This is the Message Centre for Hannah (Adrasteia, not fully human yet, but almost)
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Hi Hannah!
Alon (aka Mr.Cynic) Started conversation Apr 10, 2000
Hi Hannah and welcome to h2g2! I hope you enjoy your time here! I see you've written an introduction and chosen a nicname - a great start. If there's anything else you need, don't hesitate to ask me, or any of the other ACEs at . And yes, your insight into cats was rather enlightening.
Remember, feel free to ask any questions,
Hi Hannah!
Jimi X Posted Apr 10, 2000
Yes, hello Hannah!!
You'll find h2g2 to be a friendly place. Feel free to pop by my page some time. (or not! ) If you find yourself really stuck, stop by Peta's page at She is the community editor and is responsible for helping out anyone in distress (she's a real superhero).
If you are a fan of Douglas Adams (and many here are) check out his homepage at
Have a and a
from me!
- Jimi X
Hi Hannah!
Alon (aka Mr.Cynic) Posted Apr 10, 2000
If only good old DNA did something but write a Guide Entry every few weeks and then disappear. Oh well, I guess he has better things to do .
Hi Hannah!
Bluebottle Posted Apr 10, 2000
Hello Hannah, I hope you don't mind, but I'd like to welcome you to. And to chat, even if you don't have any problems or things you're panicking about etc, and would just like a friendly fac, erm no, voice? no, that doesn't work either. Hmm - ah yes, friendly words. If you'd like someone with a friendly typing style, I'm here to chat to. As are them lot, Mr Cynic and Jinx.
If you don't like the look of us, then you can meet other people to talk to at the "Beach"
but well, I hope to see you around!
Hi Hannah!
Hannah (Adrasteia, not fully human yet, but almost) Posted Apr 10, 2000
Thanks for your message, you're really nice. I hope you don't mind, my English really isn't good. Thanks for your nice welcome. At the moment I don't have many things to panic about, except that my sister is pregnant and everybody seems to have a boyfriend except me.
But anyway, do you have something you're panicking about? You seem to be pretty cool.
hope to see (or read) you soon
Hi Hannah!
Hannah (Adrasteia, not fully human yet, but almost) Posted Apr 10, 2000
I'm sorry I haven't already written back, I had to help my mother with the houseword. I already enjoy my time here, it's such a great place!
I don't have any questions at the moment, but if I have some, I'll ask you.
I hope your day is as great as mine is. (thanks to you and all the other h2g2 members)
Bye (loves and hugs)
Hi Hannah!
Bluebottle Posted Apr 10, 2000
Thanks for saying we're nice. I try for friendly, myself, but Nice seems to be more of an achievement.
Anyway, I find your English to be very good so far - much better than mine. I meant to write "face" earlier, but it came out as "fac" .
I'm glad that you've little to panic about, and I must admit that I'm not panicking about anything at the moment, luckily. I wouldn't worry too much about not having a boyfriend yet - even I don't have a boyfriend yet. (Not that I want one) And I was 19 before I had my first girlfriend, all those many years ago....
Well, actually it was only 364 days. 1 year anniversary on Wednesday!
Hi Jimi X!
Hannah (Adrasteia, not fully human yet, but almost) Posted Apr 10, 2000
Hi Jimi X!
Thanks for your message. h2g2 is a really nice place!
Of course I'll visit your page! I just hope I find it, because I'm not that familiar with everything yet.
Have hugs and fishes from me!
Hi bluebottle!
Hannah (Adrasteia, not fully human yet, but almost) Posted Apr 10, 2000
Congratulations to your anniversary!!!
Where are you from?
I'm from Austria. Hope you don't stop writing because of this. But I'm not even allowed to vote yet, and I'm no racist at all. I want to become an artist when I'm grown up.
I don't worry to much about not having a boyfriend, he's got to be special so he's worth to wait.
Hi bluebottle!
Bluebottle Posted Apr 10, 2000
Hello Hannah!
Did I forget to say "hi" earlier??? Hope not!
I'm from the Isle of Wight, England, although I'm staying in Southampton at the moment. Where abouts in Austria are you from? And of course I won't stop writing if you're from Austria!
How old do you have to be to be able to vote? In the UK it's 18.
Hi bluebottle!
Hannah (Adrasteia, not fully human yet, but almost) Posted Apr 10, 2000
I'm from Graz, the same town Arnold Schwarzenegger is from!
I think you have to be 19 (or 18, I don't know)
I fourteen years old, so I still have some time to think about it.
Why are you staying in Southampton?
Hi bluebottle!
Bluebottle Posted Apr 10, 2000
The same town as Arnie? That's impressive! Is it a big town?
As for me, I'm in Southampton because that's where I'm at university.
