This is the Message Centre for Hannah (Adrasteia, not fully human yet, but almost)

Hi bluebottle!

Post 21

Hannah (Adrasteia, not fully human yet, but almost)

I know your a nice guy, that's the first thing you told me.
You said you have a nice fac.smiley - smiley
I'm sorry you and Sarah are on different universities, but at least it seems to be very serious if you are still togheter.
Graz isn't big either, but since Austria isn't big it's the second biggest city in Austria.
I always thought animals are getting wiser the older they are, but my cat's getting more and more stupid.smiley - sadface

Hi bluebottle!

Post 22


Hello again Hannah!
Thanks for all the e-mails, don't worry, I'm going to reply to them all as soon as I've caught up on all I've missed.
So, what have you been doing this week?

Hi bluebottle!

Post 23

Hannah (Adrasteia, not fully human yet, but almost)

Mainly keeping my parents from killing my cat, because she peed on the carpet.
It was a quite boring week...

Hi bluebottle!

Post 24


I'm sorry to hear that... smiley - sadface
But if you have dull weeks it means you enjoy the exciting ones more. Yep, I'm an eternal optimist!
BTW - I think we should move the conversation to:
as it's a little crowded here.

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