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Shirps Posted Sep 26, 2005
Well, the tiling is finished - just the grouting to do. That was real fun - not! Why are lightswitches & power switches not the same size as tiles & place on walls leaving enough space for a whole tile? R had to buy a new tile cutter - the old one having gone rusty - but the tiles were a ******* to cut - they seemed to be thicker than normal & impossible to cut except in half. He resorted to breaking some of them outside & trying to shave the sides straight
ANyway it's nearly done. Looking into a rail system to hold bits & bobs leaving a bit of space on the worktops for, actual, work
Mum seems to be getting used to the new medication, but it's taken it's time - she is a lot more tired now though & any kind of "excitement" really tires her. I am going round about twice a week to get her house - clothes & things sorted out for her.
My brother is home ok after his hip operation - he fitted on the table when he was coming round & had whiteouts for about 3 days after - ok now though - just taking things very carefully.
My daughter, Liz, has finished feeling queasy & being sick! They have discovered a fibroid & hernia, but they can be dealt with after the baby is born! She should be getting her house moving date this week & finishes her current contract at the end of October. It is a bit worrying as she is taking on another contract for 3 months, but they know the baby is expected at the end of January & are OK about it - personally, I hope she doesn't get the job.
I've been to physio again today - she thinks just one more apptmnt. next week - right shoulder is not completely mobile, but less pain - left ring finger refuses to go down due to ruptured tendon, but again less painful & solid. Thumb is coming round v. slowly , but getting used to taking more weight & usage. Just waiting for apptmt. with rheumatologist so they can confirm the surgeon's diagnosis of rheumatoid arthritis. Ah well - life goes on
I am so sorry that Bonnie seems to be getting worse - have the docs given you any ideas? Or is it going to be a long slow downhill struggle? Are your family helping you more now?
I was really pleased you sorted out the hearing aid - CAN YOU HEAR ME NOW?
R & I retired from the Art Society 2 weeks ago, although I announced that I thought Roger should be President "did everyone agree?" "Yes" & smiles they all returned - I asked Roger: "Yes". So before the useless Chairman had a chance to "hold a committee meeting to discuss it" I ensured the rightful succession
We were really surprised with the presentation they gave us: Big bunch of flowers, vouchers & a framed statements from alot of the soc. members saying thank you - I'll send you a piccy!! I just couldn't stop crying so my prepared (in my head) speech flew out of the window!! It's the end of an 11 year era, but I am finding it difficult to adjust & seething already about the new secretary - I must stay calm, I must stay calm - a mantra I continue to say to myself!
I think I've caught up with my news!! Sorry haven't been around much - I've dipped in a few times, but now, over the past week I'm online more - I had a load of stuff to get sorted for the Soc. and of course, my mum.
Speak soon - chin up &
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