and said: -

Here is the task, that God does ask,
every grain of sand, in this desert land,
is a soul on earth, here is where you prove your worth.
Bring to God all who would be shrieved, but first tell those in whom you believed, what God has shown to you. This you now must do.

The Angel and the visions then disappeared. It was June 1968 and neither has ever returned. I had become what previously I had not believed in - a born again Christian. This was achieved, not through reading the Bible, or by preachers, but by direct Revelation of God. However, I did not realise at the time that a tiny spark of God is like a searchlight in the darkness and the Satanic Force rallies to extinguish it. The unwary soul rises cleansed and refreshed, steps out, and falls into traps previously prepared by the deceiving ones.
God slew the snake that had entwined itself around my soul, but, many years were to elapse before it's dying pangs subsided and it slithered to the ground to decay and never to return.

Perhaps some will say that a true conversion should have been instantaneous, but apart from the stories in the Holy Scriptures of God revealing Himself, such a rescue from the occult by God is most unusual in this day and age. The reader can decide. All that I can say is that I do not know why I saw God as a very old man. I know that He is not a man so maybe he was God's Agent as no man may see God. Perhaps my mind transcribed what I was experiencing, into understandable visual images.

The Presence of God is beyond human thought, description, or explanation. Certainly it is beyond me. It is a feeling that transcends any human emotion in its complete Reality and Love. When one touches for a moment, Divinity, all else fades into insignificance. One just desires to stay forever. Sadly this cannot be. It is here on earth that the new servant of God serves and very distressing it is to come back down to earth, to spread the Good News.

In those days, I did not believe that very few souls would be saved at Judgement Day. Now, when I reflect upon my average sins and compare them to others' horrifying ones, I accept the Truth of what the Bible says. God is the Teacher and we are His pupils.

Unless we follow His Teachings, we will not and cannot be saved. Our path in life takes us towards God or away from Him. We have our freewill to choose. These words are to help souls to make their own decision. Mankind's laws may excuse and not make us accountable for our actions. But God is The Gardener and will harvest only the pure fruit. He will cast into the fires all that are impure when He recreates Heaven upon earth once more.

Some committed Christians do not believe that God can appear in visions, or speak to us except in an indirect way. Others do not believe in the Devil, the Satanic Force, or its external influence. Of course, if they have never trod where Angels fear to, they have no direct experience of supernatural evil power. They just excuse it by saying, 'God moves in a mysterious way.' Or 'We must just accept His Will.'

Maybe this is why St. Paul, a former persecutor of Christians, became the greatest developer and teacher of Christianity after his Revelation, whilst those who had no experience of source evil, were lesser disciples?
So, for several years I was on my own, being attacked by the Satanic Force. Now, I am being inspired to write these words as a counter to the disbelieving pillars of society, some of whom who wear God's Cloth and choose to think that they have superior knowledge to the millions of Christians who have gone before and believed. They and others who subscribe to their view should first accept the truth of their own statements. Namely that their belief comes from inside them alone. They cast aside Holy Scripture,

whilst I others like me, have experienced our Divine Creator, not by Bible study, or blind faith, but purely because God is personal to each and everyone of us. All can find God if they have the desire to know and understand Him.

My total disbelief in the story of Jesus was changed into total belief that He was and is, God's Holy begotten Son and that our only hope of Redemption and Salvation is through Him. I am also certain that prayer to God to negate Satan's influence on souls is answered. In this respect I gladly thank and pay tribute to my wife and the Minister and members of the Congregational Church in Reading, who were praying for me whilst I was in The Great White Brotherhood.
As a new born-again Christian, I quickly found that there were plenty more souls on The Path that I had joined. But, I could not find any that understood what I was saying as no one had been rescued from an Occult Brotherhood. None had experienced God in the same traumatic way.

Quite apart from what God had instructed me to do, my own inclination was to rescue those Brothers whom I had left behind in the all embracing grip of the Serpent of Doom. Even my closest friends within the Lodge would not reply to my letters, or take telephone calls from me, once they knew that the Lord Jesus had saved me.