Yes, it's that ghastly "what do you want to be when you grow up" question! So, what do you want to do in your life? Me, I don't know.
Hi Hannah!
vegiman:-) Posted Apr 10, 2000
Thank you for answering and making our day
catcha on your return
Hi bluebottle!
Hannah (Adrasteia, not fully human yet, but almost) Posted Apr 10, 2000
What are you studying?
You got to know what you want to do, how did you chose what to study?
Graz has 250.000 inhabitans (no idea how to spell it, I mean people living there).Is Southampton big?
I actually know where it is, I looked it up on a map.
I visited your homepage, I'd like to join your suicide club. (sometimes)
I read your chat about freaks, I don't think you're a freak, you fit in here so perfectly well.
I think I'm a bit of a freak, too.
But since every human is different to all the others, everybody is a freak, isn't he?
I founded with my sister's husband the LOSER CLUB. There were conditions to join the club, but I forgot about it, noone ever wanted to join.
You don't have to worry about being too old, I never met a 20 year old being as mature as he was supposed to be, I mean as long as you are childish it doesn't matter how many years you spent on this planet.
Are you still togheter with that girlfriend you met a year ago?
(I'm just curious)
How long have you already been a h2g2 researcher?
(Hannah isn't a really great nickname, 'cos it's my real, but I like it, why did you chose bluebottle?)
Hi Hannah!
Hannah (Adrasteia, not fully human yet, but almost) Posted Apr 10, 2000
At least he writes guide entries. Maybe he's working on a new book. That would be great, 'cos then I had something to do if my computer finally decides to break down.
(He is considering that at the moment)
I think DNA does a good job!
Hi Hannah!
Hannah (Adrasteia, not fully human yet, but almost) Posted Apr 10, 2000
Hi vegiman!
You are welcome!
Thanks for giving me things to answer and making the sun shine in this little country I'm living in.
Hi Hannah!
vegiman:-) Posted Apr 10, 2000
Ooooo thats nice.
BTW did you know that DNA the writer who is responsible for The Hitch Hickers Guide to The Galaxy may be appearing on tomorrows World on BBC Wednesday evening - If you tune in I'll catch you there
Hi bluebottle!
Bluebottle Posted Apr 11, 2000
Hello Hannah!
I'm a Law student at Southampton University - but I'm not a greedy, selfish person! Honest! As for Southampton, I think it's fairly big. It definately seems it, but as I'm from the Isle of Wight, everywhere would seem big to me . But it is one of the world's biggest ports, so I'd assume it was big.
Yes, Sarah and I are still together. I've actually known her for ages as we went to the same Middle School and High School, although sadly we're at different universities.
But you're right that as everyone is different, everyone is also a freak to some extent.
I've been on the Guide since the end of May. I chose the name "Bluebottle" as I like the colour Blue, and I also admire Peter Sellers, who played the character "Bluebottle" in "The Goon Show", a radio series popular in the 50s.
Hi Hannah!
Hannah (Adrasteia, not fully human yet, but almost) Posted Apr 11, 2000
Thanks for telling me!
I don't know if we have BBC here, but I'll try to watch it. I'm gonna hold a speech about DNA in school, telling all the people that he's a nice guy.
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Hi Hannah!
- 1: Alon (aka Mr.Cynic) (Apr 10, 2000)
- 2: Jimi X (Apr 10, 2000)
- 3: Alon (aka Mr.Cynic) (Apr 10, 2000)
- 4: Bluebottle (Apr 10, 2000)
- 5: Hannah (Adrasteia, not fully human yet, but almost) (Apr 10, 2000)
- 6: Hannah (Adrasteia, not fully human yet, but almost) (Apr 10, 2000)
- 7: Bluebottle (Apr 10, 2000)
- 8: Hannah (Adrasteia, not fully human yet, but almost) (Apr 10, 2000)
- 9: Hannah (Adrasteia, not fully human yet, but almost) (Apr 10, 2000)
- 10: Bluebottle (Apr 10, 2000)
- 11: Hannah (Adrasteia, not fully human yet, but almost) (Apr 10, 2000)
- 12: Hannah (Adrasteia, not fully human yet, but almost) (Apr 10, 2000)
- 13: Bluebottle (Apr 10, 2000)
- 14: vegiman:-) (Apr 10, 2000)
- 15: Hannah (Adrasteia, not fully human yet, but almost) (Apr 10, 2000)
- 16: Hannah (Adrasteia, not fully human yet, but almost) (Apr 10, 2000)
- 17: Hannah (Adrasteia, not fully human yet, but almost) (Apr 10, 2000)
- 18: vegiman:-) (Apr 10, 2000)
- 19: Bluebottle (Apr 11, 2000)
- 20: Hannah (Adrasteia, not fully human yet, but almost) (Apr 11, 2000)
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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."