This is the Message Centre for Loosus Naturae


Post 1

Dancing Ermine

Hi welcome to h2g2, we like to say a personal 'hi' to everyone that's new to the community. I see you have already written a guide entry which is one of the points of the guide. But we're also here to have fun. Most of this is done in the forum conversations that form the middle portion of your page.

When you post a message in a forum, it turns up on the right hand column, and when someone replies you can see how recent it is and choose to reply back. This way you can have a lot of conversations, even with multiple people, at the same time. Though it can get confusing then. For example, if you reply to this I will be notified on my own page and can answer you.

You can post a message in any forum by just hitting the reply button to one of the entries. Most people won't mind but you are always especially welcome in the communal areas such as the pub on:

Or the beach at:

If you need help for anything just ask here or go to the ACEs (Assistant Community Editors) homepage at:

You might also like to put a welcome message on your homepage, even if it's just advertising your own work. Researchers will often have a look at your page to find out more about you. It's nice to have something to read. Have a look at any of the other researchers pages for inspiration (their names link you directly to their pages) or even have a look at mine, though I warn you it's changing in the next couple of days. It can be found on

Hope to see you around smiley - smiley

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