This is a Journal entry by ClownMCP


Post 1


So, I'm back? Well, yes. after the terrible shock of actually having seen the hugeness of H2G2 it took me months to recover. I haven't been exactly a great host, but i'm sure that will change. Maybe. Like any researcher that has the guts to pull the wool of reality of from over his eyes, the shock is huge and the balance of reality can only be restored by the one and only true spirit. Which is good. dus. smiley - smiley

PS: Kheldar knows what i'm on about...


Post 2

Kheldar (Don't hate the media, Become the media)

ROFL!! Why did you have to bring me into this? Haven't I got enough to worry about smiley - winkeye...dus...?


Post 3


If you want something to worry about, I suggest ya take a look at my other two postings of today. They are... pleasantly disturbing smiley - smiley


Post 4

Kheldar (Don't hate the media, Become the media)

I noticed. Quite good actually. Not even close to disturbing for me, but that's something else smiley - winkeye

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