Journal Entries
Posted Nov 13, 2000
So, I'm back? Well, yes. after the terrible shock of actually having seen the hugeness of H2G2 it took me months to recover. I haven't been exactly a great host, but i'm sure that will change. Maybe. Like any researcher that has the guts to pull the wool of reality of from over his eyes, the shock is huge and the balance of reality can only be restored by the one and only true spirit. Which is good. dus.
PS: Kheldar knows what i'm on about...
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Latest reply: Nov 13, 2000
Posted Jun 5, 2000
So, this is H2G2. Still feels a bit awkward, this internet thing. Not in the least because I still haven't got my own connection and I've got to do all my updating in about two hours, once a week. It makes it kinda hard to get into anything besides some fooling around with some the people that invited me here in the first place. Anyway, the place itself is great, really, even though I'm just beginning to scratch the tip of the iceberg (is this legal English ?)There's a lot of exploring to do for me, which is good 'cause I'm the nosy kind.
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Latest reply: Jun 5, 2000
Researcher U121438
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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."