My letters were passed to the Lodge Headquarters and their solicitor (an Inner Brother) wrote to me saying that I was libelling a Public Charity. Extracts are as follows: -

'.... warn you that this correspondence amounts to the repeated allegation that those responsible for the conduct of the affairs of a public Trust are mismanaging it, and have strayed from the path of their duties.... An application will be made to the High Court for an injunction.... Since such matters tend to become publicised, it might be necessary for us to warn your employers of the proposed action..* it is our impression from reading your letters that you are temporarily disturbed to a degree making medical attention desirable. Whether or not you should think fit to consult a doctor only you can decide...steps to restrain you will be taken without further warning.' (*Author’s italics)

So much for their Cosmic Love rays and sweet natured healing, freely given to all who asked! I replied as follows: -

How sad that ye, should write such words to me
Where now is your Love Ray? When all that you can say
Is you will use the underhand way, and tell my employers what I say.
You threaten a High Court Writ, with whom do you think you sit?
But if you use the English Law, it will rebound on you this I saw
When God made plain His Law.
Just ask yourself why, you don't wish to know what I
have had revealed to me? If you go to Court all the world will see.
Wouldn't it be better for you all, to listen to what I call?
Three months ago I invited Leonard over to show
To him my Revelation but he didn't wish to know.
So God's Power started to grow, of the letters now you know
Indeed God must love you so, to shine His Light on the way you go
So although you threaten me, His Love I send to thee.
Why don't you come and see, what God has revealed to me?
This Lodge is a registered Christian Charity, but doesn't want to know about the Son of God, Jesus Christ, Christianity's founder! In none of my letters had I told about their Leader being transfigured by her evil spirit guide during my test for Inner Brotherhood. Two days after sending the above reply I received a more conciliatory letter:

'I assure you that I have no doubt whatever that you have been touched by the Spirit and that you have gone through one of those experiences with which certain souls meet: it is what seekers of truth hope may happen to them one day.... Leaders of the work have already been appointed (long ago).... And we are not looking for any others.'

I continued writing to those Brothers I knew, particularly those I had introduced to the Lodge. It was all to no avail. Those who indulge in ritual to enclose themselves within spirit circles of power slowly but surely close their minds to everything outside of their circle. Eventually I stopped writing. I had tried and failed. Yet, even Jesus continued with His travels when He received no response. Some 25 years later I wrote to the two new joint Leaders advising them of the transfiguration of their Founder. It is sad that they ignored what I said. When the Day of Judgement comes, they will not be able to say to God 'We didn't know what we were doing.'

Only now can I see how the manifestations of the Age of Aquarius in the early 1960's started the decimation of Christian Belief. I knew a few pop musicians and they were all in similar Cults to The Great White Brotherhood. Very little can be found in reference books concerning this movement that is as old as time itself. Secrecy is the mainstay of its existence. So, who or what is it?
The most seductive cults are those which claim to be in touch with spirits who know the secret of life. The Great White Brotherhood is the base inspiration for many Ancient Eastern and Modern Western Religions.
The Lodge of which I was a Brother claimed inspiration from this spirit Brotherhood who confuse the issue by claiming that they are Adepts. (Also known as Rishis, Rahats, or Mahatmas) These spirit beings reside in the Tibetan and other mountain ranges and say that by self-denial and self-development they can exist in both the spiritual and physical realm and control power forces in both.

After the English Founder and her husband's initiation into the Parisian Group, they devoted their lives to secretly developing the Great White Brotherhood power, which, she was instructed, had to be used publicly for spiritual healing. By the mid 1960's she had Lodges in both the eastern and western hemispheres.
The spirit Brotherhood operates under many different guises. Another group is the Theosophical Society founded in 1875 by a Russian/German aristocrat - Madam Blavatsky. She too claimed to be in contact with Tibetan Masters i.e. spirits who were members of The Great White Brotherhood who claim as their own brothers, the Teachers of all the Eastern Religions, plus as well, Jesus Christ.

Blavatski's English disciple was another woman, Annie Besant, who formed an association with an Indian called Krishnamurti who claimed to be a Great White Brother reincarnated upon earth.

The Lodge that I was in had no connection with The Theosophical Society but some Brothers thought that Krishnamurti's teachings were responsible for bringing about the public awareness of the New Age in the 1960's.

Many Churches who have investigated the New Age Cults say that they are a mish-mash of different philosophies and can be ignored. They make a grave mistake as all of these different unconnected cults are inspired and controlled by these spirit masters and have been carefully designed to appeal to all types of humans and their individual interests. They all operate separately and have a secretive side as well as a public one. Their secrets are not divulged until the disciple is fully committed to them.

Although it will survive, unless the danger is recognised, and resisted, very little will be left of the true Christian Church in another 50/100 years as the Age completes its turn. Even though these cults very often seem to be doing good for mankind, one has only to look around to see that the spiritual influence behind them results in a severe fall in public and private morals coupled to the reduction of the true Christian Church.

The Great White Brotherhood has recently gained worldwide publicity because of mass suicides. The press reported that another section of The Great White Brotherhood in Kiev in the Ukraine in November 1993 gathered together 150,000 followers of their female leader Maria Devi Khristos, to commit mass suicide. She claimed to be a reincarnation of Christ and said that the end of the world had arrived and that she would burn herself and be resurrected after three days. The Russian and Ukrainian security forces stopped this mass suicide attempt which followed upon the Waco and Guyana tragedies.

