Journal Entries

WL Fr 6 Jan 2006

Up nice and early, and at the PC by about 6:30 am to make final
changes to the documentation and to test the Excel. The Excel works
fine. Documenting is more problematic because the project brief
instructs me to use a prescribed sequence of headings and subheadings,
and many of these represent different states of the project that occur
in succession. This is not relevant to sections of a document which
all exist at the same time and will be read after all the work is

I e-mailed all the files relevant to the project to Bernice, just in
case that is helpful.

Out to Staples to get my project document comb-bound (£1.44 for one
comb binding of a 20-sheet document! I hope the unit rate is less for
greater quantities.) then back to the Police Station crossroads and up
to APU to hand my work in to Rachel.I also handed over a floppy with
the files in, just in case. (The project brief did not say in what
form these files had to be handed in.)

Time to relax from this course a bit, and catch up on the things that have had to take a back seat this past week or two!

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WL Th 5 Jan 2006

This is ridiculous; I can't let a gripe about toothbrush-buying stay at the top of my journal!

At last I steeled myself to actually get on and /implement/ this
Word-Excel project that I'd been worrying at over the last few days. All right, ever since returning after the Xmas break, to be honest. The deadline is tomorrow!

Why has it taken so long? Part of the reason is that, as Bernice
says, we are not expected to write any VB. Recording Excel macros was
part of the syllabus; VB is not (not even VBA). When programming is by
macro, the design process descends down to individual keystrokes. that
is what I had been worrying at over the last few days. You must be
extremely careful when recording a macro because the slighteset
mistake can be disastrous, and there's no way to "edit" the macro
(although you can always look at the VB it generates and edit that).

I checked with Staples: yes, they do comb-bind documents.

The task was even worse than I expected because a few things I
expected to work in macros don't, so I spent some time thinking of
different ways to achieve an effect after finding that the previous
attempt to achieve it had failed. In one case, I resorted to VB, but only because doing it straightforwardly in a macro failed smiley - grr and there seemed no other way. smiley - wah

At last, to bed knowing that I have broken the back of this task and little else needs to be done tomorrow morning.

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WL Fri 30 Dec 2005

My Colgate toothbrush had been playing up these last few days, and has given up the ghost. The problem is not in the batteries, so I need a new brush head. Today, there was snow on the ground but no snowfall. I wore denim skirt and ordinary shoes, but, given the rain we got later, nylon skirt and hiking boots might have been better!

The Colgate toothbrushes and separate heads I found have a bigger brush head than I'm used to. (Why did they replace the design that worked perfectly well?) I expect that would be worse at getting into awkward spots (e.g. right at the back, or the inward sides of teeth where the tooth line curves) and make it more likely to make me gag. In the end I bought a whole new Wisdom brush. It has a 2-minute timer, but that is no use to me. As much paste as can be put on a brush head without it falling off when the brush head rotates lasts less than 2 minutes' brushing.

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WL Tue 27 Dec 2005

P and S-J had intimated earlier that they wanted to go shopping today. Today, it became apparent that everyone wanted to go shopping except me, so I ended up coming along so as not to be the only one in the house. In Matalan, I bought a grey pair of leggings from the men's section and a size-10 black long-sleeved top from the women's section. I scanned the women's section for plain long-sleeved tops that would go with either my purple velour skirt or (for more formal events such as ML events?) a sheeny black skirt. Unfortunately I found none. They had purple leggings but the shade is an unattractive one and in any case doesn't match anything I have.

There was snowfall briefly early today, including when we had just arrived at the shopping centre.

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WL Mon 26 Dec 2005

Today's outing was a walk round a nearby reservoir. The weather was cold and cloudy but dry. Here was an opportunity to win in a situation similar to one 2 years ago where I had lost. The former was the walk round Venta Icenorum on a day where, in the morning, before leaving the house, I was in my light cotton circular skirt. M said that I shouldn't wear that as I would be cold. A skirt was inappropriate anyway (as P indicated, in a needlessly direct way). Here, though, I was among people who accept me in a skirt. I wore my thickest tights and my casual skirt. We did an anticlockwise circuit of the western part of the reservoir, crossing the causeway near the start of the walk. Even though it was cold and windy, some hardy souls were fishing or sailboating on the western part of the reservoir. (Not on the eastern part, where, it seems, such activity is not allowed.) My skirt did not make me too cold; in fact, if anything, it was my hands that were too cold, despite my warm gloves (a present from Mum last Christmas).

That evening, S-J and M were at canasta as I battled unsuccessfully with a rather hard crossword from my Guardian book. S-J remarked that canasta is less good for 2 (you need to hold 15 cards). I suggested that one of them teach me, then I could join them in a threesome (canasta plays better with 3), but in the end never got that game.

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Latest reply: Jan 2, 2006

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