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Shirps Posted May 3, 2005
Hi there Mo
Just got back from the coast. Nearly got a kitchen Will write later - unpacking, etc., to do
- not long now
Shirps Posted May 9, 2005
Hiya Mo
Don't talk to me about snails - how come MSN has a snail smiley & we can't have one - already put a request in, but got a cheeky reply back!!
We keep getting interrupted with other things, mainly family & shopping & visiting, etc. So, yeah, kitchen is slow going, but we have a fully working sink & cooker, but only one work surface which is rather full of things like the microwave & most improtantly the kettle . I'm afraid you'll have to wait a bit longer for the
Stacks of art society work to get done - including notes for the "new" secretary & treasurer (if we get anyone - fingers crossed) & loads of filing to get everything in order. I need a cannon behind me to get going on it all though - & I keep getting interrupted, as above.
I'm going over to mum tomorrow to get all her paperwork in order - I think I'll probably take that over for her - she's bright, but it's getting muddling for her - she's 83 this September & doing really well mentally, but she never had to deal with bills, etc., while my father was alive, so it's all a bit of a strain to her.
Have we finished with the "Anything" thread? Takes a while to download, just have to remember we were talking on that one
How goes things with you & Bonnie & Ant?
Shirps Posted May 25, 2005
Hiya Mo!
Really busy with Art Society work - trying to get Summer Exhibition paperwork sorted & then filing & notes for handover in September done!!! I need a gun behind me I think
Kitchen coming along great now - a few more mishaps - I will get them down in my journal (time, time, time - why is there only 24 hours in the day & why do I feel tired for 22 of them?)
Hope you & your family are OK. We're off to the coast tomorrow morning for a long weekend of further decorating & gardening AND a break from "that room"
& Society members. Just finished typing the exhibition catalogue & printing it out, but the printer is playing up along with the computer!!!! A few choice words were, I am afraid, emitted from my mouth, but it's all printed now - sigh of relief.
Be in touch next week. Hope the weather is better over there now.
& a little
hoping for some sunshine
Shirps Posted Jun 10, 2005
Good news: it was R's birthday yesterday & he put up ... the last cupboard - yay!! Just tiling to do & few little bits, then .... & this is why you HAVE to hang around - Would you believe it's taken 6 months! BUT we've had alot of interruptions & problems,even though it's a little kitchen
OK, now seriously - just what is happening at your end?
I'm out tonight (My last proper Society meeting ), but will reply over the weekend.
waiting for a reply .....
MoFoLo Posted Jul 27, 2005
So is it really done? Sorry I missed R's bd.
Still working on the problems. Have setup an appointment for a new hearing aid.
We had a major heat wave and life was all around miserable for a week or so. But we are getting back to normal and it will probably seem like a cold front with 80 degree weather.
and I did a movie last Monday. I needed a day off away from home and work.
How's retirement? Bet the Society is missing you.
Love to all,
Shirps Posted Jul 27, 2005
Hey, it's great to have you back - I've had no-one to chat to
Kitchen - hmm - well .... we have the tiles, but went to the coast last week & R strained his back muscles lifting some compost (manure) so he is having to take it really easy.
Would you like me to send you a pretty gruesome picture of my thumb?
More to talk about, but thumb hurting at present as I've been chatting to my daughter - reply soon...
MoFoLo Posted Jul 30, 2005
I welcome all gruesome pictures of thumbs. What happened to the thumb to make it gruesome.
Understand about hurt back. I am so glad mine is healing as quickly as it is doing.
My daughter Mary almost made the news. She was driving a truck back to her new job at Rent-A-Center. Suddenly she saw a black sporty car headed straight at her. The guy looked as stiff as a board and his eyes were closed. She swerved the truck away from the incoming car and it Passed her. Unfortunately the vehicle behind her could not see and therefore could'nt avoid the oncoming car. The vehile behind her was flpped over and the the sports car then continued on and hit a SUV. There were three ladies in the second vehicle. Two died. All three were sisters. So far nothing has been said about the driver of the sports car.
MoFoLo Posted Aug 3, 2005
Just a quick note to let you know I am finally getting around to getting a replacement hearing aid. I have to pay 20% of the office charge and a $10.00 co-pay or around $43.00 US. depending on how bad my hearing has deteriorated the $750.00 to $1,500.00 cost of the hearing aid will be paid for by my insurance. The only question I have is should I just give it to Whizzer or let her find it on her own. She ate my last two hearing aids for my right ear.
So, are the pins out? If so, was it done with or without an anaesthetic. Conventiional anaesthetics I mean. Scotch is okay I guess, I'm a rum man myself.
Let me know, I'm on pins an needles, OOPs, bad phrase, er, I await your answer.
MoFoLo Posted Aug 9, 2005
Hi, you still there? If you can't type because of the hand nod your head three times.
Hope you are healing well and will be back soon.
Best to R and Holly
Shirps Posted Aug 10, 2005
I am still here, but only catching snatches of converses - mum's not well - going to docs again in a minute - other family things going on too - hmmph!! Will write asap - prob last thing at night - so excuse the poor English when I do (it'll be after a couple of
Keep well
Back soon!