The Kiev organisation identified itself as The Great White Brotherhood and it was obvious from press reports, that the philosophies of the Waco and Guyana groups too, had the same basic thoughts and inspirations.

The Temple Solaire cult in Canada and Switzerland once again had remarkable similarities with the others in that: -
1. The male leader this time proclaimed himself to be a reincarnation of Christ.
2. The philosophy of the Knights Templar and Rose Cross of the Rosicrucians is the same inspiration taught by The Great White Brotherhood.
3. The leader taught the Cathar's teaching, a medieval cult whose members burned themselves to death. This cult is also claimed by The Great White Brotherhood as one of theirs.
4. Spiritual Healing was used to attract disciples.
5. Neighbours thought they were quiet and respectable.
6. Members handed over much of their worldly wealth.
7. Taught that the end of the world is nigh and that the 2nd Coming would be achieved by the leader himself as distinct from a spirit.
When I was with them, I could not have visualised, I, or my fellow Brothers committing mass suicides or murders such as has happened at Waco in the USA, or Guyana, or the Temple of the Sun Cult in Canada and Switzerland. Neither could I visualise their doing it today when I think of their concern and kindly smiling help for the sick as they poured their spiritual healing rays into their patients. Yet, the human neighbours of the suicide cults abroad thought that they were all good kindly middle class and professional people. So, if the spiritual source of their power is the same as those who died in vain, could it happen again? The Spirit Masters of The Great White Brotherhood, who claim to represent the 'Infinite Source of Goodness', manifest themselves in many different ways to deceive their disciples according to whatever their adherents are looking for. If it is the 2nd coming of Jesus, they provide either a talking image of Jesus, or a twin image to prove that Jesus and St. John were reincarnated White Brothers and that whilst Jesus came with Love, John is now returning with power to sort out the world.
Old and new atheists and agnostics are inspired to look within themselves for nourishment of their personal desires and spiritual needs and so encourage materialistic concepts and answers that deny God. Those who want to save nature and the planet are inspired to see the Life Force but not the Creator of that Force. Those seeking healing or wishing to heal are directed to Spiritual Healing Lodges. This type of healing needs to be understood as it is now being introduced into some N.H.S. hospitals.

The 'Spiritual Healers' commune with their spirits until pointed rays of light project from their fingers. Those with psychic ability can see these rays. The hands of Percy my father's Healer had rays 6" long when the power was with him. Everyone has an aura that is seen as faint rays of light that project a little way beyond the physical body. Not only psychics but many others can see these rays that may only be ¼' wide, but they are connected to the soul. If you splay your fingers and move them very slightly, as you hold them at an angle in bright light, you will probably discern with a little practice your own aura. Spiritual Healers comb the aura often without touching the body and the patient feels the heat entering. What is really happening is that the pointed finger rays of the Healer are scratching the aura, or soul, enabling the spirit power to enter and take possession. This is what happened to me without my realising it when I sought spiritual healing for my father. I thank God now, that never forgot His Name.

Sooner or later, one's soul is handed over to the spirit inspirers who may, or may not, have made themselves known to the leaders and brethren of any particular cult.
Further confirmation of the power of this spirit Brotherhood was demonstrated during a family holiday as I tried to escape from the stress of all that had happened to me. The telephone was ringing as my family and I returned (in July 1968) from what had been an eagerly anticipated two weeks holiday in the Irish Republic. However, bewildering events, had caused us to limit our trip south to two days.

I picked up the receiver to hear a furtive voice say 'Keith, the Brotherhood are linking with all-powerful Star and Universal Brethren to concentrate The Light upon you, to stop you writing about what has happened to you.'

Recognising the voice of yet another Insurance Inspector friend, I said, 'Don't worry Ian, I know that they are trying to silence me. I have felt their power with me, but Gods' is greater than theirs. He has put His Protective Cloak around me. I have just returned from holiday and they sent...' With a click the phone went dead.

So absolute is the spirit control, that souls voluntarily submit to when they are initiated into Occult Brotherhoods, that they are frightened to write to, or even speak to, one who has left their circles. For two months, my friend had refused to reply to my letters or phone calls. He obviously still had some of his own mind left; otherwise he would not have been able to warn me. The brain washing that initiates undergo enslaves their immortal soul for service to, (so called), white magic. Sadly, even though I tried several times to contact him again after his warning, I have not heard from him again during the past 30 years.
It is said that fact is stranger than fiction. I would not have believed some 18 months previously, that the legally registered 'Christian Charity' of which I was a member would lead to my experiencing materialised evil in this day and age, in the form of horrendous beings that can be seen with our physical eyes.

