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Twin Stars of Hapi

The Hapi system is 512.78 light years from sol in the direction of Draco beta. The star system is named after the ancient Egyptian god of the Nile and was named by the higher government in the Delta Pavonis system. The Delta Pavonians have been a space faring Race for about 6000 years and one of their first interstellar stops was Earth around the time of the start of the Egyptian Empire. The race has been speculated to have been the catalyst for the civilisation and their gods are strangely similar to those worshiped by the ancient Egyptians. Their spacecraft designs however in no way represent pyramidal structures on the contrary they look like large horizontal skyscrapers. The Twin stars of the Hapi system are respectively called Horrus and Anubis. The system is currently the capital seat of the Delta Pavonian civilisation after their exodus from Delta Pavonis in the year 120 AD Horrus is a class B giant and has approximately 6 planets in orbit none of which is known to support life. The smaller of the two, Anubis, is a class G giant similar to the star Cappella in the Earth's local neighbourhood. Anubis also has 6 planets in orbit again none of which is known to support life. The system as a combined binary though, has a further 18 planets in orbit 6 of which are capable of supporting life and four more which have been terraformed for farming in the successive 1850 years since the Delta Pavonians have occupied the system. Hapi 12 is the seat of government for the entire system and has been locally named (to recent government intelligence) as Greater Thebes. The Delta Pavonians have not colonised any of the surrounding systems and their entire civilisation is contained within the Hapi system. Their government is extremely Xenophobic when it comes to entrance into Hapi so when humans gain interstellar flight DO NOT enter the system 512.78 Ly away in the direction of Draco Beta with a B-class and a G-class giant binary system. Wait for them to meet you. smiley - smiley

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Latest reply: Nov 28, 2000

I am a sad git (and I admit it!"

Well this is a useless jounal entry I just wanted to know who is the most disireable cyber babe?
Final Fantasy 8's Rinoa gets my vote

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Latest reply: Jun 23, 2000

Out of hospital (nearly!)

Im writing this at 7.50 in the morning of friday 21st april 2000 and at 9.00 il be free! Free from the clutches of beutiful nurses (DOH!), free from the really hard beds which it is impossible to get a decent nights kip, free from the constant teperature/blood pressure readings, and free from the free internet all day (ALSO DOH!).
I have got nothing left to pull out (stiches wise) and let me tell you having pacing wires taken out is the wierdest experiance ever!
(I recomend it if you're a sadist) gotta go bye
Fallen angel

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Latest reply: Apr 21, 2000

Physics problem

I have a Problem.
As part of my A-level course in physics I have to do an experiment involving finding the heights of rooms using a pendulum and I am stuch on the final equation to work out the height of a room from the plotted graph any help will be apreciated

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Latest reply: Apr 12, 2000

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The Fallen Angel (bloke form Altair Prime wishes to meet single female from Achenar 6d apply within)

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