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Rita Started conversation Sep 28, 2002
My name is Rita Fontanero. I'm a niece of the person you should know as Pedro Cortes. I am also an acquaintance of pauline who you know as well I believe. I found out you hang out here from Pedro or pauline, I don't remember which one, hence my visit.
The reason I'm contacting you is because there's a website called Cook Dreams with some of your work on it. I was wondering what you intend for this material?
I'm currently involved in helping Pedro Cortes, who I know as simply Pedro or Tio Pedro, to consolidate or otherwise organize material created by Shane, who you probably know as Lilith Cookie. I've already moved one of her movies to a site she created called DollFlix. I was wondering if I should just move everything from Cookie Dreams there or if you anticipate using the Cookie Dreams site for something else.
Pauline said she didn't object but thought I should contact you, because part of the work was yours. She said she owns the site domain which I believe is not Cookie Dreams but some other title. I forgot to ask her what the name was.
I apologize if this comes at a bad time and without proper introductions beforehand, but I'm a graduate student and don't have a lot of time to deal with this stuff, so I'd appreciate just knowing what you intend, if anything.
The site, by the way, is very nice but I'm not sure I appreciate the context or point of it. If you don't plan on using it further, we can probably allocate the space to something else. Currently, it's getting virtually no hits (internet traffic) so it seems like it either ought to be promoted or the material used somewhere else.
On the otherhand, if you intend to further develop the site, and need assistance from either Pedro or me, please let either of us know. I think I'll be doing most of the development and maintenance for awhile but if you'd feel more comfortable dealing with Pedro, I'll await instructions from him.
Thank you for your time and attention,
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