Examples are the phantom octopus that tried to kill or seriously maim myself and another friend in Berkshire, or the spirit witch and demons I had just met on holiday in Donegal. The worst manifestation of evil and certainly the most frightening was the grotesque evil spirit that I had seen protruding from and transfiguring the body of the leader of the Occult Lodge that I had just escaped from, and my friend Ian still belonged to.

I had seized the opportunity of a transfer of employment from Reading to Belfast, solely in order to divest myself of the spirit masters who had captured my soul. Alas, they together with the physical and spiritual trauma came with me. This, culminating in God Revealing Himself to me, had been a tremendous strain.
To try to recuperate from these experiences, I took my family away on a touring holiday in the Irish Republic. On the first day we stopped at the town of Donegal for my eldest son and I to visit the Tourist Board, whilst my wife and the two younger children went shopping.

My wife and the young ones were late in returning to the car. They told us very excitedly, about this strange old peasant lady who had started talking to them.

Taking little notice, I bundled them into the car and set off. On the outskirts of the town my wife cried 'There is the old lady, give her a lift.' I stopped the car and she got into the back with the three children.
Later that week I was to wonder how she had got so far in such a short space of time!

As she climbed in I turned to say 'Hello'. I was shocked to see that she was very, very, old. Dressed in a long black hooded cloak, her cheeks were red and leathery with deep grooves. With her hooked nose, I thought that she looked very much like a pantomime witch. Several times I asked her where she lived but she always replied, 'Just keep going.'

I was driving miles out of my way in the wrong direction. Eventually, we could see the sea glinting ahead as we approached a village. She asked me to turn right up a very narrow country road winding up a steep hill. There were no houses to be seen and she made no reply when I asked her if she lived somewhere near.
Soon thick hedgerows obscured the view on both sides and the road was only wide enough for just one car. When it levelled off, she asked me to stop and she got out of the car. Intrigued about where she lived, I drove very slowly away for about a car's length. Watching both wing mirrors as well as the rear view one, I could not see her.

Mystified that we had all lost sight of her, I stopped the car and got out to see if she had fallen. She was nowhere to be seen. I searched the hedgerows, but they were impenetrable. She had literally disappeared into thin air! I had turned round to say goodbye to her and yet in the instant it took for me to turn back and look in the mirrors, she had gone!

Some days later I recalled how it used to be believed that ghosts or apparitions could not be reflected in mirrors.
However, at the time, I had no reason to be suspicious of her. I was more concerned about where we were and about getting back onto the right road for our overnight stop. Eventually I gave up searching for her and drove on. Soon the road descended to the main coast road. On impulse I turned north, instead of south, where I had been intending to go.

It was a lovely summer's afternoon, and we enjoyed the beautiful scenery of the Atlantic coast road. Suddenly I felt a feeling of terror, of whom, or what, I had no idea. I just had an ever-increasing fear and desire to escape from some very bad influence.

All I knew was that I had to flee from some danger. A dark foreboding influence seemed to overtake me. I started to drive faster and faster. The sunny peaceful scene was transformed as the sky suddenly darkened. Rain lashed down! Lightening flashed! Thunder roared! The waves on the sea started to boil.

After an hours furious driving, there was still no sign of habitation. My concern increasing all the time I took the next turning inland and drove up into the mountains. We reached a village, which to my relief had a small hotel with a room for my wife and me and one for the children.

After a meal, the feeling of impending doom had left me. As the sun had come out we took a walk around the village and retired early to bed having had a very long day.

The room that my wife and I were in had a very large bay window with a built in seat about three feet high. The curtains were closed, leaving the seat free, a peaceful pleasant room, I thought.

I awoke with a start. I could see from my wristwatch that it was 2 a.m. Then, as I wondered how I could see it, I became aware that the room was lit by a rosy, golden glow.

We had not opened the curtains so I thought that the moon was shining in. But the glow was the wrong colour. Was it really morning?

Turning my head I was astonished to see two creatures, which I thought must be demons, on the window seat. They were slim. About 4'6" tall, their bodies, including their tails, were covered in brown hair. They had split hoofs instead of feet and their humanised faces had pointed ears and red/yellow eyes.

One was striding belligerently up and down. His head and face continually looked at me. The expression of absolute hatred seemed to say: "Go!" "Go!"
The other was seated on the edge of the window seat. Its tail was pulled up between its dangling legs, which it was swinging around, and around. All the time it was staring at me, with blazing malevolent eyes.
In disbelief I put my head under the clothes. Too scared when I couldn't see them, I looked again and was horrified they were still there.

I shook my wife to see, but it was if she was unconscious. I could not awaken her and I was too frightened to shout in case I provoked the demons.

Calling upon God to protect my family and me I gradually became calmer. How had they got there? Why did they want to drive me away?

