Journal Entries

My nth day

It's been a while since my first entry and you'll notice that I've been a bit lax. I was bored at work today and thought I'd take a look at h2g2 again to see if it had got any faster. And it had. So I'm all enthused [?] again.

I turned down going to see Bryan Ferry and Van Morrison at Oslo's "Norwegian Wood" festival this evening because I have to work. And now I'm regretting it. Actually, Ferry isn't really my cup of tea, but Morrison would have been good. Still, it's outdoors and it's raining - but that's not a very good excuse.

I did get to go and see Sixteen Horsepower last month and was so impressed I went and bought three of their CDs: "Low Estate", "Sixteen Horsepower", and "Haw" (I think it is). Darn good.

I have now been to five concerts in the last ten years. Hmm...

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Latest reply: Jun 10, 2000

My first day

Reading and came across Douglas Adam's column and then came across his blatent link to h2g2 and now here I am - researcher 114323 (give or take 10000).

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Latest reply: Mar 30, 2000

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