This is the Message Centre for ted.tfl3.113713

What is your favourite colour???

Post 1



No Blue! AAAahhhh!

What is your favourite colour???

Post 2

Ming Mang

Calm need to panic...count to 10...
Visit the conversation 'No Subject' in the Don't Panic forum. I would give you a link, but I can't remember it...

Mine's an indigo-y-violet-y-sort-of-colour.

Hi there ted.tfl3.113713, I got curious from our meaningless ramblings on philosophy and non-existence and stuff, so I came over to say Hi! Hi! And, (dare I ask) I'm sure you get loads of people asking this, but why ted.tfl3.113713? I'm Ming 'cos of my meaningless and useless saying 'Ming Mang'... Betcha wanted to know that!

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What is your favourite colour???

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