MoFoLo Posted Aug 10, 2005
Meanwhile I'll throw a few prayers on the fire. Hang in there. Always remember it could be worse -- you could be living my life.
Talk to you later when your ready.
Shirps Posted Aug 10, 2005
Hiya - caught you on-line!
Well, doc didn't like how she was (not) doing! The tablets hadn't cured her irregular heartbeat nor the "water" trouble & she now has water in her lungs. So he arranged for her to go into hospital - we rushed back to mum's house & picked up a few things, then home for me to grab my testing kit&syringe & off we went to the hosp.
I rang at about 3pm today (2 hours ago) - they said they are treating the water first, as they don't know which came first (like the chicken & egg) the water or heart.
Anyway, I'll phone again after 8am tomorrow & see what is happening. It is a good half hour drive to the hospital & I have physio tomorrow afternoon.
On top of that, my brother can't come up because he's pretty sure he will be going in to hospital for a hip replacement during next week!!! He has waited ages for this & will eventually need 2 knee ops also.
We should be going on holiday for 3 weeks to the coast next Tuesday, but luckily we can be flexible, so we shall wait & see.
Some good news though: my daughter, Elizabeth, is expecting my first grandchild at the end of January - I'll be a granny before I'm 50 - yaaaay!!!
And we are going to the christening of R's great nephew on Sunday.
All for now - I think that's enough!!!
PS Thumb is really swollen - not too painful, but all scars are healing well - looks pretty horrific, but time will ease it all down. Physio is for my shoulder and ring finger: I have a scar front & back of hand, but the physio doesn't think the op will have improved it - ah well, time will again tell.
MoFoLo Posted Aug 10, 2005
That was a lot of news. You have been a busy lady. I hope they can figure things out and help your mum. Meanwhile watch yourself. There sounds to be a bit of stress going on.
My oldest Brother-in-Law had his hips replaced and he is doing fine. It took a bit of time but through perserverence he apparently is back in good form. My other Brother-in-Law had a knee replaced. He is doing okay but I'm not sure he is going to have the other knee done. It took a bit of the wind out of his sails.
Hope you get to make the coastal vacation soon.
Will I call you granny then. Hope it's a boy or a girl. (Old joke! and stale.) Remember, you are not to spoil the grandchild. Just bring it lots of gifts every time you visit. I still remember
being born. There is no feeling like it in the world. And no pain. I mean Mary made a lot of noise but I didn't feel a thing.
Hope it is a good day for R's nephew's christening come this Sunday.
If I don't hear from you for a while, I'll understand. When you do get back here I'll be interested in how R is doing with the new stove.
Talk to you soon, Best to everyone,
Shirps Posted Aug 18, 2005
Hiya Mo
We brought mum home from hospital on Wednesday & have been given permission to take her away for 2 weeks to the coast - her heart rate is still too fast, but she is on strong medication which should bring it under control.
Speak when I get back - around 5 or 6 September.
You take care now.
MoFoLo Posted Aug 18, 2005
You take care. Hope you all have a pleasant stay on the coast. I am glad your mum is doing better and hope the coast perks her up.
Look forward to your return,
s all around.
Shirps Posted Sep 24, 2005
Well hello !
This is OUR thread! I'll be off & on during the weekend & week - so, let me know how you're doing & I'll reply properly this time
MoFoLo Posted Sep 24, 2005
Hi shirp,
Nothing much to report. I just looked into the other "Hi" and the somberness made me think I missed something important. As long as you guys are okay that is my only concern at the moment.
Bonnie is slowly but noticably sliding down hill. Every five minutes she says, "Let's go!" Or asks me to take her for a ride. Lost her glasses yesterday and the and I have been unable to find them. The
and I are going to one of my co-worker's wedding today and maybe a movie. I told Bonnie we are going to a game and that later today or tomorrow we will go for a ride. I don't like lying about going to a game but she would want to go to the wedding and want to leave five minutes after we arrive.
Well "granny" if anything is happening please drop me a line. Otherwise I am cool and will be back in touch.
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- 1: MoFoLo (May 3, 2005)
- 2: Shirps (May 3, 2005)
- 3: MoFoLo (May 9, 2005)
- 4: Shirps (May 9, 2005)
- 5: Shirps (May 25, 2005)
- 6: Shirps (Jun 10, 2005)
- 7: MoFoLo (Jul 27, 2005)
- 8: Shirps (Jul 27, 2005)
- 9: MoFoLo (Jul 30, 2005)
- 10: MoFoLo (Aug 3, 2005)
- 11: MoFoLo (Aug 9, 2005)
- 12: Shirps (Aug 10, 2005)
- 13: MoFoLo (Aug 10, 2005)
- 14: Shirps (Aug 10, 2005)
- 15: MoFoLo (Aug 10, 2005)
- 16: Shirps (Aug 18, 2005)
- 17: MoFoLo (Aug 18, 2005)
- 18: Shirps (Aug 19, 2005)
- 19: Shirps (Sep 24, 2005)
- 20: MoFoLo (Sep 24, 2005)
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