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Married PSG

I am now married to Unconformity and it is rather wonderful smiley - smiley Though it caused a very busy monthsmiley - biggrin

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Latest reply: Sep 6, 2006

Yes, I am still around...sort of

I have been very busy at the moment and this is the first online time I have had in a while...and I have to rush off again

I hope everyone I know is ok and things are going well, hopefully I will get chance to reply to some posts soon.

Must dashsmiley - sadface

Researcher PSG...smiley - run

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Latest reply: Nov 26, 2005

Well how thigs change...

...I have a graduate job, I am with Laura and very happy smiley - smiley

...when she isn't correcting my web surfing smiley - grr

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Latest reply: Aug 17, 2005

You know the thing about expectations... that they quite often lead to disappointments.

Now that I have you hooked, on with the journal.

Recently I have been absent due to a holiday with Unconformity and some of her friends, which was interesting. It was also fun, but lets lead with the 'interesting' points. I was supprised how annoying it was to not be in full control of what I did or where I went on a holiday, though I was unsurprised to find that being up a mountain would give me a panic attack. The second point was down to a rubbish local map that was not in English giving the people leading me the impression that the top of a mountainy bit would lead to a gentle, vertico friendly, decent back to the height of normal people, when it didn't. It instead lead to a rather undignified panic and coming back the way we came before more panic and complaining on the longer, but still substantially hair raising decent.

Now for the good bits...I spent a lot of time with Unconformity and saw some nice valleys and got some good weather, so overall I have some good holiday memoriessmiley - smileysmiley - smileysmiley - smiley

But now down to the expectation point...or is it more like hope? Either way, I had some expectation of getting things finally sorted out so I could be living with Unconformity in the same place and possibly decent jobs on the horizon...this has not materialised yet, and is still very much in the distance. So I have to go back again to my rubbish temporary job and with Unconformity staying somewhere else smiley - sadface

Right, that should bring you all up to date, hope everyone I know has been getting on well here and hopefully we will get chance to chat at some point.smiley - smiley

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Latest reply: Jun 26, 2005

Running out of time


You may have noticed I have not been around much, this is because I have not had much time to be around smiley - sadface Thanks to the commute to and from work I have not time in the week when I am conscious enough to go online.

There are more positive aspects to my abscence though. I have a wonderful girlfiend who I love, who I like to spend my weekends with if I can.

So basically, I have no time. Sorry...

...and if anyone has time to finishe of an entry on Jonathan Creek just drop me a line and we can talk about it.

Researcher PSG

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Latest reply: Dec 18, 2004

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Researcher PSG

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