Journal Entries

The Phone Box

Today I have been thinking (please add your own joke about this, cos it is obvious). I have been thinking about the human race and how we don't stop to think. If you were to look at a phone box what would you see?
Well most people would answer with "a phone box", and while this is true but when I would say that you would see something truely amazing you would laugh at me. But it is an amazing thing that we all take for granted. Let me take you though it.
First of all you have the shape, which is metal and plastic stuff which is made into the shape of a box by someone. Then theres the door, a simple hinge, but greatly effective! Then the phone, truely amazing. You simply put in a small round metal token which then gives you a limited time to communicate over sometime vast distances! Now that is a great piece of equipment if you ask me, but is so much taken for granted as we have planted them everywhere, and no one seems impressed because there is new stuff been made all the time.
This for me is the perfect example of how the human race does not really care about its achivements. We are powered by greed for more and more, we never stop to think what we have done and how great it is.
As we get more technolgy we destroy the world a bit more and think that we are more then animals and should not follow laws of nature. The world is already overpopulatted, maybe it is just time to stop and think about things, and look at the phone box for inspriation.

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Latest reply: Apr 24, 2000

Easter Holidays!!

Today is saturday, and is the start of the two weeks I get off for the easter holidays at college!!!! And to get it off to a great start I stayed in bed until 2:15pm! Lovely!
There is only one problem, I am now the proud owner of a cold! Maybe not proud then, but I do have it, and it is very harsh. I don't know why colds where made by God(if he is real) because they are absoulty useless. They just keep going round and round, just making people feel a bit iffy and have trouble breathing, but altogether not enough damaging to make it a valid reason to get time off anymore!
The other thing to annoy me today is the fact Man Utd won 4-0 against Sunderland! Soon they will have won the premiership, which is very bad because I hate them! I am a proud Liverpool and Grimsby(well got to give your local team some support!smiley - smiley) fan. Liverpool of course the most succesful team in english football, and one of the most in europe, but people forget that when there is so much money involved now!! well Liverpool will win again next season!
To finish today I would like to just add my remberrance for the 96 people that died in the hillsbrough disater 15 years ago today(15th April 1989) The match was between Liverpool and Nottigham Forest in the FA cup semi-final, but it was abandoned 6 minutes into the game. All football games observed a minuate silance at 3:06pm(the time) which was a good thing. All I can say is:
You'll never walk alone

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Latest reply: Apr 15, 2000

My First Day

Ok then, my first entry to my journal! I'm all excited!
So now I am a researcher for the earth edition, its cool stuff!
I can not wait to have look though the guide and see what other people think of life. I can't wait to make my first addition either! should be fun!!smiley - smiley
So I should just say what has happened today, but theres not much to say! To all those who know me, and go to Grimsby College I will say I had an aplogy of Lee Jones today! smiley - smiley made my day! Speak to me to find out more!
Well I am going to end this first entry, it wasn't much but the next will improve, so lets just watch!!

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Latest reply: Apr 10, 2000

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