This is the Message Centre for rhiannon

Greetings rhiannon

Post 1


Hello... ~grin~... welcome to h2g2... me is very happy to welcome you... Me is an ACE... which is an Assistant Community Editor... so if you have any problems or questions... me will try my best to help you out... so don't hesitate to ask...

Hope you enjoy h2g2 as much as me does...

Greetings rhiannon

Post 2

Wednesday Addams (sleeping, mostly)

As an Angel (, I'd like to welcome you too. Welcome! Hope you enjoy it here!

Greetings rhiannon

Post 3


Hi there Saint Zoe,

so far I didn't actually think of myself as painfully shy but as there is no such thing as coincidence in life, I'll have to think that one over ;o)

On your homepage I read you'd be willing to give me a hint about "the happening pages" at h2g2. Would you?



Greetings rhiannon

Post 4

Wednesday Addams (sleeping, mostly)

Um... well... there's.... Lisa's page... that's , where you will find links to the Freaks, etc. That's pretty useful...

Greetings rhiannon

Post 5


Hi again... if you want to see the most "happening pages" then ckick on the h2g2 icon in the goo above... ~grin~... you know the thing in the top left hand corner... it takes you to the front page... and on their you will find a list of the top 5 busiest sites on h2g2...

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