This is the Message Centre for Nonametraveller

The Secrets Of LIfe

Post 21

Monkey Boy

If you could get a nice crisp dry white I'd be pleased!

The Secrets Of LIfe

Post 22

alicat (Patron Saint of Good Taste)

smiley - smiley Would a riesling be OK? I love white wine, as well. smiley - smiley

The Secrets Of LIfe

Post 23


Let me introduce you to chardonnay,however if it does not meet with your approval you may enter the cellar and take your pick,it is nearly all there.
Thank you for your kind compliments Ali although i fear they are not entirely justified,you have put a smile on my face.
sorry for the delay in answering by the way i seem to of been having download problems this week and combined with being fairly busy it didn't give h2g2 much chance.

The Secrets Of LIfe

Post 24

alicat (Patron Saint of Good Taste)

Oh, no, I love chardonnay as well. I'll even drink sparkling wine. I'm the antithesis of a connosuer. (i'M SURE THAT'S NOT RIGHT. smiley - smiley lol) smiley - smiley I'm sure you don't care. The company is what is important. smiley - smiley I hope you're still around. smiley - smiley


The Secrets Of LIfe

Post 25


You are perfectly correct of course,the company is all that counts and i assure you sweet Ali that although my visits may be sporadic and brief at times ,i will be around here for a long time to come
nonamesmiley - smiley

The Secrets Of LIfe

Post 26

Monkey Boy

Hello Alicat. Long time no speek. You lost your toungue then?

Love ya


The Secrets Of LIfe

Post 27

alicat (Patron Saint of Good Taste)

I have been looking for you, MB. We have a lot of catching up to do. smiley - smiley

Love ya right back.


The Secrets Of LIfe

Post 28


What better way is there than over a bottle of wine....cheersmadears..

The Secrets Of LIfe

Post 29

alicat (Patron Saint of Good Taste)

Cheers, Dears. Noname, I've been hoping for a guided hike through Africa. There must be wonders that the rest of can only imagine. It was fun sharing my walk with everyone. My dogs are sitting on either side of me right now, waiting to go to the canal. I seem to be missing everyone. It's funny, how the people I am closest to are people I can't see. You get to know what's in the minds of people, and to know their true being. smiley - smiley More wine? smiley - smiley

The Secrets Of LIfe

Post 30


Yes please Ali...fill her up.
I know i am rather slack i know....i will take you for a walk through the bush,i should of done it before now.In my defence i have been rather occupied in real life,but to be honest the main reason i have been so scarce in here lately is because of the speed of getting is soooooooooo slow,sometimes after about five minutes it comes back with error blah blah balh,so i end up not coming in at all.
Be warned though ,it is one of my passions and once i start talking about it i tend to go on forever!!! a matter of fact i am intending taking a few days up there in the next week or two so i will write a journal and post it to you....hows that

The Secrets Of LIfe

Post 31

alicat (Patron Saint of Good Taste)

That would be better than perfect. smiley - smiley I know what you mean about how slow this is. My homepage was unavailable yesterday!

The Secrets Of LIfe

Post 32


Its doing it again,i have just come in and was intending to stay for a couple of hours but when it is so slow it is just not fun.It seems that you are around at present Ali,well if you are and you notice that i disappear ,you know why.I need to start getting down to some work on a new entry anyway.I will try one or two more forums but if it stays the same....well...i'll speak to you next time.

The Secrets Of LIfe

Post 33

alicat (Patron Saint of Good Taste)

I hear you. smiley - smiley I saw you were still on-line when I popped in here. There are a lot of people on again. I'm going to send you an e-mail when I give up here. smiley - smiley

The Secrets Of LIfe

Post 34


Hey there,it really is a bummer when it is like this hey?....
I gave it up and went and sent a few mails off.Right now i am waiting for an MSN from one of my little nieces,so i popped back in(or should i say pppppooooooooppppppppppppppppeeeeeeeeeeeeeeedddddddddddddd in very slooooooooowly) to see if things had improved,but they have not so i'm gone.I will look forward to your e-mail and answer it tomorrow.
Take care

The Secrets Of LIfe

Post 35

alicat (Patron Saint of Good Taste)

I don't know if you're still around. Your last entry says 11 minutes ago, so I may have missed you. It really is too bad that things are so slow here. smiley - sadface

The Secrets Of LIfe

Post 36


Questa la vita...i left immediately after my last posting i am afraid ali,it is too bad when it is so slow....although i would say i am a patient man in most respects,i am not prepared to sit and wait ten minutes for every little thing that i want to say.It seems to get worse as the weekend draws near.

The Secrets Of LIfe

Post 37

alicat (Patron Saint of Good Taste)

Yes, and during the day, I imagine the American's are really tying up everything. I got you e-mail and it's wonderful. Now it doesn't matter how slow it gets here, we can just go to html. smiley - smiley I just go t back from the canal. My Dad gave me my Mom's car when she died in 93. It has taken a severe beating since then. The dogs tore the driver's door apart and now the power windows don't work. It's like an oven, with 2 dogs panting on your neck. I drive down backroads with my door propped open. It's crazy. smiley - smiley

love ya,


The Secrets Of LIfe

Post 38


Sorry about your mom Ali.
Without wishing to sound too flippant i am sure she is sitting uo there having a good old chuckle everytime you go out in the car though sound s
Yes,i will check my mail a bit later and reply if there is anything there.This morning i am heading off down to Sandton Square,it is a nice Italian style square,upmarket ,where i am going to sit outside and have a nice breakfast and read the papers before i do some shopping and pick up a book that i ordered a while ago.

The Secrets Of LIfe

Post 39

alicat (Patron Saint of Good Taste)

I'm also sure my Mom is watching, and thinking "If only they'd had computers in my day." smiley - smiley

The Secrets Of LIfe

Post 40


I wonder how many folk are sitting up there looking down ,shaking their heads ,chuckling or whatever and saying to themselves, in my day....or ...bloody idiots,look at them

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