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your quiz

Post 1


so how long did it take you come up with that potential girlfriend quiz?

i just did it for the sheer curiosity. is 62% a good result?

though i have to admit i didn't much like a coupkle of your questions. what exactly does how many times a week i go to church have to do with it in your view?

your quiz

Post 2


Can't remember how long it took to be honest. I did it a few years ago when I was playing around with java script.

62% is about average. Some people have got up in the high 80's.

How many times a week you go to church has a lot to do with it in my view. I am not religous at all, and don't go to church. So a religous nut who goes to church every day is highly unlikely to be an ideal match for me!

your quiz

Post 3


well i cvan see what you mean about the religious nuts. i think they would scare me, and i only go once on a sunday and to a housegroup on a wednesday. would i freak you out then?

your quiz

Post 4


Not really. Maybe if your life revolved around some non-existent (IMHO) deity then I would be a bit worried.....

your quiz

Post 5


good to know you're not about to run screaming from me here. and you've no reason to. i'm not in the habit of worshipping coffee machines or stone statues or big pink butterflies.

your quiz

Post 6


To be honest one of the things that really annoys me is that dating church-goers messes up your weekends.

If you want to go out somewhere for the day on Sunday, you can't go until after lunch because they have to go to church in the morning....... so that's half the day wasted.

My personal opinion is that the leaders of a religion use it as a tool to please their desire to control. While conversely, the followers of religion use it as a crutch to support their life, simply because they are not strong enough to cope with the thought that they are in control of their own path and that there really isn't an all-seeing being looking after them.

your quiz

Post 7


i take it you've met a few people who've put you off "religion" then?

i just hope you give me and others a chance to prove that we're not all power-obsessed maniacs or sad and needy people.

your quiz

Post 8


Not specific people, just a general observation.

your quiz

Post 9


that's quite scary. and sad that you've been given such an impression.

would anything change your mind?

your quiz

Post 10


Well, that's difficult to say without specific examples. Nothing that I know right now would change my mind, because if I did my mind would already have been changed..........

Maybe you can come up with some suggestions?

Some background to help you: I'm an astrophysicist and I know that the Earth wasn't created by God in six days. I'm also happy in the knowledge that once I'm dead then that's it. I don't need to believe in some sort afterlife to help me cope with that fact.

your quiz

Post 11


well i'm trying to think of things here. but to me it's not something that i can argue with you intellectually.

i know of lots of people who believe that there is a god, but just don't want to do anything about it, if that makes sense.

while i don't know a lot about other major religions, i think that for all of them, just simply believing in a god isn't the thing - it's faith.

to be honest, it's difficult to know what to say since you say you don't have any fear or worries about dying.

but i will say that maybe when the earth was made, maybe it wasn't in 6 days as we understand days. the bible doesn't go into how god did it, and as far as i'm aware, science hasn't explained what caused the big bang and all that. from what i understand, many scientist reseaching this sort of thing are christians and say that the more they study it, the more they are convinced of a higher power.

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