The performance went on until about 4 a.m. They made no attempt to get down from the window seat. If they had, I would have died of fright. They were just warning me of something. As the first light of dawn appeared through the curtains, they disappeared. Exhausted, I fell asleep, worn out by their presence.
At 7 a.m. I awoke to find the previous days feeling of terror had returned. Awakening my wife and children, after a hasty breakfast, we set off, driving like fury for the Border. Amazingly, the feeling disappeared as I drove back across into Northern Ireland, where we completed our holiday at the Giants Causeway.

There, everything fell into perspective. I realised that the old woman was a spirit witch sent by the Occult Brotherhood I had escaped from. She had attached the demons to me. They could frighten and gesticulate but could not harm us, because, we had the invisible barrier of God's Protection around us.
The experience certainly proved to me, the existence of devils which up to that point; I had disbelieved in as physical entities.

So many media theologians, priests and others seem to disbelieve that God and evil are external to mankind. They believe that humans contain everything within themselves, and have no need of an external Deity.

What I wonder will such knowledgeable persons do, when they too, come up against the evil figures of myths and religion?

This they will surely do. Those who deny God turn away from His Protection and will find that the forbidden fruit is what they seek within themselves,

Evil spirits always come to claim the souls of those who expressly forbid Divine Protection. Seeking God within is just like the ostrich putting its head in the sand when danger approaches.

Their only hope will be to cry to the God they don't believe in and to seek the help of The One they now denigrate.

Reflect well upon the fact that souls, even today, occasionally come into involuntary contact with supernatural raw materialised evil. Although the usual guise is as an angel of the night, disguised as Light.
Satan's spirit is rarely seen as an external being. But, speaking with the serpents tongue, it speaks through men and women, who, pose as friendly, helpful, understanding souls, who wish to save mankind in general and individuals in particular
Let all who read these words reflect that the Bible says that 'Satan himself keeps transforming himself into an Angel of Light.' (2 Corinthians 11v13) and that my occult experiences began with seeking spiritual healing for my dying father.
Christians must realise that for the first time, the Christian Church is undergoing the pain of the change of an Age. This is because one of Satan's Ages lasts for approximately 2,000 years and Christianity came into being at the last change. Humanity is now: -

1. The utterly evil whose pact is with Satan. Their life style is devoted to destroying good where ever they find it. They worship Satan and the Devil as Gods. These use their intermediaries of evil spirits, gnomes, elves, demons etc. to deceive, influence and corrupt mankind, animals and nature.
2. The very good who live as God's representatives upon earth, maintaining our tenuous link with Him are those who have accepted Jesus Christ as their personal Saviour.
3. The deceived who serve the Illuminati by the many names that its earthly disciples operate under. The Great White Brotherhood is one of the most powerful groups. All are devoted to keeping mankind away from God and in return protect their disciples from the extreme forms of evil.

The Illuminati are able to do this because they are the superior beings of the dark. They claim to have the ability to live in either light or darkness, upon earth, or in spirit realms, because they cloak themselves in light stolen from humans and thus from God.

By influencing humans, or, living in them, they are able to control the dark force in whatever form it comes to their disciples. Their power base is still of the dark and even though their disciples think they do not submit to Satan, they still serve him indirectly.

It is obvious that if they keep mankind from going to God then they are anti-Christ and anti-God. Being anti-Satan does not put them on God's side, for, they serve only themselves. Those who serve and create power just for themselves, places them, in God's eyes, with the Satanic Force. If they were to come down on God's side, evil would be overwhelmed once and for all, God would triumph and Heaven upon earth would return.

Before the Revelation, whenever I felt evil spirits about me, I used to call, not upon God, but upon the power of The Brotherhood, and the evil ones would be banished.

I never thought of myself as a spiritualist. Rather, I was an investigator who fell under the spell of evolved spirits. ('Evolved' means from darkness into light.) Like the head of a snake that has emerged from the earth. Satan was the first to penetrate back into light after being banished by God. Let all investigators beware!

The changing of the Ages (remember that they are of Satan as they exist in time which is outside of God who is eternal and therefore timeless) always brings turmoil. This upheaval of time causes old standards and ways of life to be overturned as new moral and political climates emerge.

Satan has the advantage at such times of dissension, but so much is happening all together that in many ways he is at his weakest, as we all are in varying degrees. God took advantage at the last change to place His Son upon earth as a foetus, which meant that He would be able to grow and reach maturity before Satan, realised who He was and seek to destroy Him.

We live in Satan's kingdom, not God's, but Jesus' words remain with us and still set the standard for all decent behaviour. During the past 2,000 years His missionaries civilised most of the world or at least showed the way and Satan was kept at bay. Now, again the Ages are changing and Satan has been re-invigorated and has launched an attack to destroy the Christian Church from both within and without.
We are still falling away from God and hear His Message but weakly. We are falling prey to a two pronged attack by the Angel-Of-Doom.

