This is the Message Centre for Percy von Wurzel
In your absence
broelan Started conversation Apr 3, 2005
In the event you should happen by one day and wonder what's gone on while you were out, here's the Cliff Notes version:
Pin submitted your Ethelred tale to the Alternative Writing Workshop, where it was seen by several Underguide Miners who liked it enough to nominate it for inclusion to the <./>Underguide</.>. Once picked, it was given to a Gem Polisher (me ) to be polished up for the <./>FrontPage</.>.
I haven't made any changes to your work, save for the addition of our logo and a link to bring it in line with our Underguide Guidelines. You can see the polished version at A3855729. Sometime in the next few weeks this version will appear on the Front Page in the Underguide slot .
In your absence
vonwurzel Posted Apr 27, 2007
Fame at last. I thought was the better story, but I'm not complaining!
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In your absence
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