This is the Message Centre for justus jonas


Post 1

justus jonas

Well, I don't know wether I should return here again regularly, what do you think?



Post 2


I think so smiley - smiley
Hi JJ!!!!
How are you doing?
Have you missed me? smiley - winkeye



Post 3

justus jonas

Yes, in fact I did! And I am curious to hear how it was going for you during all the time of my absence.

Last week I went on skiing tour through the swedish mountains in Norra Lappland (Europes refridgerator), but the rest of the time I am still in S:holm trying to have a good time, though the end is coming nearer.

Hear from you...

yours jj


Post 4


Cool smiley - smiley
Well, I'm doing good, working hard (for my standards anyway) in school to pass my exams.... up till now things are going alright...
Besides that nothing much interesting's going on... Ooh! I started driver's lessons, so be prepared to see me in bandages soon smiley - winkeye
Where is LIS? Is he still on here?

Miriam smiley - smiley

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