This is the Message Centre for U11127613

Don't Panic, help is at hand AdamWeavers

Post 1


First of all, welcome to H2G2, the living, breathing encyclopedia of Life, The Universe and Everything (You'll see those words banded around a lot here, trust me on this smiley - winkeye)

My name is Aximili, and I am an Assistant Community Editor, which is basically a posh name for 'a person who helps new people (Newbies, if you prefer) get to grips with this site'. If you've looked around here before, you'll know how big and confusing it can be, so it's nice to know there's someone there to lend a friendly hand. I should know, I was new oncesmiley - laugh. If you haven't had a good look around yet, what are you waiting for? Everyone around here is really nice, so just dive in smiley - smiley

If you just want to take things slowly, may I suggest you take a peek at <./>A317459</.>. That'll give you some idea of what you've got yourself intosmiley - winkeye.

If you want to get right into the thick of it, you could do worse than looking around two of the busiest areas of HooToo (a pet name for H2G2) </.>Askh2g2<./> and </.>MiscChat<./>. Good for finding interesting answers when you need them. Then again, if you're bored, the <./>GamesRoom</.> is always a good place to kill a few minutes/half an hour/an hour/a few hours (Adjust this for your attention span and boredom levelsmiley - winkeye. )

(Keep with me, here, we're almost done, I promise)

You could also check out my colleague Feisor's Hints and Tips for New Researcher's page at A719840. Another handy page full of useful tidbits.

If there's anything else you want to know, or if you just fancy a chat, click the 'reply' button below this message and let me know. That's what I'm here forsmiley - winkeye

And now, I'm going to leave you with two of the most sensible and comforting words in the cosmos to remember whenever things bring you down:smiley - dontpanic

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Don't Panic, help is at hand AdamWeavers

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