This is the Message Centre for Blondie


Post 1


hello there smiley - smiley....i must admit i was led to you by a friend of mine who said your page reminded him of me smiley - winkeye....well, yes i am tall, yes i am blonde, yes my eyes are green (on occasion, depending on the mood they change) and yes to the rest......hhhhmmmm, guess he was right LOL!!!
anyway, now that i am here i thought i would send you a warm Southern welcome smiley - smiley.....Hiya, don't be a stranger smiley - smiley
monsy smiley - fish (stuck in alabama)


Post 2


Well a warm Southern hell to you too Monsy! Are you an NY'er too?
I am still poking around in this site, and I'm not sure what to make of it yet. Not that New Yorkers are suspicious or anything ....
smiley - smiley


Post 3


HA! I accidentally typed "... a warm Southern HELL..." instead of "hello". Freudian slip, perhaps! smiley - winkeye


Post 4


LOL!!! not a slip really, after living here for a bit it can feel a bit like hell smiley - winkeye.....
as for if i am from NY...nope, actually i am a military brat which means i am from EVERYWHERE smiley - winkeye....moved aroung every 2 to 3 years. the nice part was i did get to see lots of different places i never would of seen otherwise.....too bad my parents chose alabama as the state where they decided they couldn't stand each other anymore....of all the places they could of split smiley - winkeye hehe!!!
could be worse though, could be mississippi smiley - winkeye j/k smiley - winkeye
monsy smiley - fish


Post 5


Well, nice to meet you Monsey.
Say, could you tell me what the little fish means?
I see you used it, and a lot of others use it as well.


Post 6


nice to meet you as well blondie smiley - smiley....
the yellow fish...well, in the hitchhikers books the yellow fish is a traslator fish that allows everyone to understand what everyone else is stick it in your ear smiley - winkeye....quite an odd feeling i can assure you but it does come in handy when speaking to others smiley - winkeye....
monsy smiley - fish


Post 7


Oh, I am SURE it DOES!! Jeez, I think I'm gonna have to read the book. Spending a childhood watching Star Trek just ain't enough!

Some people seem to always be logged on ... I want THEIR jobs!
I have to do this from home because web activity is monitored at work.

I'm gonna buy one of those fish now! Actually, blondes need one of those anyways, right? smiley - smiley


Post 8


hehe!! that is what i am told but i try to change that view at every opportunity, so far it is not working smiley - winkeye......oh well smiley - smiley
as for the fish, you don't need to buy one, i happen to have an extra i will allow you to have smiley - fish....there you go, a fishie of your very own smiley - smiley
p.s. > < > without the spaces will allow you to show off your new fishie to all your friends smiley - winkeye
monsy smiley - fish


Post 9


Monsy?!?!? Are you asking me to show my fishie to EVERYONE?!?!
What kind of web site IS this???
smiley - smiley

What kind of girl do you think I am to show my new fishie to the virtual world, just like that? Or do you give fishies to everyone?
smiley - smiley

Hello again !!

Post 10


Well I must say that being here has opened a few new doors to cyber space and WOW im in another one as I speak. Hope to chat again real soon . Later EH !! smiley - smiley I haven`t set up a home page yet but will get ( around tuit ) sooner or later. And I also am a big hockey fan and love to smiley - fish

Hello again !!

Post 11


blondie, of course you can't just start holding out your fishie and showing it to everyone...that would cause a stir, you must do it with tact and taste in order to keep the calm smiley - winkeye hehe!!!!
friend, it is always nice to meet a friend smiley - smiley do hope to see you around smiley - smiley
monsy smiley - fish

Hello again !!

Post 12


Well, I am certainly glad THAT'S cleared up! smiley - winkeye
While I generally enjoy stirring things up, it's a bit
too soon for THIS website! smiley - smiley

By the way, I love the fishbowl on your home page.
May I steal it please? smiley - smiley

Okay, are you paying attention?
Here 'ya go: smiley - hsif
THERE! I hope that doesn't cause too much unrest!
smiley - smiley

Hello again !!

Post 13


Ha! I followed what someone (an ACE, I might add) told me to type, and it was WRONG! smiley - fish Now THAT'S what I've been holding back!
smiley - smiley

Hello again !!

Post 14


Hello Friend. Hello AGAIN? Do I know you? Since your homepage is not up yet, I can't tell. smiley - sadface

A hockey fan, eh? What team?
GO STARS!!!! smiley - smiley

Hello again !!

Post 15


i am glad you like my fishbowl smiley - smiley i am rather pleased with it may snitch it or anything else you would like smiley - smiley....
monsy smiley - fish

Hello again !!

Post 16


Okay, cool. Now I have to figure out how to post it in this web site!

I am on a conference call at work, which gives me a lot of time to surf. smiley - smiley

No we dont know each other !

Post 17


I just read your intro to this web site and wanted to say hello .So here I go again HELLO !! Didn`t you know that hockey is a Canadian sport `` GO LEAFS GO ``` The only drawback is that Im overseas in Asia so dont get to see much hockey these past few years. Oh well there`s always smiley - fishing

Heya Monsy

Post 18


It seems that you and blondie are striking up lots of conversation about ; well who knows where it could lead to smiley - smiley
Anyhow if yas dont mind Im gonna poke my nose in and get some of the fun. Later EH !!! `` GO LEAFS GO `` Bah !!! maybe next year . Until then I will just hafta go smiley - fishing

No we dont know each other !

Post 19


Hello Friend, Go LEAFS?!?! Aren't they on the golf course right now? Or perhaps they will smiley - fishing next to you! smiley - smiley GO STARS!!!! smiley - smiley

What are you doing in Asia?

Hockey News Flash !!!

Post 20


** GO LEAFS GO ***

Well Blondie, Im here in Japan working as a construction engineer for a Japaneese Co. I am also their construction supervisor and teaching the younger carpenters 2x4 framing and cabinetry . Hopefully I will be able to get on board with a group of mie-diku (japaneese craftsman) and help them build a Shrine!!! Now that would be the ultimate in learning ancient building tecniques..Ok now what about you !!!! What are you doing way down south EH !

P:S: I like your fishies smiley - bigeyes

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