Journal Entries


So GW is closing.

Sayonara Wonder Weavers!

I probably won't be posting anything else on the site - but I will check in from time to time - so if you want to get in touch leave a message and I'll get back to you. I'll still be reading and reviewing from time to time (especially my favourites - you know who you are).

A big thanks to everyone who critted my writing - and thanks to everyone whose work I have read.



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Latest reply: Feb 15, 2005

The world turns...

In the last four weeks, the world changed.
She looks different for a start, the shorelines around the Indian Ocean have changed forever.
Town and villages have gone, and the people who breathed life into them breathe no more.
Iraq still bleeds, their torturers are handed minimal sentences, and war still stalks the world.
But the consciousness of the world has changed too. Governments across the world have been given a kick up the backside by their people, and, at last, politicians are seriously talking about fixing Africa.
Maybe there is hope yet.

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Latest reply: Jan 16, 2005


I'm a brand new member and I have been reading through the work during a bout of insomnia. The standard is a lot higher than expected, perhaps even a little intimidating to someone who has just started putting their ideas onto paper.
Hope you enjoy my stuff. If you do please tell me, and if you don't plase tell me why! I need all the help I can get!

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Latest reply: Dec 17, 2004

Wet behind the ears

I'm a brand new member and have been browsing through the work during a bout of insomnia. The standard is far higher than expected, perhaps even a little intimidating to someone who has just started putting ideas onto paper. I think I will avoid reviewing this morning because I'm slepless and grumpy, but full marks to all the short story writers who have submitted; and full marks to BBCi for giving new writers the opportunity to have their work peer reviewed.

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Latest reply: Dec 17, 2004

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