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Your tony blair entry.

Post 1

Oberon2001 (Scout)

Hello there! Have you thought of submiting your Blair entry to review? I'm currently writing a blair biog (A836048) and could help you finish it if you wanted smiley - smiley

Your tony blair entry.

Post 2


Sorry I didn't get back to you earlier (I don't visit all that often.)

Regards your offer of help:-

I had actually forgotton that I had written that article on "Blair-Speak" I'm not sure it would ever be accepted though (Probably far too political). Thanks for the offer though. smiley - smiley

I would be interested in seeing what sort of stuff you'll be putting into your entry. (assuming it still isn't finished.)

Your tony blair entry.

Post 3

Oberon2001 (Scout)

You could always put it up to be in The Post -> U54963 they don't mind about being biased that much.
PS, my Blair entry (A836048) got picked for the Edited Guide last week.

Your tony blair entry.

Post 4


Thanks for that.

PS Good looking entry you've got there.

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