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I can't believe that I am approaching my third decade and I am just now getting the chickepox. You think I would have been smart enough to get them as a child. Nooooo. You think my folks would have been clever enough to stick me in a play-pen with a bunch of infected little brats. Nooooo.

Every inch of me is covered in these awful spots. I feel like some Sci-Fi monster. "Come Poxula - it is time to terrorise the Villagers - MWAH HA HA!". I'm not one to complain normally, but I think I would rather shave my head with a cheese grater than have these itchy little freekin' buggers on me for another day.

Well, back to my oatmeal bath.


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Latest reply: Jul 19, 2000

Stampede - Yee Haw

Yee -haw! It is July and Calgary (Canada) is gearing up for its world famous Stampede festival. Although the origins of the event are in Calgary's Wild West heritage, the festival is more than just Cowboys and Cowpatties. There is some serious fun to be had here.

The rodeo events include chuck-wagon racing, bull riding, calf roping and all the rest. There are also several bands performing at all hours. Besides that there is a ton of other trouble you can get yourself into.

Don't forget the beer tents, the free breakfasts, the corn-dogs and those great little doughnuts.

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Latest reply: Jul 3, 2000


Breadmakers are an excellent buy if you are like me and having bazaar yuppie nesting urges. I recommend that you add some sour cream and vanilla extract to your sweet breads - yum.

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Latest reply: Mar 27, 2000

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