These attacks are firstly, from the spirit-based philosophies that originated in the USA about 150 years ago as spiritualism. Secondly, the march of science that now results in life and soon no doubt, human babies being created in test tubes. Science has discovered material miracles to make human life easier, but at the same time clouded and caused doubts about God's existence.

The modern miracles of aeroplanes, space travel, television, radio, medical transplants, etc. have all contributed to man thinking that he has all contained within him to solve all problems without Divine help.
Once belief in God fades, so does belief in Satan and Humanism achieves what Satan offered to Eve so long ago - a desire to know all that God knows and so acquire His Power.

The two pronged satanic attack is however, primarily on the spiritual level.

The practice of witchcraft and fortune telling has grown together with speaking to the spirits of the 'dead' and taking their advice about spiritual healing and how to contact the spirit power sources to influence the affairs of mankind.

Satan has made his spirit realm of the dead seem more real to spiritualists than our physical world or the Heavenly world that awaits us when God decides.

All of my investigations into Spiritualism reveal that the 'dead' are not the souls of dead humans. They are the spirits of Satan who live in the dark and seek to enter humans so that they can live in light and deceive more into following Satan, whilst thinking that they are acting in a good or Godly manner.

Even so, it is not the spiritualist churches practice of apparently speaking to the dead that presents the deadliest challenge to Christianity.

It is the secret groups who have developed from them as spirit mediums have been contacted by 'evolved' satanic spirits and persuaded to form groups throughout the world to 'tune in' to the spirits of the sun, planets and stars to create spiritual power rays. By doing this they are persuading their disciples that God is just a ray that can be manipulated by humans for the benefit of others.

These rays are then projected to influence all world Heads of State, Politicians, Business Leaders, and all who have an authority over mankind's affairs such as Church Leaders and Media Personalities.

Many may scoff, but, my personal experience was in one of these groups and I know the tremendous spiritual and material power that they possess. These groups do not seek vast membership, as they operate in secret and only divulge their power rituals to those who have succumbed to their spirits hypnotic influence. My experiences show that this influence is Satanic.

When I was one of them, I did not believe then, that Jesus was God's Son or that God even existed. I thought that natural power rays created life and that we could contact these rays and use them to help the rest of humanity by spiritual healing. I sought spiritual healing for my dying father and his apparently miraculous recovery led me to join and then to become a Brother of this Healing Lodge.

Completely immersed in this groups teachings, which involve soul unfoldment, by delving deep inside of oneself to contact the Spark that gives us life, I did not then realise how selfish and humanistic this was.
All who sit in circles ritualising power are unfolding their soul and allowing its love to pour out. Thus, they are destroying their very being and the spirits within the circle gobbles up the Holy Light of Life that they release. These can then appear to other souls to deceive them. This is how the Angels of the Night, can appear as Angels of Light.

The only way to overcome these New Age groups is not to fight them in a material sense but Spiritually. This is why God wishes Church prayer groups to be formed to fight Satan in his lairs. (See Appendix 1)
The occult group that I was in is a legally constituted Christian Church. Its leaders are now called Ministers. Their robes containing occult symbols are easily confused with a vicar's cassock. Such groups have some members in the higher stratas of society and it will require a desire in parliament to stop them.
Over the past 50 years civilisation has deteriorated to such an extent, that many of those serving Christian Churches have converted themselves into social workers. Soon they will collapse under the weight of those lacking self discipline and sense of personal responsibility who constantly rely upon others to help them. (This help very often enables the continuation of sin.)


Some Christians cannot understand why I have not joined a Church and say, 'You are not a part of the Fellowship of Christ.' This ignores God's Revelation to me when He told me to serve Him outside of Churches. I believe that all, who accept The Lord Jesus as their personal Saviour and Redeemer, become a part of The Body of Christ. It would certainly be much easier if I was just absorbed into the traditional Church. I believe I am Divinely inspired to write these words in order to help others to have a better understanding about the New Age and how He wishes mankind to respond to it.

This response for unbelievers is to accept The Lord Jesus Christ as their sole (soul) Redeemer and Saviour.
Believers should form Positive Prayer Groups to direct God's Angels to the sources of satanic evil. This acknowledges God as the Superior Force and asks to be used in a positive manner, rather than often just petitioning God, for help.

To those who doubt the solution of positive prayer, I just say this: - The world leader of the particular section of the Great White Brotherhood of which I was a member, was aghast when I told her that I was receiving messages for The Christian Church. 'They will use their power and destroy us,' she said.
She feared not Satan, for she dwelt within his protective circles. What she did fear was God shining His Light upon her and her Spirit Master's activities. And what was this power of the Church that she shied away from?

