Worldwide Social Development.

My name is: 'Joseph Robert Neil James' - My family and friends often refer to me as Robert - At 71 years of age, I am a retired Great Grandfather with seven Granchildren and one Great Grandchild.

My wife Margaret and I have been married to each other since March 28th - 1958.

From twelve years of age I have been interested in 'Worldwide Social Development' and have since 1984 written and published a free eBook titled; 'Marriage of Mind and Body', which is in both exe and Pdf formats.

My eBook is based on a physical experience I received during the years 1981 to 1984 and complements my Interest in 'Worldwide Social Development' and working with a pendulum.

To learn more about me and to download my Free eBook just type in a search engine, my full name: - 'Joseph Robert Neil James'.

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An ACE G'day jrnjames .... Mar 13, 2008


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