And suddenly, he was here.

Right, right well, lets see what I can think of off the top of my head here. Hmm. I'm an American, by technicality, not by narrow mindedness. Also, because of this, it is currently 1:30 A.M. right now, and as you can imagine, that may have some effect on my current writing. Also, I spell colour without the U, and think the the standard system of measurement, though I do understand the metric system. Meter = one ten millionth of the distance from the north pole to the equator or something like that. I can't remember, but I'll figure it out sooner or later. What's with the name? Who knows? But it looks cool. Other things that people need to know? I consider myself mildly smart. I tested for an IQ of 162, which was pretty decent comparative to my locale. I'm also extremely sorry to the rest of the world. Forty nine percent of us did everything we could. I think that everyone should just get along, and all that stuff. But violence makes me laugh. I ramble, I rant, and I write. I hope to be a contributing member of the h2g2 Society. I forever mourn the Death of Douglas Adams, and have sworn to always keep a towel handy no matter what in his honor. You know, just in case...

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