This is the Message Centre for Alien

Alien: Get ready to March!

Post 1

Irving Washington - Gone Writing

You've volunteered to float besides the floats in the H2G2 Parade. I've set up a page for all the marchers at this site

Just thought you'd like to drop by and see smiley - winkeye


Alien: Get ready to March!

Post 2


Great, thanks!! Liked the music... smiley - smiley *Floats happily listening to the marching music.*

About the Space Float - when the picture of the float is ready, is all you need that picture sent to you?? Some floats seem to have their own pages with the picture and Damogran even has the list of all people on the float in it...
How does it work??

Alien: Get ready to March!

Post 3

Irving Washington - Gone Writing

Floats should in fact have their own pages. With a list on anyone on the float (even those not graphically depicted on the float can be listed smiley - winkeye ) I could even set one up for you if you get the float to me a bit early. But all the info is on the Parade page.


Alien: Get ready to March!

Post 4


I did read the Parade Page earlier but didn't quite get it anyway... smiley - smiley But now I guess it's all clear... I'll just have to create a float page and start collecting people on it... And hope that the picture is ready in time... smiley - smiley

Alien: Get ready to March!

Post 5

Irving Washington - Gone Writing

I'd like to have it by April 26, if possible. It just gives me time to set everything up.


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