Journal Entries

Loud, rude, tastless American sex.

Gads. I'ts been weeks, months even, and there are no expansive, ealborative, or even tantilizing entries on sex. This is pathetic. Are there too many teen agers here? What's the point? I'm too jaded for this. Pathetic. Utterly pathetic. Talk about cunnilingus, male homsexual sex positions, orgies pornography on the internet, sex and swingers of the 60's, lime jello. ANY DANG thing.

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Latest reply: Aug 24, 2000


Cleaning can be such a bother. I've been cleaning my residence from top to bottom recently. After checking, the mold problem was far worse than I thought. It nearly destroyed 4 bookshelves, and was growing up the wall 6 feet high behind 2 of them. The 50/50% bleach water mixture I use in a spray bottle seemed to help, but I think I need another spray bottle, the one I have is not exactly the best.

I've tossed out a remarkable amount of utter trash. I have no idea why I was collecting it. Just apathy, I guess.

Ps. Thanks to Discopants for responding to my first journal. that makes it easier for me to post more.

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Latest reply: Jun 1, 2000

A mans and a woman's man

I'm a people person. I like socializing, probably far more than a good amount of the people I socialize with. Will this journal see regular use? I don't know. I never was much of a journal writer. I like personally yelling about things I've seen, done, or thgouht about. Journals are kind of a one way communication, something I've never liked. How the hell am I suposed to know if this is of any interest to anyone if all I end up doing is typing, with no response.

Perhaps I'll be the sex columnist for h2g2. Then people would talk to me, if only to yell at me.

So, there', there's an idea. Now TALK will you? It bugs me out to have all this silence.

Ps. They ought to add a spell cheker. I'm tyop prone.

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Latest reply: May 9, 2000

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