This is the Message Centre for Guinness Duck

Welcome oh feathery one!

Post 1


Hi I am Abi and I am the Deputy Community Editor here at h2g2! Welcome. If you have any questions pop past my page and leave me a message.

In the meantime I hope you enjoy your time here at h2g2.

Welcome oh feathery one!

Post 2


Hi there GD... me loves that name... so me just had to come calling... ~grin~... it looks as if you have been around the guide for a little while... me hopes you are enjoying yourself... me knows it takes a little while to sort yuorself out... if you do have any problems... then just let me know... ot another of my fellow ACE's... we would be very happy to try and sort them out for you...

Welcome oh feathery one!

Post 3

Guinness Duck

All the love and warmth of this place is killing me. ::sniffles:: Yer all going to be bringing a big ole' tear to my eye...

...anyway I hope to keep plodding along with entries that'll make all of ya proud!



Welcome oh feathery one!

Post 4


Hi! Need any advice on Chocolate or Cats? Or chocolate cats for that matter, they're all equally loved by me.

Welcome oh feathery one!

Post 5


Me is a cat who loves chocolate... ~grin~

Welcome oh feathery one!

Post 6

Guinness Duck

I must say tho, Cats dipped in hot fudge are certainly out of the question. You end up picking the fur out of your teeth for weeks.

Welcome oh feathery one!

Post 7


You mean you tried? Fish are better, but don't cook them, or the flavour isn't true. At least, that's what my cats told me. Find out all about my cats on my page (click on my name at the top of this message)smiley - fish

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