It was the power of prayer; whereby God's Loving Light would reveal what they did in secret. Loving Prayers sent in theirs and other similar groups' direction will disperse their spirit power. As this spirit power is common to all New Age Groups who deny Jesus is the Son of God, so is a great breadth of vision required to understand that it is the source that needs to be destroyed.

If this is done there will be no need to try and remedy the results of evil, (which can only result in Christians rescuers falling down under the weight of those needing assistance) as the cause will be removed by positive prayers that will guide God's Angels into the dens of the spirit beings that cause evil to be perpetrated throughout the world.

Not all will understand, as God comes to souls in many different ways, and we are called to serve Him in His Way, not ours. Not all will accept all that I have written. But I hope that minds and souls will be stimulated by these words and that some unbelievers will set out to find God, and experience for themselves - The Greatest Adventure of them all!

The great hope for the future is that Christians throughout the world will come to recognise where the Evil Force is at play and where those who control our lives are under its influence, whether they be politicians, leaders of industry, teachers of children and adults, religious leaders, members of the judiciary and all persons who have power over others. Listen very carefully to what these persons actually say. Relate their actions to the '10 Commandments' and Jesus’ 'Sermon on the Mount' and it will be seen how much effort is required to overcome and replace those who encourage sin.

This effort can only be accomplished with God's help by first eliminating all that is not of God from our everyday lives and encouraging more and more to turn to God for Salvation. When this happens, the combined Christian prayers will start to turn the tide of evil that threatens to overwhelm us. Do not delay, turn to God today!

So many religious faiths, plus faith in oneself alone, swirl about in the ocean of humanity and many cling hopelessly to any passing debris in the hope of being saved! How many souls will drown in The Sea of Faith? Who has the ability to discern fact from fiction? Is God True or false? All thinking persons have this thought and sometimes are lucky enough to experience for a brief millisecond - Holiness -, which brings Truth to life for an individual soul.

Those who have read to this page are on the path to find the Truth about God, maybe without realising it, but, in any event, I pray that my experiences have helped to clarify or expand what you already know, whether or not you have been blessed to be received into the arms of our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.
1st PRAYER - THE LORD'S PRAYER. Where two or three are gathered together in My Name, there am I in the midst of them.' The Lord Jesus said. (Matthew 18 v 20) The Lord Jesus gave to us His Prayer which, although used by individuals, is couched in the plural 'our' and 'us' Thus He was showing the desirability of praying in fellowship with others because, the Satanic force always gathers to eliminate even tiny lights of God-thought.
The Lords Prayer is petitional, as it asks for our protection and everyday needs. Even so, it remains No 1 and is said before the following two prayers: -
Our Father which art in Heaven, hallowed be Thy Name. Thy Kingdom come. Thy Will be done, as in Heaven, as in earth. Give our daily bread. Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For Thine is the Kingdom, the Power and the Glory. Forever and ever. Amen.
Satan has rightly called his New Age, the Age of Spirit. This is why his spirits have been organising with such success over the past one and a half centuries. His astrological symbol for the Age of Aquarius is a spirit teacher in a 'Heaven Realm' pouring down from a pitcher, water upon the earth. In occult terms water means spirit. The earth is to be renewed spiritually. Mankind must raise themselves up to this teacher. They must spiritualise themselves by unfolding their souls. He has persuaded all New Age earthly disciples that his deceiving spirits are the only ones to whom mankind can refer. However, the New Age is to be a battle between God's Holy Spirit and Satan's spirit hordes. A great deal of this war will be waged, with humans as Satan's pawns. Christians, who wish to counteract this invasion of hearts and minds, must do so on the spiritual level, rather than the material. It is the source that has to be stopped. This can only be done by positive prayer guidance and individuals can say the following, although preferably at first in groups. This prayer must be said personally, very quietly and with feeling, by the soul of each Rescue Christian. If it is, The Holy Spirit will come and guide and guard it into God's service:
Oh God, once more your servant turns his face towards Thee, in the name of The Lord Jesus Christ. May your Holy Spirit descend upon me that I may know Thy Will. May your Holy Angels guard and protect this my soul, as I open myself to Thee. In the name of The Father, and of The Son, and of The Holy Spirit. Amen.
3rd PRAYER FOR CHRISTIAN RESCUE GROUPS (Preceded by 1 & 2) Church Groups wishing to negate the occult powers must make provision for group prayers for those seeking to leave spirit circles. To take the fight to Satan, complete submission to God is required for His Protection during the exhausting and demanding work.
The following prayer is for Groups only and not for individuals. Each member of the group must be very firm within God's Grace and every soul must first commune with God to ascertain if He requires them to serve in this way: -
Oh God, we your servants meet to help to vanquish the Dark Force of Deception and Evil, not only from our own lives, but from the lives of all who are enslaved by powers that they do not understand. We ask that your Holy Love and Light might shine and dissolve the satanic power webs that encircle the earth.
We particularly ask that your Love might enfold the group known as .................................. that this group's spirit power shall be banished forever from the earth.
May your Love show the deception of the Satan's Cosmic Christ. May your Love break the power circles of the Star Brotherhood. May your Love sever the links of the grand chain of Solar Brethren. May your Love enter into all souls and Spirit Beings who maintain themselves and others in perfect balance, that they may realise that they must not contain evil, but must reject it. We ask all of this in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ our Saviour. Amen.
The principle behind all prayer is first commune with, then thank and then to ask God for something. Just remember The Lord's Words. 'Ask and it shall be given.' (Luke 11 v 9)
The use of positive prayer is not the same as creating and then deliberately manipulating spirit rays to influence other souls like The Great White Brotherhood do. God does not force souls. He may try to persuade, but always the final choice has to be the soul's own, to accept or reject Him. Positive Prayer is not addressed to individuals. It is about the source of the Satanic Power, and will always reduce, if not destroy, that power's ability to cloud the sight and sound of God's Word and so help individual souls to choose. The Christian servant is not sending this form of prayer to the recipient. The servant's prayers are to God. This is completely different from Satan's way of creating a ray and then sending it like a lance to pierce the soul of another.

