This is the Message Centre for Taoist at Large


Post 1

Taoist at Large

The first thing to master (as much as somthing like this can be mastered) is attaining a state of P'u. this is not 'pee you' as in pepe la, but rather like Pooh as in Winnie-the, with a little 'ah' put in the middle.

The Chinese charicters stand for tree/wood, and uncut. In simpeler terms it is the uncarved block. A state of natural, simple, plain, honesty. Simpel mindedness. This does not mean stupid. The idea is to give up the preconceptions in your thoughts, eliminate the unwanted chatter of ideas, and look at everything for the first time. with your mind clear you can be the uncarved block, and let the universe shape you into what it needs for the day.

For those of you with a Christian bent, try this prayer: "God, today I am yours to mold, yours to shape. Let me be what you need me to be today, let your will guide me."

The Tao is (in my opinion)like God's will for everything, including the rocks, and the trees. Not just for ourselves. By becoming the uncarved block every morning, we are open to let the universe (God if you will) shape us to do for it what it needs us to do. We gain faith that it will use us for good, and are fated to do good by the faith we give.

It sounds simple, but getting rid of your own preconceptions, fears and prejudices is much of what this calls for, that can in itself be hard. Even if you must at some point love your enemy.

There is more, but I'll save it for later -- giving some examples from my own personal experiance, and other sources. For now just contemplate what has been said.

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