[rayna] [julez]

Quick reference: <font color=777777>chick, <font color=dd00dd> psychology major, <font color=1155ff>geek, <font color=33ff33>raver, <font color=ff4444>mediaphile</b>
<a href="http://www.tbp.mb.ca/~julez" >http://www.tbp.mb.ca/~julez">[check out my webpage]</a>
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- I'm Rayna (online nick is "julez"). I'm 22, five-foot-nothing, sexy and cute all in one great package. My passions are listed below, but some side interests are Capoeria, Cherry Coke, strawberries, flowers, Maxim Magazine and Disney movies.
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- I'm a graduate of Collège universitaire de St-Boniface (yes I'm bilingual) here in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. My major was psychology and minor was English. I'm continuing my education by going to Red River College to get a diploma in Creative Communications (mostly likely following the Public Relations track). I'm already looking for universities that offer Masters degrees in Communication. I currently work as Communications Assistant at the Winnipeg Regional Health Authority.
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- I've been "online" for many years now, first on BBSes and then the internet. Before I do anything in the morning, I turn on my computer. Before I go to bed I check my email. I like Monty Python and read Douglas Adams books. Etc, etc, and all other stuff related to being a geek:)
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- I've been going to parties for several years now in the 'Peg. I've been avidly taking pictures at them since '97. Recently, some were published in <a href="http://www.tribute.ca/teen/spring2000/rave_review.htm" >http://www.tribute.ca/teen/spring2000/rave_review.htm">Tribute Magazine</a>, available for free in most movie theaters across Canada!
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I love all forms of media; tv, movies, multimedia, photography, art, literature. I love the way people use these to express themselves. I'm also very intrigued by the way that people use the to communicate and how mass and individual communication operates.

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julez! Nov 10, 2000


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