False prayers calculated to mislead are those which seek to substitute imagination for the reality of communion with God. Beware of those who advocate the continuous repetition of certain words or phrases or visualisation of the 'Lord Christ' whilst imagining what the 'Master' would say to you.

The Brotherhood I was in encouraged saying over and over again, 'I am Divine.' 'I am Divine Love.' 'I am Divine Peace.' 'I am Divine Wisdom.' 'I am Divine Power.' Some Brotherhood meetings had the added use of the voice box by the singing of mantra's to help create spiritual power.

Soon one comes to believe what one has been imagining. One is deceived into thinking that one has become a servant of God and that the Brothers are Sons of God and that Jesus is no more divine than we are.

All who say that God is 'Wisdom, Love and Power' are not of God, because 'wisdom' is derived from the occult 'wise' and serpents are wise, not God. Likewise the Father-Mother-God, or Father-Mother-Son-God is the serpents choice.

Remove the adverse influence that controls and blinds deceived souls and the soul is free to see God once more. Only then is Salvation available.

The physical simile is that until drink and drugs are removed from addicts, they have no chance of escaping from the addiction that controls and blinds them to the reality of life. In the same way, evil spirit thought influences must be removed if those who have been deceived into acting on their behalf are to be saved for Jesus Christ and thus for Heavenly Eternity. Copyright © 2000 Christian Publications

The Christian Publications site
also contains my following Inspirational writings.

THE GREATEST ADVENTURE OF THEM ALL Following God's Revelation the author experienced a vision in which he re-trod his journey to God accompanied by a group of souls he had challenged to travel with him without a Bible, Hymn, or, Prayer Book. 'It isn't possible!' cry, Bible Fundamentalists! 'But God is personal to each and everyone of us.' replies the author. Why don't you come on this journey to find out the Truth of Life? Can you cross The Bridge of Honesty? Pass through the Archway of Truth? Survive the Pleasure Town? Will you become trapped in the Tunnel of the Dead? Can you recognise Angels of the Night disguised as Angels of Light? Can you see the many other Satanic Traps?'

FROZEN IN TIME The author relates a conversation with Jesus in London's Piccadilly Circus. The vision will stimulate the reader’s interest in the search for Truth about the meaning of Life and the controversial statements bring a new reality and answer to the conflict between science and religion.

WITHIN THE THOUGHT OF GOD The Lord speaks to the author in a vision and answers those who doubt that He was The Messiah and provides answers to modern philosophies about the meaning of life upon earth.

WHY GOD IS FACT NOT FICTION Of interest to both unbelievers and believers. Seven thoughts on how to: Know God. Reconcile science with religion. Understand ‘Turn the other cheek’. Detect the spiritual healing trap. Be a Signpost Christian. Be a Christian soldier. Be aware of Satanic kindness.

WHITHER? WHENCE? WHY? The author asks God questions that puzzle mankind about life. The answer is to read St. John’s Gospel. This leads to the author writing as St. John meeting Jesus. Then God answers the questions.

CREATION AND THE FALL The author asks God what evil is, how it originated
and many other questions that have troubled mankind since time began. The answers solve the dispute between science and religion. The stimulating thoughts bring more understanding about life upon earth.


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encouragement No Posting Jun 7, 2008
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