This is the Message Centre for Alien

Re. Space Centre

Post 1


Hello... me would very much like to be involved in this new project of yours... ~grin~... tell me how... what do you want doing... me is a cat of infinite charm... ~grin~

Re. Space Centre

Post 2


Oh great!! Someone to help me!! smiley - smileysmiley - smileysmiley - smiley I just created a new entry for the center - - it's kind of unfinished... That's why I was looking for people - firstly to know if anyone's even interested and secondly to let the creative people around here tell me what do include in it... smiley - smiley But umm... Good suggestions welcome!! smiley - smiley And since you are the first to show interest in this project - would you like to be a - what's that word in English -- *damn those dictionaries - they're never around when you need them...* -- I mean like Garius Lupus And Af-whatever (too difficult to remember... smiley - smiley ) are with the snow cannon? A partner? Can that word be used like that? Anyway, let's get something done!! smiley - smileysmiley - smileysmiley - smiley

Re. Space Centre

Post 3


Yes me would love to be a partner... ~grin~... me would be very proud in fact...

Re. Space Centre

Post 4


Ah, so you know about Crater Labs, Inc. Or you've at least heard of our little toy that we use to fund the Lab's experiments.

Crater Labs, Inc. would be very interested in assisting with launches to and from this site. We have our own UFO that we take out for joy rides, so transporting people and/or cargo back and forth from the lab wouldn't be too much trouble.

Also, you might want to see if the crew of the Esirpretne (I think that's how you spell it) is interested. Our ship is pretty good, and it might make a good flagship vessel. Interested?

(BTW, the neam's Afgncaap5. Here's a trick to remember it: if you like anagrams, it should be obvious that the name means Ageless, Faceless, Gender-Neutral, Culturally Ambiguous Adventure Person. I am, of course, none of these. It's just a little joke I picked up from somewhere)
smiley - smiley

~Afgncaap5, the self centered

Re. Space Centre

Post 5

Blatherskite the Mugwump - Bandwidth Bandit

Granted, this project is also still in its infancy, but it may help to draw renters down the road (or down the wormhole, I suppose): It's a project where I'm collecting advertisements to social clubs such as your station.

Re. Space Centre

Post 6


Hey... we would love a little advertisment... the more people who join in the fun... ~grin~... the more fun there be...

Re. Space Centre

Post 7


I see Greebo already has answered to you, but I'll say it again: Any advertisement would be very welcome, thank you for the offer!! smiley - smileysmiley - smiley

Re. Space Centre

Post 8

Blatherskite the Mugwump - Bandwidth Bandit

Yes, well... um... thank you for your support...however... uhh... shouldn't you... you know... write the ad? Just visit the page, follow the directions, and all will be well. smiley - winkeye

Re. Space Centre

Post 9


Aha... as writing... me had better leave that to the senior partner... he's much better at such things... ~grin~

Re. Space Centre

Post 10


So it isn't an automated process? Forgive me, I must have read that page with my eyes closed... I'll be heading there... smiley - smileysmiley - smiley

Re. Space Centre

Post 11

Blatherskite the Mugwump - Bandwidth Bandit

I could write everyone's ads for them, but for two reasons:

1) That would be work.

2) I may not represent your club the way you would like. That's why I insist that the club managers be the one to write the ad. They formed the group, so they know how best to represent it.

Re. Space Centre

Post 12


Yes, I understand... Especially the first point... smiley - winkeye
But anyway, there's some kind of ad on your page now... Go and see... And add... Please! smiley - smileysmiley - smiley

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