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United Friend-ly greeting Shirps!
jaz'd(ace & yada yada *sigh* chocolate yada) Started conversation Jan 15, 2005
Or should I say, welcome back! In any case help yourself to some Polish Wawel Dark(a minimum of 90% cocoa solids) oh & click on 'Produkty', there's an English translation I'm Canadian, but I don't think good
like a number of other things, knows any Real borders.
I just thought I should pop in & welcome you to United Friends. I'm 7 hours behind you (timewise) assuming you're in The U.K., so something I know I find useful is . With United Friends practically world
-wide it helps quite a bit knowing whether they're likely awake or whatever. I'm certainly up for a bit of a chat sometime if you'd like...oh &
quitting smoking - TTFN! *waves*
United Friend-ly greeting Shirps!
Shirps Posted Jan 16, 2005
Thankee for the treasured welcome!
I'm a ye olde English gel, but nearly moved to Canada with 1st husband - thankfully I didn't as it turned out
Aha, so you found my great weakness:
for the site - I went there & looked - I guess the best way is to email them & ask them to send a price list & catalogue? 90% is just too much to resist
The "quitting smoking" bit is on hold just now - but, no doubt, it will crop up again with gusto in the not too distant future
Whereabouts in the "land of the lumberjacks" are you situated?
United Friend-ly greeting Shirps!
jaz'd(ace & yada yada *sigh* chocolate yada) Posted Jan 16, 2005
Ah, great to get a prompt reply Shirps! Unfortunately my computer was playin' up earlier...I decided to just leave it/let it sit awhile. I'm assuming that would be the thing to do, e-mail & ask for a price list as well as a catalogue. I suspect a German or other eastern european grocery might have them - the Wawel
bars. (I found the bars in a local Italian supermarket-in the city's Italian neighbourhood.) I'm actually munching away at another bit of my
collection, some Dutch Droste Extra Dark Pastilles - minimum 72% cocoa solids .
I'm in Edmonton, Alberta...western Canada, so quite firmly in the grip of another prairie winter, it's currently -29C out there.
United Friend-ly greeting Shirps!
Shirps Posted Jan 16, 2005
Prompt? - well I suppose 7 to 8 hours in worldtime is not much
Now just you treat your puterpet right - has it got a name? Mine's called Bilbo - really!
You prob. know this, but each machine has a number ... or you can give it a name!
So stroke it & say "good morning" & "thank you" to he/she occasionally - honest, I won't tell anyone
I will email & let you know the outcome & check out the other site.
I don't suppose on your travels to these decent making countries, you couldn't just open the window on the plane & drop out some samples - I'll give you the co-ordinates
I've just been given a belated Xmas - a
smelling candle! It looks & smells so real that I began to
& bite into it - to no avail.
NOW my problem is whether to light it & have the smell wafting for about ONE day or leave it be & just smell it occasionally
We were given a choc fondue set when I married in 03, each Christmas I've brought it out, but nobody has fancied it after all the usual food! Dark choc + cream + brandy - mmmmm.
I'll have to up my insulin before divulging into that - ha! By the by - I am a fairly well behaved diabetic, but find that not only do I prefer dark choc, but I can get away with eating it. So really it IS medicinal
I am not a lover of belgian - I find it rather sickly - there I've said it
I began this 2 hours ago, but have been chatting to my daughter on Messenger for a good 1&half hours of that!! - You'll still be
though - so it doesn't matter!
Sorry - I've rambled on
PS You don't happen to put a tot of whiskey or, better still, brandy in your coffee? Try it, while eating some choc so it melts in your mouth
United Friend-ly greeting Shirps!
jaz'd(ace & yada yada *sigh* chocolate yada) Posted Jan 16, 2005
Well Shirps good to get a lengthlier reply - no need to worry about rambling on, I tend to do it myself at times!
I suppose I shall have to see about giving my computer a name. Perhaps best to let something just pop into my head unbidden, as the names that do immediately come to mind are Definitely less than complimentary!
Ah *sigh* Now That would be a job with Rich dividends! Flying to the various"hotspots" (so to speak) & dropping highly edible "CARE packages" from on high.
Where do I send my curriculum vitae for that?? I assume the job includes an ample supply of
One of my post-Christmas purchases a few years ago was a Vanilla Latte scented candle. Quite nice, the aroma of a steaming vanilla latte...I actually still have it, for much the reasons you described.
I was@a friend's recently for an evening that included a Japanese-style teppan(yaki) meal & thenfondued items for dessert - a Very nice way to help usher in the New Year!
I have to agree with you on the topic of belgian...I'm not that fond of it myself. We have a belgian
latier who emmigrated here some years ago . Another friend of mine seems to consider his products the veritable holy grail of
. Of the
I've tasted though. I prefer the eastern european-particularly German ( ), although I have had some Very good Polish(this being another of them , coincidentally also discovered@that Italian supermarket!)
I must admit I haven't tried brandy although from time to time I do add a splash of rum or irish cream...there's a relatively new-flavoured liquer - the company also produces a
variety I'd like to try.
United Friend-ly greeting Shirps!
Shirps Posted Jan 16, 2005
This must be the ultimate in worship - I have bought 2 bottles of perfume from a company called Yves Rocher - scent of ..........
PLUS vanilla -
Believe it or not I have had quite a few good comments!! I reckon some people don't realise how much they like those aromas, let alone tasting them
more websites! I've added the other 2 to my favs. already: the 1st I have emailed & the other, unfortunately, I find the shop site is down at present
!! There's loooooads of time though
Back to the word game, which is getting a little out of hand
Take care & speak soon.
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United Friend-ly greeting Shirps!
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