This is the Message Centre for destiny

hello people

Post 1


i just wondered what interesting things you people have to say
to make me think

hello people

Post 2


Doesn't that depend rather on what you are interested in? smiley - winkeye

hello people

Post 3


well i am interested in red dwarf don't you think
that is such a good series. I really enjoyed watching
all of the series

hello people

Post 4


Yes, I agree that Red Dwarf is very interesting - although unfortunately Red Dwarf VII wasn't up to the same standard as the rest of the series.
So, who is your favourite Red Dwarf charcter? Hope you don't mind me asking annoying questions smiley - winkeye

hello people

Post 5

The Fallen Angel (bloke form Altair Prime wishes to meet single female from Achenar 6d apply within)

Sorry to interupt but you were talking about red dwarf in I think that is one of the best comedy shows on telvision. I think that series 7 was ok but series 8 im sorry to say is the worst out of the lot of them. series 4&5 we re the best and I thaght that "the Inquisitor" was realy good thanks for listening (or not as the case may be)

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